Public auction 42 / Philately / Europe / Austria / Prephilately

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161892 - 1770, 1801 letter from Prague with rate 4Kr paid by recipien
1770, 1801 letter from Prague with rate 4Kr paid by recipient from 1770 and letter from Chlumec nad Cidlinou, rate 6 Kreuzer, post. notice "v. Chlumetz"
Starting price: CZK
161891 - 1770 letter from Germany (Heiligenstadt, 3. 8. 1770) address
1770 letter from Germany (Heiligenstadt, 3. 8. 1770) addressed to Koenigswarth en Boheme (per) Eger, (to Kynžvart in Bohemia, via Cheb), carried first to Cheb, here paid marked porto 8Kr notice "Fr. (Franco) Eger" and sent to Kynžvart, at the back instruction for postmaster in Žandov (Sandau) "per Expressum zu befördern", to carry this mailing immediatelly; the oldest known letter "per expressum" instead "cito cito", in addition from abroad, exceedingly interesting and rare!
Starting price: CZK
161836 - 1808 folded letter from Pöchlarn (Austria) to Neuburg in Ba
1808 folded letter from Pöchlarn (Austria) to Neuburg in Bavaria, notice by brown raddle "ER 24/6" , L lower note. "per Linz", "Angrenzung"; interesting entire, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
161894 - 1821-1823 2 letters with cancels V. CARLSBAD, letter to Kaut
1821-1823 2 letters with cancels V. CARLSBAD, letter to Kauth (Kout na Šumavě) redirected with marked general porto 8Kr to Klentsch (Klenčí); then copletely paid Reg letter by sender with remark "nota bene"
Starting price: CZK
161898 - 1826, 1828 Reg letter of unusual vert. format with cancel. V
1826, 1828 Reg letter of unusual vert. format with cancel. V: HORAZDIOWITZ, nota bene, porto 6/4Kr and redirected; then letter with line "writing " cancel Horaždiowitz, porto 10Kr, to Munich, notice "frei Grenze", small format; two attractive entires
Starting price: CZK
161900 - 1828 letter from Nový Jičín, cancel NEUTITSCHEIN, sent fr
1828 letter from Nový Jičín, cancel NEUTITSCHEIN, sent from headquarters of the 12nd Feldjäger Bataillon, note. "14kr Ard." porto in value 14Kr paid by recipient, weight 1/2 Loth
Starting price: CZK
161896 - 1829, 1840 2 letters to German Wertheim, both completely pai
1829, 1840 2 letters to German Wertheim, both completely paid by sender in advanced, rate 12Kr and 8+6kr, cancel V.Mies and Mies FRANCO with remark of postal agency "Hayd"; attractive entires in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
161899 - 1831 2 Reg letters with cancels V. PILSEN, from that 1x enve
1831 2 Reg letters with cancels V. PILSEN, from that 1x envelope, attractive small formats
Starting price: CZK
161905 - 1832, 1834 2 letters with cancel MILLIN, pmk black and brown
1832, 1834 2 letters with cancel MILLIN, pmk black and brown (!), usage of these cancels is rare and often missing in collections
Starting price: CZK
161902 - 1834 2 letters from Mohelnice, cancel Müglitz line small, s
1834 2 letters from Mohelnice, cancel Müglitz line small, small format, at the back notice 20g; other letter with cancel with larger characters, addressed to Austrian Horn on k E. Lažanská
Starting price: CZK
158931 - 1835 whole letter incl. content with red cancel PRAG + FRANC
1835 whole letter incl. content with red cancel PRAG + FRANCO (catalogue Votoček. 1863/18.) addressed to mayor of Písek, at the back whole unbroken seal; small format, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
161835 - 1835 folded letter to Slavkov, black round cancel HRADISCH (
1835 folded letter to Slavkov, black round cancel HRADISCH (Vot.C63=90b); good condition
Starting price: CZK
162048 - 1836 money letter for 228Kr sent from Brno to Montenegro, li
1836 money letter for 228Kr sent from Brno to Montenegro, line decorated CDS BRÜNN 23.Apr., at the back commercial oval pmk, seal in good condition seal
Starting price: CZK
161446 - 1838-50 3 folded letters, from that 2x off. Express ex offo,
1838-50 3 folded letters, from that 2x off. Express ex offo, 2x oval cancels KREMSIER and LANDSKRON, 1x line blue cancel GRULICH; good condition, nice print
Starting price: CZK
161897 - 1839 letter with cancels V. MOLDAUTHEIN, paid only half port
1839 letter with cancels V. MOLDAUTHEIN, paid only half porto with remark "Ex offo Judiziallem Gegenstand", rare pmk
Starting price: CZK
161903 - 1840-1850 3 Registered letters from Prague, 1x to German Sch
1840-1850 3 Registered letters from Prague, 1x to German Schweising, cancel PRAG and RECOMANDIRT, once red and blue, all letters with porto paid in advance by sender, nice small formats
Starting price: CZK
161831 - 1840-49 10 pre-philatelic folded letters from Bohemia and Mo
1840-49 10 pre-philatelic folded letters from Bohemia and Moravia, i.a. cancel. blue line STERNBERG; black LEITMERITZ; LITTAU; JAEGERNDORF; ZNAIM, round MANETIN etc.; good quality
Starting price: CZK
161832 - 1840-49 10 pre-philatelic folded letters; i.a. cancel black
1840-49 10 pre-philatelic folded letters; i.a. cancel black line PIRNITZ, NEUDORF, blue POTTENSTEIN etc.
