Public auction 42 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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160251 - 1919 comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. bisected Austrian
1919 comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. bisected Austrian stamp., 1x letter franked with. bisected stmp 40h Coat of arms, 1x heavier letter franked with. mixed franked. Austrian bisected stamp. 30h Charles and Hradčany 5 + 10h, both nationalized MC BRNO 2/ 1.II. and 4.II.19; heavier letter with damage in margins envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
159985 - 1918 2 postcard franked with. bisected stmp 20h Charles ligh
1918 2 postcard franked with. bisected stmp 20h Charles light green (!), Mi.222b, CDS KRÁLOVSKÉ VINOHRADY/ 31.XII.18, 1x upper half and 1x the bottom half stamp.; rare pair, interesting franking, good quality
Starting price: CZK
161493 - 1918 comp. 4 pcs of PC, 2x parallel frankatura: Crown 5h as
1918 comp. 4 pcs of PC, 2x parallel frankatura: Crown 5h as Pr, CDS PRAGUE 22.XI.18, 1x Coat of arms 10h, CDS MĚLNÍK 1.XII.18 + 2x FRANCO cash, CDS PRAGUE 24.XII.18 and LIBĚJICE 22.12.18; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
161243 - 1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of entires with parallel franking, 1x co
1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of entires with parallel franking, 1x commercial letter with Charles 20h with CDS WOLFRAMITZ 24.XII.18, 2x mixed franking with stamp. Hradčany, 1x letter addressed to to Vienna franked on back side stamp. Crown 12h + 2x 5h Hradčany with nationalized CDS BRNO 2/ 17.II.19, 1x postcard with Crown 6h + 5h Hradčany; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161312 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of cards for FP, i.a. 2x vertical pair stam
1919 comp. 3 pcs of cards for FP, i.a. 2x vertical pair stamp. Hradčany 10h + 2x Coat of arms 10h, all with overprint PORTO, CDS PRAGUE
Starting price: CZK
160073 - 1919 parallel telephone confirmation card franked on back si
1919 parallel telephone confirmation card franked on back side Hungarian stamp. Charles 20f and Reaper 15f, CDS BERZÉTE (Brzotín, Slovakia) 919MAR.28; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
160781 - 1918 selection of cuts from Hungarian telegrams, various fra
1918 selection of cuts from Hungarian telegrams, various franking stamp. Turul: pair 3f, CDS KASSA 918.DEC.23; 1x 6f + 3x 50f, KASSA 918.DEC.21; blk-of-16 6f, CDS KASSA 918.DEC.21 and 2x 2f + block of four 50f, CDS KASSA 918.DEC.20; rare and very interesting collection stamp. Turul from forerunner period
Starting price: CZK
160780 - 1918 cut Hungarian telegram franked with. blk-of-20 Hungaria
1918 cut Hungarian telegram franked with. blk-of-20 Hungarian stamp. Turul 10f with overprint Hadi segély, CDS KASSA 918.NOV.4; rarely occurring franking from forerunner period!
