Public auction 42 / Historical Documents, Maps

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160747 - 1650-1850 KINGDOM OF BOHEMIA  interesting set of part of let
1650-1850 KINGDOM OF BOHEMIA interesting set of part of letters and and cuts with signatures of important noblemen from Kingdom of Bohemia, contains i.a. Francis Mittrowsky from Nemyšle (1668-1720), imperial counsellor; John Wenceslas Novohradský from Kolovrat (1638–1690); Adam Maximilián count from Bubno (-1721); Joseph Ignác count from Nostic, Angelina Ann Sibyla from Žerotín etc.; good condition of seals, good condition, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
160684 - 1660 ALEŠ VRATISLAV FROM MITROVICE (1610/16 - 1670), imperi
1660 ALEŠ VRATISLAV FROM MITROVICE (1610/16 - 1670), imperial counsellor, real chamberlain of emperor Leopold I., land judge, important member of count family in Kingdom of Bohemia, letter with handwritten signature, also signatures of other noblemen, i.a. Zdeněk Eusebius Vratislav from Mitrovice, etc., nice print of seals, interesting text, good condition, nice nobilty document
Starting price: CZK
162093 - 1762 FRANTIŠEK VÁCLAV TRAUTTMANSDORFF (1718-?), Czech nobl
1762 FRANTIŠEK VÁCLAV TRAUTTMANSDORFF (1718-?), Czech nobleman, fine testamentární document with calligraphied gold decorated intitulací, with signature other noblemen, i.a. Wenceslas Albrecht count from Šternberku etc.., with revenue 15 Kreuzer issue 1762, nice seal; overall very decorative, size 51x40cm, crosswise folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
161817 - 1648 30 YEARS WAR  map of besieged Prague by Sweden army und
1648 30 YEARS WAR map of besieged Prague by Sweden army under command of general Königsmark in the end of the war, inscription in German, issued by M. Merian, Frankfurt am Mainz, copperplate, size 33x36cm, excellent condition! see Moll´s collection in Moravian land library, here preserved 3 pcs of worse condition!, extraordinary
Starting price: CZK
161818 - 1650 MAP OF MORAVIA BY JOHN AMOS COMENIUS  map Margraviate o
1650 MAP OF MORAVIA BY JOHN AMOS COMENIUS map Margraviate of Moravia by John Amos Comenius according to his original gravure from year 1624, copperplate 30x36cm, piece from year 1650, issued by M. Merano, Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main, see Moll´s collection in Moravian land library; exceedingly good condition, exceptional offer
Starting price: CZK
159868 - 1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  color map of Moravia, scale 1: 750.000
1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY color map of Moravia, scale 1: 750.000, contains detail map of Brno and Opava!; size 45x37cm, without tearing, very good condition, cross fold, interesting
Starting price: CZK
161084 - 1915 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  Plastic map of north Galicia, East Pru
1915 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Plastic map of north Galicia, East Prussia, Russian part of Poland, issued by E. Šolc in Prague, size 55x40cm, stains, only small tearing, otherwisegood condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
161815 - 1910-40 [COLLECTIONS]  BALKANS / Military map of Balkan stat
1910-40 [COLLECTIONS] BALKANS / Military map of Balkan states, size 86x72cm, scale 1: 1500000, German language, reflects situation before the WWI, good condition + Neubert´s map of Balkan states, size 54x50cm, Czech language, worse condition; overall interesting
Starting price: CZK
161840 - 1866 NEWSPAPERS / NATIONAL SHEETS, year/volume 1866, comp. o
1866 NEWSPAPERS / NATIONAL SHEETS, year/volume 1866, comp. of 7 pieces newspapers from 10. May to 7. July, interesting contemporary zpravodajství about/by Prusko-rakouské war and about/by battle by/on/at Sadové 3. July, in addition 3 special insert, newspaper with printed revenues; signs of age, but overall good condition, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 42 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.