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1940 BOXING NEKOLNÝ Francis (1907-1990), pioneer Czechoslovak boxu, signature on photograph U:A5
1933 FOOTBALL photo postcard brankáře Slávie Francis Pláničky with his signature and signatures other players, Us Ppc without stamps U:A5
1937 FOOTBALL postcard Wien (Vienna) with signatures important footballers sports club. Slavia Prague, i.a. Pepi Bican, Francis Plánička, Anthony Puč, Vodička, Kopecký etc..; very interesting ganging signatures, good condition U:A5
1932-48 FOOTBALL comp. 13 pcs of Ppc from tours Czechosl. football clubs and representative mužstava Czechoslovakia written to same addressee with signatures of players, i.a. match France - Czechoslovakia 1946, Austria - Czechoslovakia 1947, Čechie Karlín - Morocco 1947, Sparta - Turkey 1948, Bohemians - Tunis 1947 and other U:A5
1946 HOCKEY postcard from Davos with signatures of players from first mezistátního hokejového match Czechosl. national team after/around ending WWII., i.a. Vladimír Zábrodský, Bóža Modrý, Wenceslas Roziňák, Stanislav Konopásek, Trousílek, Kus etc.., members this national team were in 1950 in terms of vykonstruovaného operation odsouzeni after/behind spying and velezradu in/at so-called. kauze "Případ Modrý"; very interesting, very good condition U:A5
1936 HOCKEY postcard from Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 with signatures kompletního hokejového týmu, i.a. Peka, Boháč, Maleček, Troják, Cetkovský, Ulrich etc..; very good condition U:A5
1988 PRIBILINEC Joseph, Summer Olympic Games in/at Soulu - winner in/at chůzi on/for 20km, stamp miniature sheet on paper slip, below tím text and signature U:A5