Starting price: CZK
160096 - 1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of larger part/-s Hungarian dispatch-not
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of larger part/-s Hungarian dispatch-notes with Charles, Reaper, Parliament, various CDS as TRENCSÉNSELMECZ (ŠTIAVNIK), ZÁZRIVÁ (Zázrivá), CSACZ (Čadca), FEKETEBALOG (Black Balog)
Starting price: CZK
161280 - 1919 comp. 10 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-n
1919 comp. 10 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes sent from Slovak post, franked with Hungarian stmps Reaper 5, 15 and 25f, Charles 20 and 25f, 2x off. porto free, CDS HOLICS, POROSZKA, GALGÓCZ, OSVENYÉS, KÖRMOCZBÁNYA, NEMSÓ etc..; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161874 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of úherských small p.stat orders, more/la
1919 comp. 3 pcs of úherských small p.stat orders, more/larger parts, fee paid Hungarian Postage due stamps red number 10f and 20f, Mi.P40, P43, cancelled by postmark GYETVA and LOSONCZ; 1x stamp. torn before/(in front of) usage
Starting price: CZK
160097 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger part/-s Hungarian dispatch-notes
1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger part/-s Hungarian dispatch-notes with Hradčany, i.a. 30h yellow, 10h + 25h, and 20h + 5h, CDS ÁRVANAGYFALU, POZSONY; 1x perf from letter file/-s
Starting price: CZK
161788 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-no
1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes franked with. i.a. parallel Hungarian stamp. issue War surcharge stmp, Mi.183-185 in mixed frankings with issues Reaper, CDS BRAZNÓBÁNYA, MIAVA; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161789 - 1919 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-no
1919 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes franked with. simple parallel franking stamp. Zita 40f, Reaper 25f, Charles 20f and Parliament 80f, CDS MARIKÓ, MALACZKA, UJVERBÁSZ, PÉNZUTALVÁNY; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161889 - 1919 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-no
1919 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes, delivering fee paid provisional postage stamp. Reaper and Charles, from that 1x on face-side, CDS delivering post SZAKOLCZA, NYITRA and SELMECZBÁNYA; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161884 - 1919 comp. 7 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-no
1919 comp. 7 pcs of larger parts Hungarian money dispatch-notes, various franking from souběžného period stamp. issues Charles, Parliament, Reaper, CDS as ÓSZOMBAT, TESTER [ÉRSEKÚJVÁR], BREZNÓBANYA, MALACZKA, MIAVA etc..; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161786 - 1919 larger part Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f franked w
1919 larger part Hungarian p.stat dispatch-note 2f franked with. parallel Válečnými surtax stmp 2x 15f, Mi.184, CDS MALACZKA 20.Jan.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
159812 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof II. Prague overprint on/for Postag
PLATE PROOF plate proof II. Prague overprint on/for Postage due stmp stamp. with overprint PORTO 2h/15h violet; hinged, interesting
Starting price: CZK
159236 -  Pof.RV1-RV21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem); complete s
Pof.RV1-RV21, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem); complete set 21 values, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
160687 - 1918 Pof.RV119-132, Skalice overprint, complete set, nice qu
1918 Pof.RV119-132, Skalice overprint, complete set, nice quality, exp. various experts, from that 8 pcs of exp. by Mrnak., other Gilbert, resp. Tri, Hirsch or Franěk, c.v.. 7.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
161659 - 1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), values 6h, 12h and 15h o
1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), values 6h, 12h and 15h on/for commercial envelope, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.11.18; in the middle 1x vert. fold
Starting price: CZK
159109 -  [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps with revolutionary overprint
[COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps with revolutionary overprints on 9 album pages, contains i.a. Beckův overprint (31 pcs of), Levecův overprint (13 pcs of), Hlubocký overprint (14 pcs of), Horner's overprint (20 pcs of) from that 4x with red inverted opt, Prague overprint (6 pcs of), Brno overprint (20 pcs of) etc.., then 2 letters with with Budějovickým overprint (30 pcs of zn.); interesting selection of, profitable price, unattested
