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1840 SG.2, Penny Black, black, 2x, plate 1b, letters T-I with red Maltese cross, perfect piece + plate 2, letters S-E with black Maltese cross; in upper corner close margins, but above upper margin "horizontal guide-line", cat. £750 U:A5
1841 SG.2 (3) and SG.7 (3), cut square with 6x 1P, 3x Penny Black plate 6 and 3x Penny Red plate 1b (print from plate 6 terminated in January 1841, last Penny Black from this folder meet on post offices wit Penny Red in January 1841, in circulation from 10. 2. 1841), except one piece all with wide margins, black cancel Maltese cross; in addition letter to Hamburg and cut square, franked with two strips of 3, resp. strips of 6 SG.8 1P red-brown, all originates from one estate, evidently from same correspondence; 2-stamps combination of Black / Red are very rare, our 6-stamps multiple color combination is probaly the unique rarity U:DR
1840 Mi.2b+c; SG.5-6, comp. of 2 stamps 2P, blue on cut-square and light blue, plate 2, letters G-D and S-B, full to wide margins, once exp. Dietrich, black Maltese cross, once LONDON "broken points", perfect condition, cat. Gibbons £1750++ U:A5
1841 SG.13, 2P blue, horizontal str-of-7, letters LB-LH, numeral cancel "284"; irregular margins, cat. min. £1.240, nice multiple U:A5
1841 SG.14, 2P light blue and blue, strips of 7 and 9, plate 3, lettered LB-LH and JB-JJ, numeral cancel of Scotch type 284 and 131; nice complexes, only 1x fold, various margins, cat. estimated for £4.000 U:A5
1847 SG.54, 1Sh light green; at top vertical crease in the "line", black cancel 366, corner piece!, cat. £1000 ++ U:A5
1867 SG.117, 1Sh green plate 4; very nice piece with original gum, cat. * £975 U:A5
1880 SG.121, 2Sh brown; with repairation of thin places at the backside, light cancel, standard quality, cat. £4.500 U:A5
1883 SG.137, 1£ orange, marginal piece, wmk "anchor", with Opt SPECIMEN T 11; very light oblique fold, nice quality, hinged on the edge, stamp with original gum, unusual overprint type, exp. Roig, cat. * £4.500, for ** + ca. 50%, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1880 SG.151, 1Sh orange brown, light fold and new gum; cat. * £4.750, rare unused stamp! U:A5
1880 SG.154, 4P grey-brown, plate 17; very nice piece * £2.800 U:A5
1884 IMPRIMATUR SG.177, 10Sh ultramarine, lettered DE, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; close margins, nice piece, certificate RPSL, cat. £6.250, very rare stamp, only several imprimatur prints on the market! U:DR
1890 SG.181, 5S crimson, blok of 6, white paper, perfect complex with nice circular date cancel MANCHESTER TELEGRAPHS; outstanding block in rich deep color, certificate Eichele (Basel), cat. £2.000 ++ U:A5
1882-1901 SG.O16, Official, Opt I. R. OFFICIAL £1 green, complete small oval CDS ACCOUNT BRANCH PO GLASGOW; perfect quality, certificate R. Domini, exp. Diena, superb piece, cat. £3375++ U:DR
1850 envelope sent from London to Prague paid by cash, tied with red maltese cross O.C.S. 4.Ju. 1850, at the back round cancel PRAG 8./Jun.; good condition U:A5
1855 letter with SG.62, 4P carmine, wmk "small band", CDS WARRINGTON and arrival WHITEHAVEN; cat. £750, miniature envelope 55x65mm, very attractive entire! U:A5
1862 SG.66, 2x - once marginal piece and SG.40 3x, on letter of very small format sent on to Brit. embassy in Athens (!), CDS LONDON, interesting mixed franking, good destination and perfect condition, two stamps SG.40 placed over margin of the envelope, cat. Gibbons min. 320£ U:A5
1900 fiscal usage of 2 stamps Queen Victoria 1p, Mi.65, on copy of document from 1900, supplemented with seal, format A3, folded; good condition U:A4