Public auction 42 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Revolutionary Overprints 1944-1945

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159767 -  FRENŠTÁT P. R.  selection of revolutionary overprints on
FRENŠTÁT P. R. selection of revolutionary overprints on 10 values in blocks of four, supplemented with 7 pcs of bloks of four with shifts and opt inverted
Starting price: CZK
159512 -  KATEŘINKY  comp. 15 pcs of German výpatních stamp. A. Hi
KATEŘINKY comp. 15 pcs of German výpatních stamp. A. Hitler. with black overprint, only value 12Pf with flaw gum
Starting price: CZK
159503 -  KYŠPERK - LETOHRAD  complete set issue II black overprint
KYŠPERK - LETOHRAD complete set issue II black overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 23 pcs of values postage stmp A. Hitler. and 2 values St. Vitus
Starting price: CZK
158989 -  MODŘANY  emergency newspaper hinge / label 30h, 80h, 1,20
MODŘANY emergency newspaper hinge / label 30h, 80h, 1,20 Koruna and 4.20K, 1x vertical same facing 2-stamps gutters and 1x ditto opposite facing gutters + LOTTERY TICKETS BÍLEK, horiz. opposed gutter; rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
159515 -  MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ  complete set 27 pcs of stamp. BOHEMIA-
MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ complete set 27 pcs of stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with black overprint, 23 pcs of postage stmp A. Hitler., 2 pcs of Smetana, 2 pcs of St. Vitus
Starting price: CZK
159765 -  NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M.  complete set of 19 values stmp with ove
NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M. complete set of 19 values stmp with overprint in blocks of four, by/on/at 4 values overprint also in lower margin
Starting price: CZK
160422 -  OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp
OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, all values incl. 120h blue with anulací round hole in printing block
Starting price: CZK
158942 -  LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet
LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in black color, on paper with gum, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158943 -  LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet
LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in red color, on paper with gum, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158945 -  LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet
LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in blue color, on paper with gum, interesting
Starting price: CZK
160201 -  LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet
LIBERATED PRAGUE 10K, unissued imperforated miniature sheet in/at blue, red and black color, on paper with gum; all 3 variants, interesting
Starting price: CZK
158955 -  PRAGUE  Lion Breaking its Chains, design V. Preissiga on/fo
PRAGUE Lion Breaking its Chains, design V. Preissiga on/for revolutionary stamp., 8-známkový printing sheet in red color on white paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
158956 -  PRAGUE  Lion Breaking its Chains, design V. Preissiga on/fo
PRAGUE Lion Breaking its Chains, design V. Preissiga on/for revolutionary stamp., 8-známkový printing sheet in/at carmine color on/for greyish paper without gum, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
158957 -  PRAGUE - HROM A PEKLO   Lion Breaking its Chains, design on
PRAGUE - HROM A PEKLO Lion Breaking its Chains, design on/for revolutionary stamp., 10-známkový printing sheet in red and black color on paper without gum, with pin hole
Starting price: CZK
159766 -  PRAGUE Preissig, Lion trhající swastika, design on/for re
PRAGUE Preissig, Lion trhající swastika, design on/for revolutionary stamp., 8-známkový printing sheet, red color on chalky paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
159509 -  PROSTĚJOV  type II., complete set with INVERTED (!) red ov
PROSTĚJOV type II., complete set with INVERTED (!) red overprint on/for Newspaper stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 9 values, 4 stamp. with flaw in gum
Starting price: CZK
159508 -  PROSTĚJOV  complete set with INVERTED (!) black overprint
PROSTĚJOV complete set with INVERTED (!) black overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 23 pcs of values postage stmp A. Hitler.; only value 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna with flaw gum
Starting price: CZK
159506 -  PROSTĚJOV  complete set with INVERTED (!) red overprint on
PROSTĚJOV complete set with INVERTED (!) red overprint on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 23 pcs of values postage stmp A. Hitler.; only value 1 Koruna and 2 Koruna with flaw gum
Starting price: CZK
159511 -  SVITAVY  comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with black overprint, 14 pc
SVITAVY comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with black overprint, 14 pcs of German postage stmp A. Hitler., 1x 12Pf official
Starting price: CZK
159764 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  rare big collection revolutionary overpr
1945 [COLLECTIONS] rare big collection revolutionary overprints on/for Bohemian and Moravian and German stamp., contains ca. 170 various lokací (!) i.a. FALKNOV, CHOMUTOV, HLUBOKÁ, HORAŽĎOVICE, CHOTĚBOŘ, JAROMĚŘ, KOLÍN, LEDNICE, OSTROV, LOMNICE, 2x miniature sheet PRAGUE, PŘELOUČ, VIZOVICE, ZDICE SVITAVY etc.., total more than 3.500ks stamp., 36 pcs of letters, 7 PC - incl. issue SLAVKOV, 4 pcs of first day sheets, all on 62 album pages in spring folder, stamp. on/for labels, very nice, long years budovaná collection!
Starting price: CZK
159761 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection revolutionary overprints and
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection revolutionary overprints and issue, total 530ks stamp., mainly overprints on Bohemian and Moravian stamp. from places as HULÍN, VESELÍ N./M., VIZOVICE, HOLEŠOV, KYJOV, ŽDÁNICE, PLZEŇ, MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, MIROŠOV, ZAŠOVÁ etc., on German stamp. HRÁDEK N. N., RUMBURK, supplemented with issue as SLAVKOV, BUČOVICE, newspaper MODŘANY etc.., all on 46 album pages
Starting price: CZK
159763 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection revolutionary overprints on/f
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection revolutionary overprints on/for Bohemian and Moravian also German stamp., contains total 514zn from more than 30 various destinations i.a. KOJETÍN, PROSTĚJOV, PRAGUE - HOLEŠOVICE, BĚLČICE, OPAVA, JEVÍČKO, FRÝDEK, ROVENSKO P. T., SUDSLAVA etc.., all placed in one stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
159768 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 1.100  pcs stamp. with
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 1.100 pcs stamp. with revolutionary overprints, various lokace as ŽAMBERK, SVITAVY (inverted overprints, FRENŠTÁT P. R. (blocks of four with shifts and opt inverted), CHEB, miniature sheet PRAGUE, issue BUČOVICE (memorial printing sheet + plate proofs), LIBČICE, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, HULÍN, OTROKOVICE, PRAGUE Preissig (block of four), newspaper ROVNOST (2x printing sheet) etc..
Starting price: CZK
159762 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of entires and first day lís
1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of entires and first day lístů, placed on 19 pcs of album sheets, contains 19 pcs of letters, from that 6x Reg letter i.a. from places as SADSKÁ, KOSTELEC N. O., OKŘÍŠKY, ŘÍČANY, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, POLNÁ etc.., 4 pcs of first day sheets NOVÉ MĚSTO N. M., PARDUBICE, SUŠICE etc.., supplemented with 6 pcs of cut-squares
Starting price: CZK