Starting price: CZK
160927 -  Pof.1-26, 1h - 1000h in blocks of four, without Pof.6, 9N,
Pof.1-26, 1h - 1000h in blocks of four, without Pof.6, 9N, 13N, total 23 pcs of, mainly corner or marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers (!); definitely interesting ticket
Starting price: CZK
160429 -  Pof.1-26, compilation of 28 stamps, values 1h - 1000h, basi
Pof.1-26, compilation of 28 stamps, values 1h - 1000h, basic set without Pof.6, 9N and 13N, in addition color shades of values 5h, 10h, 25h and 60h, 6 stamps marginal, all mint never hinged, cat. min. 1.850CZK
Starting price: CZK
160930 -  Pof.1-26, 1h - 1000h, selection of 52 pcs of, various color
Pof.1-26, 1h - 1000h, selection of 52 pcs of, various color shades i.a. 5h dark blue-green, 25h ultramarine, 1000h blue-violet, some catalogue doesn't report; extraordinary chance, chosen quality, 3 pcs of exp. by Gilbert., 1 pcs of exp. by Pittermann., higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
160604 -  Pof.1-26, basic set of 23 values
Pof.1-26, basic set of 23 values
Starting price: CZK
159240 -  Pof.1-26, compilation of 34 pcs of stamps values 1h-1000h,
Pof.1-26, compilation of 34 pcs of stamps values 1h-1000h, basic set incl. 500h with control-numbers, 1000h + different shades on various values, i.a. 120h and 200h; 1x 40h, 50h, 120h as *
Starting price: CZK
159025 -  Pof.2, 3h violet, the bottom corner block of 6 with control
Pof.2, 3h violet, the bottom corner block of 6 with control-numbers; with significant paper crease; interesting
Starting price: CZK
161987 -  comp. 10 pcs of stamps with various plate variety and produ
comp. 10 pcs of stamps with various plate variety and production flaw, i.a. block of four 3h with omitted vertical and horiz. perf, pair 10 with significant shifted perforation, 5h with plate variety "Zeppelin", 25h with significant paper crease, 1x četnotisk 5h, 2x maculature; major-part hinged, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
161700 -  Pof.4 + 4a, 5h blue-green, block of four + 5h dark blue-gre
Pof.4 + 4a, 5h blue-green, block of four + 5h dark blue-green, vertical pair with R margin; cat. min. 540CZK
Starting price: CZK
161055 -  Pof.4, 5h blue-green, lower corner blok of 4 + Pof.4a, 5h d
Pof.4, 5h blue-green, lower corner blok of 4 + Pof.4a, 5h dark blue-green, also as blk-of-4; c.v.. 1.040Kč
Starting price: CZK
160796 -  Pof.4, 5h blue-green, comp. 4 pcs of bloks of four + 1x pai
Pof.4, 5h blue-green, comp. 4 pcs of bloks of four + 1x pair and 4 single pieces, various color shades, 1x plate mark, 1x offset; cat. min. 750Kč+
Starting price: CZK
160494 -  Pof.4, 7, 10, 15, 3pcs of blocks of 6 , 5h blue-green and 2
Pof.4, 7, 10, 15, 3pcs of blocks of 6 , 5h blue-green and 2x 15h bricky red + 2 pcs of bloks of four values 25h blue and 50h violet, plate flaw, registry point in margin, cat. 835Kč
Starting price: CZK
159367 -  Pof.4Na, 5h dark blue-green, block of 4, at the back full o
Pof.4Na, 5h dark blue-green, block of 4, at the back full offset
Starting price: CZK
159010 -  Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, type I from plate 8, position 19; m
Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, type I from plate 8, position 19; mint never hinged, exp. by Pittermann., cat. 1.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
159811 -  Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, plate 5, position 61; cat. 1.500CZK
Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, plate 5, position 61; cat. 1.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
159366 -  Pof.4STp, 5h blue-green, upper corner horizontal pair with
Pof.4STp, 5h blue-green, upper corner horizontal pair with joyned bar types, position 10, plate 4; very wide margins, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
159365 -  Pof.4STp, 5h blue-green, upper corner block of 8, 2x joined
Pof.4STp, 5h blue-green, upper corner block of 8, 2x joined bar types, on pos. 7 and 10, plate 4; only 2 joined types in the whole sheet (!); sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
160514 -  Pof.4 STs, 5h blue-green, vertical corner strip of 3 with j
Pof.4 STs, 5h blue-green, vertical corner strip of 3 with joined spiral type, plate 2, positon 91; fold between stamps outside the joined types, cat. 3.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
159919 -  Pof.5, 5a, 10h red + 10h dark red, lower left block of 25 w
Pof.5, 5a, 10h red + 10h dark red, lower left block of 25 with control-numbers with plate flaw "Clocks", plate 2 and 1; 1x small gum flaw
