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1880-1881 SG.12A, Queen Victoria 1P "maroon" - brownlila, wmk CC "sideways" crown right; split in low right corner, overall very nice piece of this 2nd most expensive stamp of Gambie, printing SG.12A+SG.12Aw was only 990 pieces!; certificate BPA, cat. £1.700, (is known, that her "sister" SG.12Aw, "sideways" crown left with cat. £2500, is for example only 1x in famous Tapling collection and only 1x in Brit. Royal collection), also our SG.12A is very rare stamp! U:A5
1880 SG.12Bw, 14cBw, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC, 1P violet red and 3P dull ultramarine, both with inverted watermarks, very nice quality, cat. £255 U:A5
1880-1881 SG.14a, 18a, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC "sideways" 3P and 6P; also wmk CC in normal position ½P (in addition pair), 1P (in addition pair); 2P, 3P, 6P and 1Sh several small flaws, very nice quality, cat. £1140 U:A5
1887 SG.32d, Queen Victoria 6P olive green, gently turned picture of stamp to the right so-called. sloping label; cat. £180 U:A5
1898-1902 SG.40a, 41a, 44a, Queen Victoria 2½P, 3P and 1Sh, wmk CA; 1Sh without gum and with very light patina, overall very nice and all with "malformed S", deformed "S" in "POSTAGE"; cat. £1975, rare offer of three various values with this sought plate flaw! U:A5
1938 SG.150-161, George VI., Elephants, favourite long set; hinged, cat. for ** £150 U:A5
1915 CEF, British expedition forces SG.B1-B13, complete overprint issue ½P/3Pfg-5S/5RM; SG.B13 lower small thin place, very nice set, cat. £850 U:A5
1918 Reg letter to Bern with mixed colonial franking C.E.F. Opt ½P-2P on 5Pfg-20Pfg + Cameroun Occupation Francaise on colonial stamp. 10C MOYEN CONGO, CDS and provisional Reg label BUEA/ BRITISH CAMEROON, then transitand arrival cancel, rarer franking in perfect quality U:A5
1895 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (10x) and SG.29 (3x), 10x Queen Victoria ½P green incl. block of 6! and 3x 1½P violet, cancel. B31 and CDS KENT, arrival red REGISTERED LONDON and oths.; signs of age, unique multiple and as well exact franking 9½ Pence, from commercial correspondence, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1897 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (6x) and SG.33, 6x Queen Victoria ½P green and 4P brown, CDS FREETOWN, FREETOWN REGISTERED, LIVERPOOL REGISTERED, arrival LONDON REGISTERED; signs of age, exact franking 7 Pence (2+5) after decreasing of Reg fee to 2P, in addition notice AVIS DE RECEPTION and additional cancel "AR", meaning payment fee for reply receipt - certificate of delivery; exceedingly rare, we aren't aware of another colonial entire before 1900 with "AR"! U:DR
1914 SG.H28, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation One penny" on German colonial 5Pfg, ERROR PRINT "TOG", cat. £130, Mi.200€ U:A5
1915 SG.H31, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation " on German colonial 10Pfg, new Opt wit wide 15mm, cat. £200 U:A5