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1903 BAAR Henry Simon (1869-1925), important Czech poet and writer, catholic priest, representative realismu and catholic moderny, autograph on pohlednici+ signature VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav; toned, after all exceedingly interesting U:A5
1938 BEZRUČ Peter (1867–1958), important Czech poet, handwritten letter with signature Vladimír Vašek U:A4
1899 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and writer, handwritten 4 pages letter with signature; cross fold, otherwise good condition U:A5
1984 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999) Czech writer, vedoucí scout divisions, B/W photo big format with signature U:A4
1975 CHRISTIE Agatha (1890-1976), světoznámá English authoress kriminálních and detektivních příběhů, autograph on paper slip; interesting U:A5
1938? KOŽÍK Francis (1909-1997), Czech prose-writer and dramatist, portrait photo postcard from young years with whole signature; on reverse hints after sticking, otherwise very fine U:A5
1935 MACHAR Joseph Svatopluk (1864–1942), Czech poet, prose-writer, satirik, publicist and politician; autograph on portrait postcard; on reverse hints of mounting, otherwise very fine U:A5
1938 MIKOLÁŠEK Oldřich (1910-1985), Czech poet, editor National newspapers, autograph on strojopisném letter editors LN U:A4
1938 NEZVAL Vítězslav (1900–1958), Czech poet and writer; typed letter with signature, interesting content reflektující napjatou předválečnou atmosféru; dirty on/for margins, after all interesting U:A4
1938 POLÁČEK Charles (1892–1945), Czech writer, humorist and journalist; delivery order with signature; very rare, small tearing U:A4
1903 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), Czech writer, handwritten 2 pages letter smaller format with signature; good condition U:A5
1925 STAŠEK Antal (1843–1931), one's own name Anthony Zeman, handwritten letter with signature; cross fold, stains U:A5
1862 SVĚTLÁ Karolína (one's own name Johana Rottová) (1830-1899), Czech authoress, představitelka generace májovců považována after/behind zakladatelku Czech vesnického románu, handwritten 2 pages letter with signature; rare manuscript U:A4
1924 ŠRÁMEK Fráňa (1877–1952), Czech poet and writer, handwritten 2 pages letter with signature; interesting U:A4
1895? VIKOVÁ-KUNĚTICKÁ Božena (1862–1934), Czech nacionalistická politička and authoress, photo with full signature; good condition U:A5