Starting price: CZK
161904 - 1846-1849 2 letters with cancel PILGRAM, black with printed
1846-1849 2 letters with cancel PILGRAM, black with printed date 30. 12. and additional FRANCO; and rare blue with by hand written date 13.3.
Starting price: CZK
161901 - 1847 letter with straight line postmark PLAN, addressed to I
1847 letter with straight line postmark PLAN, addressed to Italian Venice to duke Louis de Windischgrätz (at that time rookie in Austrian marine), porto 12Kr, small format, arrival postmark VENICE
Starting price: CZK
161266 - 1848 pre-philatelic letter sent from Rychnov to Trója with
1848 pre-philatelic letter sent from Rychnov to Trója with return receipt, posting line blue cancel REICHENAU/ 27 Jänn/ Recommandirt/ Franco., supplemented with text "franco gegen Retour Recepise"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161833 - 1848 folded pre-philatelic letter with blue oval cancel MÄH
1848 folded pre-philatelic letter with blue oval cancel MÄHR. OSTRAU 19.2.48 (Vot.B4=50b), line FRANCO
Starting price: CZK
161893 - 1848-1849 2 letters from NEUERN (Nýrsko), cancel NEUERN FRA
1848-1849 2 letters from NEUERN (Nýrsko), cancel NEUERN FRANCO and the same in addition with RECOMANDIRT, handwritten notice Nota -Bene
Starting price: CZK
161834 - 1849 folded letter to Mikulov, with black oval cancel WEISKI
1849 folded letter to Mikulov, with black oval cancel WEISKIRCHEN AN MAHRN (Vot.C53=120b); good condition
Starting price: CZK
161442 - 1851 official Express ex offo folded letter with line black
1851 official Express ex offo folded letter with line black cancel BUDIN 14/1, Vot.270/3, at the back arrival LIBOCHOVITZ; luxury print
Starting price: CZK
161951 - 1798-1867 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting compilation of 22 lette
1798-1867 [COLLECTIONS] interesting compilation of 22 letters, i.a. also better cancels, for example JAUERNING FRANCO REGISTERED, LISSA B., BLATNA, GRATZEN, V. CASCHAU, KETSCHKEMET, OREBICH and oths.
Starting price: CZK
162165 - 1830-52 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of more than 40 prephilat
1830-52 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of more than 40 prephilatelic letters and receipts with various interesting postmarks, i.a. REICHENAU, HUMPOLTZ, ČZASLAU, KOLLIN etc.; placed on exhibit sheets with descriptions
Starting price: CZK
161454 - 1830-60 [COLLECTIONS]  compilation of 57 pcs of pre-philatel
1830-60 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 57 pcs of pre-philatelic and official folded letters and 8 pcs of receipts with cancels of postal offices from Bohemia and Moravia, i.a. blue TEPLITZ, blue U. HRADISCH, BRANDEIS, blue HOHENMAUTH, IGLAU in oval, LUDITZ, frame SAAZ, BUCHAU, red EGER, oval ZNAYM, DEUTSCHBROD, CŽASLAU, MELNIK, NIKOLSBURG, blue PARDUBITZ, NEUHAUS, PROSSNITZ, BUDWEIS, blue CHRUDIM, KROMAU etc.; all in spiral folder
Starting price: CZK