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1868 Sc.21-30, Queen Victoria 9 stamps, except Sc.25, 30, nice pieces, cat. $1.320 U:A5
1870 Sc.34-37, 42, 43, 45, Queen Victoria, nominal complete 1/2c - 10c, cat. $1.470 U:A5
1888 Sc.42, Queen Victoria 5c grey, strip of 4 with sheet offset U:A5
1888 Sc.47, Victoria 50c blue, nice piece, cat. $425 U:A5
1897 Sc.50-65, Jubilee Victoria, complete set 1/2c to 5$, from that value 4$ violet unused and hinged, nice pieces, chosen pmks, cat. $5.745, interesting starting price U:DR
1908 Sc.96-103, complete issue Quebec; cat. $960 U:A5
1928 Sc.159, Parliament 1$, sought highest value, cat. $300 U:A5
1930 Sc.C2, Airmail 5c, marginal blok of 4; luxury, cat. $560 U:A5
1879-1913 Sc.OX1, OX3, OX4, Post Office Seals, postal labels, cat. $470 U:A5
1875 Sc.F1, F1b, F2, F3, Register letter labels 2c - 8c, value 8c without gum, cat. $1.105 U:A5
1868-90 3 letters with big Victoria, 1x as Registered letter with 15c blue, Sc.30e with CDS LIVERPOOL 29.De.90, addressed to Brno, transit and arrival postmark, 2x usual stamp 3c, Sc.25 with CDS TORONTO and ANNAPOLIS; good condition, cat. min. $650 U:A5
1896-90 compilation of 4ks R letters with Queen Victoria 3c, 1x and 2x 3c supplemented with Reg stamps 2c, Sc.F1; good condition U:A5
1897 letter to Denmark, franked with. 10 stamps Queen Victoria 1/2c black, Sc.34, CDS TORONTO 23.Mr.97, at the back arrival SKIVE 11.4.97; good condition, nice multiple franking U:A5
1898 Ppc on bear leather to Prague, with 2c, Sc.98, CDS MONTREAL 8.Au.98; good condition U:A5
1898-1913 decorative advertising added prints on 6 entires, from that 1x esp. decorative two-sided imprinted International Stock Food Co., 1x similar envelope as Mulready's envelopes, 1x Reg letter; good condition U:A5
1913-48 4 Express letters with mounted Ex- Surtax stamps, Sc.E1, E6, E7, E10, letter with stamp Sc.E1 sent as Reg and Express - i.a. franked by stamp with map of British empire in 3 color shades, Sc.85, 86, cat. ca. $350 U:A5
1914 official letter without franking with filled abbreviation O.H.M.S. with CDS TORONTO 6.Sep.14, at the back on flap additional printing Canadian Pacific Railway Co.; bend and print of office paperclip U:A5
1930 commercial Reg letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, i.a. franked with 20c issue Quebec, Sc.103, on letter cat. $500, CDS PARLAMENT PROVINCIAL QUEBEC 25.Feb.30, at the back transit and arrival postmark PRAGUE 12.III.30; larger format of heavier mailing, good condition U:A4
1852-1945 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of classic Canada supplemented with big quantum of dubblets in 2 big stockbooks, collection at the end of first stockbook contains better items in many pcs. Brit. Canada issue 1859-64, Large and Small Victoria and other issues to 1945, Airmail, Express, Registered, Postage due stamps etc., supplemented with quantum of dubblets mainly stamps Small Victoria issue 1870 and 1897, interesting color varieties, perf, cancels etc., cat. only of cellection part without dubblets $10.000, great offer U:Z
1859-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice specialized collection on album sheets in glassine envelopes, contains all issues, several valuable items i.a. Sc.14 10x, 17 5x, 18 5x, 19 5x, 10 2x, Big and Small Victoria, Jubilee Sc.50-65 from that 4$ and 5$ mint never hinged, issue Quebec etc., various color shades, perforations, printing and production defects, cancels, supplemented with several letters, cat. ca. $30.000 U:Z
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] study collection of canadian postmarks in two albums Abria with descriptions, contains also classic issue Small Victoria from year 1870, supplemented with quantum of entires from them part as Registered, much rare canceling form; nice elaborated U:Z
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection with dublets mainly postwar period stamp of Canada in 8 big stockbooks, part mint never hinged, blocks of four with margins, souvenir sheets, bklt issue, several sheets of classic divided according to cancels etc.; estate after big collector of Canada U:K
1889-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection in advance used stamps of Canada, (Canadian Precancels), hundreds of stamps on album sheets in folder Abria with descriptions of numbers and places, contains quantum rarer stamps of issues 1870 - 1897, nice elaborated, according to owner cat. ca. $7.200 U:Z
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] largercollection of canadian postal stationeries, part as exhibit, estate after big collector of Canada, placed on sheets in office covers in 5 spiral covers, descriptions, moderate specialisation, supplemented with dubblets, quantum also better uprated items as PC, postal stationeries envelopes, letter cards, newspaper wrappers, aerograms etc.; hundreds items, it is worth seeing U:K
1892-1931 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of 27 pcs of various postal stationeries, letter-cards, newspaper wrappers, picture PCs, many nice frankings, i.a. Sc.34 as block of four, 34 as Pr, 66 as Pr, 96, etc., part as Registered; good condition U:Z
