1945 Registered and Express letter to Prešov, franked with. 3 stamp. Pof.354, 355, 356 with special postmark in red color Return of President home/ KOŠICE 3.IV.45, censorship mark, incl. certificate of mailing
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters sent to Košice, 1x Registered and Express letter, on reverse franked with. str-of-3 + pair stamp. Košice-issue 2 Koruna, Pof.354, provisional postmark HUMENNÉ 19.VII.1945, open from 3 sides + 1x Reg letter with Pof.354 in str-of-3, provisional postmark POPRAD 1/ 7.VII.1945, envelope cut
1945 comp. 2 pcs of usual letters with Košice-issue 2 Koruna, Pof.354, 1x with provisory cancel. POST ÚRAD (off.) ORLÍK 24.VII.45 + 1x with CDS KOŠICE 1/ 6.VIII.45; both letters folded
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters, 1x Registered and Express letter to Žilina, franked on back side mixed franking Košice-issue 2 Koruna, Pof.354 and 2 stamp. War Heroes 10h, CDS BRATISLAVA 23.XI.45 + Registered and Express letter in the place, with mixed franking of stmp Pof.354 and 4 stamp. Bratislava-issue, CDS NOVÝ SMOKOVEC 13.VII.45 + 1x Reg letter in the place, with mixed franking of stmp Košice-issue 2 Koruna and 7 stamp. War Heroes, CDS KOLÍN 9.I.46
1945comp. 7 pcs of letters, from that 5x as Registered with CDS POST ÚRAD (off.) LUBICA, POPRAD, BRATISLAVA, from that 2x letter with from miniature sheet, franked with. mainly stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, 1x mixed franking; good condition, interesting
1946 Express letter franked with. mixed franking 3 issues, Košice 9K + Bratislava's 2x 50h and on reverse London-issue 2x 20h, provisional posting POST ÚRAD (off.) ..., supplemented with date stamp 26.Feb.46, on reverse fragment arrival CDS BRATISLAVA; 2x vertical fold
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow 5h-2K, comp. of 6 marginal vertical str-of-5 with registry dagger + value 5h marginal block-of-4 with omitted L vertical perf, on/for sticky side light stains; interesting selection of, it is worth seeing
1945 Pof.385VV, Moscow 1 Koruna red, block of four with lower margin with omitted the bottom horiz. perf + 1x omitted perforation hole; cat. min. 7.000CZK
1945 Pof.387, War Heroes 5h blue-grey, block of 4 with right margin from gutter (!); originally horiz. 4-stamp gutter as pair, right blok of 4 is glued; exceedingly interesting also as research material, catalogues don´t report
1945Pof.387 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 5h, block of four with upper margin and inverted comb perf; specialist hledané(!), small tearing in upper margin, c.v.. 10.000CZK
Pof.487VV, 3Kčs K. Gottwald carmine, type II., upper corner blk-of-4, both stamp. in R column significant incomplete-printing picture of stmp - missing part numeral value "3" and both small zero (!); thin/light vertical fold in paper, c.v.. Pofis this interesting flaw at all doesn't report, here for the first time in auction
1949 Pof.504, Šverma 1Kčs, complete counter sheet with plate variety 1/33 wavy line on forehead and DV1/54 vertical line on forehead, vert. fold, in/at sheet with both errors/flaws exceptional
PLATE PROOF Pof.514, B. Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from roku1934 (at that time Un), without nominal value and with original y. in/at upper corners picture of stmp, comp. 3 pcs of PLATE PROOF in colors light green, dark green and black, on/for papers without gum; interesting, finální stmp Pof.514 also with
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, B. Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure prepared to 50. anniv of death this skladatele, in brown color, in/at upper corners else/yet with original y. "1884" and "1934"; on/for yellowy cardboard paper 16x22cm
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, B. Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from y 1934 (at that time Un), in black color on yellowy paper in form miniature sheet, without nominal value and with original y. in/at upper corners stamps; on reverse owner's mark
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, B. Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from roku1934 (at that time Un), without nominal value, in/at upper corners else/yet with original y. "1834" and "1934"; comp. 4 pcs of PLATE PROOF in colors ultramarine, dark blue, violet and brown, on/for papers without gum; interesting
1949 PLATE PROOF plate proof unissued stmp to 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, comp. 4 pcs of corner blk-of-4 in/at green, orange, blue and grey-black color on stamp paper with gum, author A. Holý
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.531, J. V. Stalin, value 1,50Kčs, plate proof - print original gravure in red color on yellow paper without gum, vertical pair with upper also bottom margin from PB; c.v.. Pofis PLATE PROOF on yellow paper without gum doesn't report (!), interesting
1949 TCP Pof.532, J. V. Stalin, value 3Kčs, trial printing - print of the original gravure in carmine color on yellow paper without gum, marginal vertical pair with PB margin; upper TCP damaged, after all interesting