Pof.8 with plate flaw, 20h blue-green, comp. of 4 single pcs and 2x as pairs, various plate flaws, or the same plate flaws from various plates (position 78/ plate 2, 3, 4) + Pof.8A and 8C, both with plate flaw "dot behind numeral 20", position 78, printing plate 2; sought by specialists
Pof.6, 10h green, on reverse full offset + Pof.9N, 20h carmine, marginal piece, very wide margins and on reverse partial offset, light production defect; for specialist interesting
Pof.10Nc, comp. of 2 single stamps, 25h light ultramarine, exp. by Mrnak + 25h ultramarine, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert; good margins, both stamps mint never hinged, cat. 1.000CZK
Pof.11b IIp + IIo, 25h dark violet, printing plate 2, position 49, bar type II + arc type II; interesting combination, at the back commercial mark by Kapras and owner's mark, cat. 1.500CZK
Pof.18STs, 75h grey-green, LL corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, spiral types combination, type I on pos. 82, plate 2, only 1x in/at sheet; sought, c.v.. 12.000Kč++
Pof.18STs, 75h grey-green, corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, spiral types combination, type I on pos. 82, plate 2, only 1x in/at counter sheet (!); sought by specialists, marked and exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 12.000Kč++
Pof.21c, 120h black-grey, nice shade + Pof.21Dc, 120h black-grey with line perforation 11½;, cat. black-grey shade for perf stamps doesn't report; at the back heavy hinge
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, the bottom corner str-of-5 with control-numbers and plate mark + L and LR corner piece, all plate 2, various color shades, interesting
Pof.23, 300h green-gray, 2x block of four, various color shades + 2 single pieces; stamp. with tmavým shade close margins, otherwise nice, cat. min. 3.000CZK
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, 2x the bottom corner str-of-5 with control-numbers + the bottom corner piece with plate mark and other 2 stamp., all plate 1, various color shades, cat. min. 2.000CZK
Pof.2Mp, 3h violet, 4 undetached opposite facing unfolded 2-stamps gutter with right margin of the sheet; decorative, sand grain in paper, nice complex
Pof.2Mp, 3h violet, two 6-stamps opposite facing unfolded gutter with right margin of the sheet, plate flaw - broken branch; decorative, sand grain in paper, nice complex