1945[COLLECTIONS] Pof.381-386, Moscow-issue - registry dagger, semifinished collection 94 pcs of mainly bloks of four and stripe with margin and napichovými dagger, various folder, all in/at one stockbook A4
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection screensheets and MS, more contains 80. years, contains outside other almost complete Art Pof.1574-76, 1578, miniature sheet Congress for Peace and life unnumbered, Pof.A2597B, imperforated miniature sheet Svoboda, Pof.2175 etc..; cat. over 11.500Kč, placed in 2 superb ring folders
1952-80 [COLLECTIONS] 8-sheet album with 75 bands, blocks, parts sheets and sheets with dates of print (for example. Pof.2060 PA1, 2182 PA2, 2400 fluorescent paper No.1); in addition blocks with catalogue plate variety from this period; only catalogue varieties outside date min. 1.900CZK
1930-80 [COLLECTIONS] selection of much hundreds pieces entires mainly from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., part Czechoslovakia I., but also Austria also other country, total 5kg of material in/at one box
1945-2000[COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / Czech Republic / SLOVAKIA big selection of tisíců pieces entires mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., contains various franking mnohých issue, various p.stat etc.., major part from surplus businessman and part remainder specialized collection, much item/-s saved in/at covers, more than 12kg mateiálu in big box, suitable to other sale, profitable offer - volací price zlomkem values, definitely it is worth seeing!
1945-89[COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of entires franked with. souvenir sheets, i.a. miniature sheet Praga 1962, Pof.A1216, FDC with Bartzislavským miniature sheet, 3 pcs of philatelic entires with Košice miniature sheet and other as imperforated Paar, 2x mourning miniature sheet A. Zápotocký, Gottwald, Hradčany, May revolt, BRNO 46, Guernica, PRAGA 62 etc..
1945-90[COLLECTIONS] more than 1000 pcs of various entires, contains lot of items with přiležotstnými postmarks, air-mail entires, air-mail postal stationery covers, balloon mail, provisory from y. 1945-47, Slůužební, Doplatky etc..; all in/at one larger box, interesting selection of
1945 CDV75A, Bratislava's issue picture PC 1,50 Koruna, sent as Reg, uprated by. 5 pcs of stamp. Bratislava issue 50h and 2 Koruna, CDS PIEŠŤANY 27.VI.45, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 1.VII.45; good condition
1962 stationery CHP1 Heron, with signature and with printings holubičky of author design/sketch of Cyril Bouda, special postmark Prague/ PRAGA 1962, Un, unfolded
1945 CAZ3, Slovak recording address card Tiso 50h uprated with stamp Tatra 50h both stamp. with red overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, Un with CDS from favor BRATISLAVA 2/ 21.VI.45; good condition
1945-65 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Us also mint never hinged mainly pictorial post cards, incomplete issue Slovak overprint, Defenders of Peace, complete set Mining 1951, Zápotocký - Beauties of Our Homeland, Spartakiad 1965 etc..; good condition