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1874 Mi.18; NJSC 18 Postage ½Sen brown, ordinary paper, control emblem No. 1, double circle postmark OSAKA + Mi.19x; NJSC 19A, 1 Sen blue, ordinary paper, control emblem No. 4, dumb postmark.; good quality, cat. 110€ U:A5
1874 Mi.19x; NJSC 19A Postage 1Sen blue, ordinary stronger paper, control emblem No. 4, dumb postmark KYOTO; cat. min. 65€ U:A5
1877 Mi.45; NJSC48 Old Koban 6Sen orange brown, line perforation 9¼; dumb postmark, cat. 180€ U:A5
1934 Mi.Block No.1, Exhibition air-mail souvenir sheet with red cancel of first of day; left spot, otherwise perfect quality, cat. 2.400€, rare and sought souvenir sheet for interesting starting price! U:A5
1949 Mi.475, "Ducks" 8Yen violet, with lower margin and sheet inscription, cat. 160€ U:A5
1950 Mi.494-498, Flying pheasant, complete favourite airmail set, nice quality, cat. 470€ U:A5
1959 Mi.187A-190A + Block No.1, Book fair in Leipzig; complete set + souvenir sheet, cat. 150€ U:A5
1961 Mi.384, Titov 10Ch, 1x imperforated! and 1x perf block of four; cat. imperforated stamps doesn't report, interesting U:A5
1969 Mi.639-641, Butterflies, complete set; cat. 75€ U:A5
1958 Unused Korean picture p.stat 10Ch, to Czechoslovakia, Czech text; without signs of post. transport U:A5
1953 DKNS MILITARY MISSION IN KOREA (United Nation) IN KESON by air mail sent Ppc to Czechoslovakia, franked with overprint stamp Flag, Mi.46, 49 2x, CDS KESON 8.12.53, sent to post. box in Prague 190; good condition U:A5
1932 Mi.57, Mongolian revolution 5T, block of 13, in the middle with interesting production flaw caused by perf typewriter and 12 ommited perf holes, only basic stamps cat. 312€, specialties on this issue are sought! U:A4
1932-1956 compilation of better values, 4x Mi.56-57, 2x block of four Mi.76 Lenin, 2x strip of 3 Mi.98-99, block of 6 Mi.111, corner blok of 8 Mi.118, as single stamps cat. 850€ U:A4
1951 Mi.85, 25- block, Suchbatar 2 Tugrik, luxury half-sheet of highest value, cat. 750€ ++, extraordinary! U:A4
1956 Mi.118, Mongolina-Soviet friendship 1T, interesting printing flaw - blue line through 3 upper stamps cat. 210€ ++ U:A5
1920-33 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps and letters (44 pcs) in one stockbook A4, contains stamps issues 1920, 1933 also telegraph stamps, revenues, complete printing sheets on ordinary and also thin hand-made paper, part reprints, and mainly philatelic letters U:Z
1949-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA, NORTH KOREA, KOREA, HONG KONG, BHUTAN dubblets and commercial collection in big spiral stockbook on cards, contains part of better sets, souvenir sheets, motives etc., mainly unused U:Z