Public auction 42 / Philately / Africa / West Africa

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162184 - 1880-1881 SG.12A, Queen Victoria 1P maroon - brownlila, wmk
1880-1881 SG.12A, Queen Victoria 1P "maroon" - brownlila, wmk CC "sideways" crown right; split in low right corner, overall very nice piece of this 2nd most expensive stamp of Gambie, printing SG.12A+SG.12Aw was only 990 pieces!; certificate BPA, cat. £1.700, (is known, that her "sister" SG.12Aw, "sideways" crown left with cat. £2500, is for example only 1x in famous Tapling collection and only 1x in Brit. Royal collection), also our SG.12A is very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
162182 - 1880 SG.12Bw, 14cBw, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC
1880 SG.12Bw, 14cBw, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC, 1P violet red and 3P dull ultramarine, both with inverted watermarks, very nice quality, cat. £255
Starting price: CZK
162183 - 1880-1881 SG.14a, 18a, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk
1880-1881 SG.14a, 18a, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC "sideways" 3P and 6P; also wmk CC in normal position ½P (in addition pair), 1P (in addition pair); 2P, 3P, 6P and 1Sh several small flaws, very nice quality, cat. £1140
Starting price: CZK
161802 - 1887 SG.32d, Queen Victoria 6P olive green, gently turned pi
1887 SG.32d, Queen Victoria 6P olive green, gently turned picture of stamp to the right so-called. sloping label; cat. £180
Starting price: CZK
162181 - 1898-1902 SG.40a, 41a, 44a, Queen Victoria 2½P, 3P and
1898-1902 SG.40a, 41a, 44a, Queen Victoria 2½P, 3P and 1Sh, wmk CA; 1Sh without gum and with very light patina, overall very nice and all with "malformed S", deformed "S" in "POSTAGE"; cat. £1975, rare offer of three various values with this sought plate flaw!
Starting price: CZK
161801 - 1938 SG.150-161, George VI., Elephants, favourite long set;
1938 SG.150-161, George VI., Elephants, favourite long set; hinged, cat. for ** £150
Starting price: CZK
157521 - 1915 CEF, British expedition forces SG.B1-B13, complete over
1915 CEF, British expedition forces SG.B1-B13, complete overprint issue ½P/3Pfg-5S/5RM; SG.B13 lower small thin place, very nice set, cat. £850
Starting price: CZK
154963 - 1918 Reg letter to Bern with mixed colonial franking C.E.F.
1918 Reg letter to Bern with mixed colonial franking C.E.F. Opt ½P-2P on 5Pfg-20Pfg + Cameroun Occupation Francaise on colonial stamp. 10C MOYEN CONGO, CDS and provisional Reg label BUEA/ BRITISH CAMEROON, then transitand arrival cancel, rarer franking in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
160881 - 1895 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), wi
1895 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (10x) and SG.29 (3x), 10x Queen Victoria ½P green incl. block of 6! and 3x 1½P violet, cancel. B31 and CDS KENT, arrival red REGISTERED LONDON and oths.; signs of age, unique multiple and as well exact franking 9½ Pence, from commercial correspondence, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
160882 - 1897 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), wi
1897 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (6x) and SG.33, 6x Queen Victoria ½P green and 4P brown, CDS FREETOWN, FREETOWN REGISTERED, LIVERPOOL REGISTERED, arrival LONDON REGISTERED; signs of age, exact franking 7 Pence (2+5) after decreasing of Reg fee to 2P, in addition notice AVIS DE RECEPTION and additional cancel "AR", meaning payment fee for reply receipt - certificate of delivery; exceedingly rare, we aren't aware of another colonial entire before 1900 with "AR"!
Starting price: CZK
160797 - 1914 SG.H28, Brit. occupation, overprint issue Anglo-French
1914 SG.H28, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation One penny" on German colonial 5Pfg, ERROR PRINT "TOG", cat. £130, Mi.200€
Starting price: CZK
160799 - 1915 SG.H31, Brit. occupation, overprint issue Anglo-French
1915 SG.H31, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation " on German colonial 10Pfg, new Opt wit wide 15mm, cat. £200
Starting price: CZK