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1968 BERNSTEIN Leonard (1918-1990), světoznámý American conductor and composer, portrait photo from y 1968, with autograph, sought! U:A5
1936 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945 in C.C. Bergen-Belsen), important Czech painter, writer, photographer, graphic artist, illustrator, author words "robot", brother Karel Čapek, handwritten written PC with signature, sent from Oravského Podzámku; filling holes in margin U:A5
1924 DUŠA Ferdiš (1888-1958), Czech graphic artist, painter, keramik, member club/association Hollar, handwritten letter with signature U:A5
1893 DVOŘÁK Antonín (1841-1904), Czech composer, one of the most famous composer of all time, handwritten text - acknowledgments and signature on last sheet of score of Mass D-dur, written in English with pencil: "Mr. Tours, you have done your work very well! and entirely to my satisfaction, Many thanks to you, New York 24.1.1893 Antonín Dvořák", this is acknowledgments to Berthold Tours (publ., composer and impresario) for arrange of Dvořák's famous "Mass D-dur" for concert in London, written in time of work on 9th Symphony "From The New World", extraordinary manuscript from Dvořák's best period; definitely unrepeatable offer! U:A3s|
1890? FIBICH Zdeněk (1850-1900), one from greatest Czech musical skladatelů, representative romantismu, signature on cut-square; mounted on paper slip, interesting U:A5
1937 FIRKUŠNÝ Rudolf (1912-1994), Czech pianist světového meaning, composer, autograph below B/W photos in passe-partout; very good condition, size 28x38cm U:A3s|
1938 HÁBA Alois (1893-1973), important Czech composer, in world prosluly svými mikrointervalovými (mikrotónovými) skladbami, handwritten text on/for postcard addressed to to editors publ. Čin U:A5
1935? KOCIAN Jaroslav (1883–1950), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer, autograph below uměleckou photos; size 27x37cm U:A3s|
1971 KOKOSCHKA Oscar (1886–1980), Austrian painter, illustrator and graphic artist, exhibition poutač in/at Art Nouveau style, for anniv. exhibition in Vienna, on carton paper 36x33cm with reproduction Kokoschkova autoportrétu, R at top autograph "Oscar Kokoschka 8. 6. 71 "; very rare signature this slavné personality and quite rare and decorative objekt! U:A0
1900 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), important Czech violinist and composer, autograph on back side own tinted photo, atelier Maloch; bumped corners, partially rozlepeno, after all very interesting U:A5
1940 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1992), Czech painter and graphic artist, Us Ppc with Christmas wish with autograph U:A5
1935 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, signature on memorial postcard Mikulov to unveiling of memorial tablet master; good condition, interesting U:A5
1933? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, signature on own photo postcard, atelier Drtikol!; good condition U:A5
1933? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, signature on own photo postcard, atelier Langhans; very good condition U:A5
1935 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, interesting comp. of 3 photo postcard from přípravy picture song on/for World exhibition in Paris 1935, 1x handwritten wish with signature Zdeně Táborské, which/what spolupracovala with champion on/for production picture + 1x signature on postcard + 1x postcard with text Zdeny Táborské; exceedingly interesting kontext, exceptional offer U:A5
1938 MUSATOV Grigorij (1889 – 1941): Czech painter Russian origin, handwritten written PC sent from Paris with pozdravem and signature U:A5
1944 RABAS Wenceslas (1885-1954), Czech painter, krajinář, graphic artist, card with text and signature, sent to V.Poláška, tajemníka Art forum Prague, text in the context of production U:A5
1930 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator; handwritten text with signature on Ppc; very good condition U:A5
1925 ŠPILLAR Charles (1871-1939), important Czech painter and graphic artist, Professor on/for Uměleckoprůmyslové school in Prague, portrait photo postcard with signature; on reverse hints of mounting, otherwise very fine U:A5
1901 ÚPRKA Franta (1868–1929), important Czech sculptor, signature on postcard, then other signatures, i.a. Otila Úprková etc.. U:A5
1966 VÁVRA Otakar (1911-2011): Czech film film director, scenárista and pedagogue, handwritten written congratulation with signature and additional-printing printings of Cyril Bouda U:A5
1942 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), Czech painter; handwritten written PC with signature U:A5
1974 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), Czech painter; autograph on paper slip + inserted color photo from studio; interesting U:A4
1950 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), Czech painter; autograph on back side catalogue to his exhibition; interesting U:A4
1943 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), Czech painter; handwritten text "...pozdravy from líbezného district vodňanského...." and signature on postcard from Vodňan U:A5
1935 MUSIC postcard with signatures skladatelů also musical kritiků, i.a. J.B. Foerster, Z. Nejedlý, O. Jeremiáš, H. Thein, A. Nordenová, J. Plavec, J. Bartoš etc..; interesting U:A5