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1847 2 pcs of receipts, posting and return blank form with blue straight line postmark SCHELLETAU; light fold, nice print U:A5
1848-83 9 receipts, 8x straight line postmark PETSCHAU, HOHENMAUTH, STERNBERG blue, ZDALNEK, PAUERNIG, LITTAU, MORKOWITZ 1x thimple postmark KRONSTADT IN BOHEMIA 14/12 83; good condition U:A5
1850-58 comp. 11 pcs of receipts and releases for telegram with print line cancels - HAÝD, B.TEINITZ, HORAŽDIOWITZ, STRAKONITZ, PLAN, TYRNAU, MIES, RAADEN; good condition U:A5
1852 Request sheet (Nachfrageschreiben), blank form sent as Registered with straight line postmark BOSKOWITZ + REGISTERED, supplemented with circular cancel. ZDOUNEK and LUNDENBURG; good condition U:A5
1871 Carriage note - with imprinted revenue 5 Kreuzer, issue 1871, CDS KŘETIN 22/7; vert. fold and small tearing in margins U:A4
1871 Freight sheet - Carriage note, pink blank form with imprinted revenue 5 Kreuzer issue 1871, straight line postmark OLMÜTZ; horiz. fold U:A4
1873 Return receipt franked with 6th issue 10Kr blue, Mi.38, CDS PRAG KLEINSEITE 31/5 73; good condition U:A5
1886 Return receipt franked with 7th issue Eagle 10Kr blue, Mi.47, CDS ROKITNITZ 10/10 86; good condition U:A5
1906 Anweisung - receipt for return telegram, German blank form with imprint D.S.Nr.768 Deutsch (Auflage 1904) on pink paper, issued with CDS FREUDENTHAL IN SCHLESIEN 25/1 06; folds, rare blank form U:A4
1916 request sheet for parcel (Nachfrageschreiben) with issue 1916 20h Franz Joseph + 5h Crown, CDS ROUDNICE 29.XII.16, parcel was sent to Feldpost 5; only folds U:A4
1916 request sheet for parcel (Nachfrageschreiben) franked by mixed franking issue 1908 10h and 1916 15h, CDS PŘEPEPŘE 9.XII.16, parcel was sent to Field-Post 75; strong folds U:A4
1917 Telephone card, green blank form D.S. Nr.869 without paid fee with official cancel K.u.K. MILITÄRBERGBAU SCHÖNFELD with mailing CDS SCHÖNFELD B. PETSCHAU 10/1 17; good condition U:A5
1918 commercial letter-card of "Úrazová dělnická pojišťovna" with flat-rate postage, MC PRAGUE 1/ 9.VIII.18, presentation cancel. of "Obecní úřad" in front; complete margins, sound condition U:A5