Starting price: CZK
161056 -  Pof.6, 10h light green, exp. by Gilbert + 10h green, signif
Pof.6, 10h light green, exp. by Gilbert + 10h green, significant color shades, interesting
Starting price: CZK
159296 -  Pof.6N, 10h green with lower margin and plate mark; exp. by
Pof.6N, 10h green with lower margin and plate mark; exp. by Karasek., lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
159239 -  Pof.6N, 10h green with machine offset
Pof.6N, 10h green with machine offset
Starting price: CZK
161057 -  Pof.6, 10h green, pair with lower margin and control-number
Pof.6, 10h green, pair with lower margin and control-numbers, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
160430 -  Pof.6N, 10h green, 2 pcs, from that 1 stamp with full offse
Pof.6N, 10h green, 2 pcs, from that 1 stamp with full offset, small flaw - fold in paper, exp. by Karasek and commercial mark, 2nd piece exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
159797 -  Pof.6, 10h green, 3 pcs, 1x with right margin; 2x hinged, e
Pof.6, 10h green, 3 pcs, 1x with right margin; 2x hinged, exp. by Karasek, Gilbert, cat. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
161058 -  Pof.6, 10h green, lower corner blok of 4 with control-numbe
Pof.6, 10h green, lower corner blok of 4 with control-numbers and plate mark under the pos. 100, wide margins; exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
160897 -  Pof.6, 10h green, marginal piece, superb CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.X
Pof.6, 10h green, marginal piece, superb CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.XI.19, on small cut-square, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
159243 -  Pof.6, 10h green, with lower margin; exp. by Gilbert
Pof.6, 10h green, with lower margin; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
159242 -  Pof.6, 10h green, vertical pair, print on gummed side, cros
Pof.6, 10h green, vertical pair, print on gummed side, crossways cut; exp. Benes
Starting price: CZK
161647 -  Pof.6, 10h green, vertical strip of 3 with superb print  CD
Pof.6, 10h green, vertical strip of 3 with superb print CDS RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA 7.VI.20, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 1.200Kč++
Starting price: CZK
160432 -  Pof.6N, 10h green, horizontal pair, wide margins, exp. by K
Pof.6N, 10h green, horizontal pair, wide margins, exp. by Karasek., cat. 1.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
160804 -  Pof.6A + blk-of-9 and pair Pof.6C with significant shifts p
Pof.6A + blk-of-9 and pair Pof.6C with significant shifts perf + Pof.6N, marginal piece /in margin fold/ exp. by Gilbert and Pof.6N, print on gummed side; interesting
Starting price: CZK
160569 -  Pof.7a IIp, 15h brown-red, IIs / IIp - second bar type, pla
Pof.7a IIp, 15h brown-red, IIs / IIp - second bar type, plate 1, pos. 17; wide margins, cat. 2.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
160152 -  Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, 2 pcs with double print, 1x with mar
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, 2 pcs with double print, 1x with margin and significant shift
Starting price: CZK
160153 -  Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, 2 stamps from plate 5 and plate 6, b
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, 2 stamps from plate 5 and plate 6, both with full machine offsets, 1x zk.Šablatura - 5th plate marked
Starting price: CZK
160148 -  Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, plate 3, position 28, close margins,
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, plate 3, position 28, close margins, supplemented with block of four 15h vermilion, Pof.7A, plate 3, position 28-29/ 38-39
Starting price: CZK
159804 -  Pof.7, 15h bricky red, vertical strip of 3 with left margin
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, vertical strip of 3 with left margin, pos. 21, 31 and 41, STs - joined spiral types; cat. min. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
159805 -  Pof.7, 15h bricky red, lower left corner block of 4 with co
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, lower left corner block of 4 with control-numbers, pos. 81, 82 and 91, 92, 1x STs - joined spiral types + 1x STp - joined bar types
Starting price: CZK
160834 -  Pof.8 + 8D, 20h blue-green, compilation 1x block of 6, 2x b
Pof.8 + 8D, 20h blue-green, compilation 1x block of 6, 2x block of four, 1x pair and 3 pcs, contains various printing defects, plate flaw, plate mark and defects perf; 2 pcs hinged
Starting price: CZK