1870-1897 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 24 pcs of letters with Small Victoria, from that 3x as Registered, 5x addressed to Europe, various frankings with stamps of values 5c, 6c, 8c, i.a. franking 1c+1c+3c to Portugal, part commercial added-printings, interesting postmarks; various quality U:O5
1899-1950 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 29 pcs of entires, nice frankings, air-mail, Reg letters, i.a. mixed franking of New Foundland - Canada on post. guide, added-print, Ppc etc., some of them very attractive U:O5
1930-90 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. of entires mainly postwar period of Canada, estate after big collector, part as collection with descriptions on album sheets, part in stockbooks and in box, supplemented with 2 albums of old topographical Ppc of Canada, hundreds of items, more than 10kg material, it is worth seeing U:K
1852 Sc.4, 4a, Beaver 3c red and red-brown; very wide margins, cat. $475 U:A5
1852 Sc.5b, Prince Albert 6c grey, nice piece, light postmark, cat. $1.500 U:A5
1859 Sc.16, 17, 17a+b, Prince Albert, 4 pcs of 10c, various shades, according to our opinion also black-brown Sc.16, nice pieces; only several usual short tooth, cat. $5.950 U:A5
1859 Sc.18, 19, Queen Victoria 12½c and Cartier 17c, cat. $310 U:A5
1852-1857 SG.22, Beaver 3P red, paper type C - thin and horiz. corded; perfect piece with cancel 21, cat. £450 U:A5
1859 letter to Hamilton, with Beaver 5c, Sc.15, CDS MONTREAL 24.No.1865, at the back missing part flap U:A5
1865 SG.11, Queen Victoria 5C pink, imperforated, wmk CC, blue cancel. 35; repair at bottom and right margins, L with margin of adjacent stamp (obviously not SG.13), cat. £9.000, exceedingly rare colonial stamp for a fair price U:A5
1857 SG.9a, Heraldic rose 1Sh scarlet vermilion, bisected (!), as 6 penny franking, on cut-square with oval lined cancel; perfect piece of this colonial rarity, exp. Kruger, certificate Diena and Friedl Exp. Committee ESTER N.Y. with signatures of philatelic legend - Friedl, Bloch, Edwin Muller, cat. for letter £16.000, on cut-square we estimate £5.000, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1861 SG.1, Queen Victoria 2P pink, perf 9; very nice quality, cat. £500 U:A5
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - MILLBURY, MASSACHUSETTS Sc.7X1, Washington 5c black, blue paper, on cut-square, very wide margins, excellently preserved color, with red round cancel MILBURY FEB.6. Ms.(1847), light fold, inssential regarding the rarity, certificate The Philatelic Foundation N.Y. 1976, preserved only 18 pieces!!, cat. $50.000, superb piece, one from most precious US postmaster provisional, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL - PROVIDENCE - RHODE ISLAND Sc.10X2a, complete 12 stamp sheet, 11x value 5c + 1x 10c, original gum, 5 stamps **, without usual thin places, several small stains on gum inessential regarding the rarity, certificates The Philatelic Foudation N.Y. 1988 and 2005, cat. $5.500, complete sheet first-time offered!, extraordinary chance U:DR
1857-82 comp. of 13 chosen used classical stamps of various issues, contains i.a. Sc.24, 26, 96, 148, 149 etc.; cat. according to owner $1.000 U:A5
1908-18 comp. 15 pcs of stamps and 1x block of four Washington and Franklin, contains i.a. Sc.346, 376, 422!, 514 etc.; cat. according to owner ca. $600 U:A5
1910-20 comp. of 11 chosen stamps Washington and Franklin, contains i.a. Sc.430, 439, 518 etc.; cat. according to owner ca. $560 U:A5
1875 Sc.PR5-7, Newspaper stamps 5c-25c, cat. $775 U:A5
1873-79 comp. 13 Official stamps, contains i.a. Sc.O16, O25, O83, O106 etc.; cat. according to owner $550 U:A5
1882-1901 4 letters (2x rarer yellow envelope), with Mi.37, local letter 2C with CDS WEST NEWBURY; Mi.38 3C on decorative letter; 3C with CDS BIG INDIAN; rare cancels of very small and historical villages in Ulster County in N.Y; and letter with 2x Mi.132, interesting compilation U:A5
1914 US POSTAL AGENCY IN SHANGHAI 2 Ppc of Shanghai sent to USA, franked with US stamp 1C, CDS US POSTAL AGCY SHANGHAI CHINA JAN3 and JUL 8 1914; interesting, good condition U:A5
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps USA in 3 stockbooks on album sheets, contains classic period (various quality), newspaper stamps, complete sets and also their parts etc., part United Nations; high catalogue value U:Z
1920-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps on album sheets Schaubek, supplemented with several small parcels with scattered stamps U:K
1978-87 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mint stamps in spiral stockbook Lindner on hingeless sheets, contains various sets, blocks of four etc.; face-value according to owner $220 U:Z
1869-1886 Sc.29, 50, Kamehameha 2C engraving re-issue, issued in 1869 in red color + 2C reprint from 1886 orange-red with blue Opt SPECIMEN; perfect margins, cat. min. $205 U:A5
1863-94 comp. of 14 classical stamp (+ 3 pcs excluded from the sum), contains i.a. Sc.32, 34; cat. according to owner ca. $750, examination reccomended U:A5
1932 letter to England with SG.138-142, overprint George V., BELIZE RELIEF FUND 1C+1C - 5C+5C, as used stamps cat. £95, on letters are rare, according to SG. at least 10x of stamp´s value U:A5
1856 Mi.1-5, Hidalgo ½R-8R, with local Opt Veracruz; cheap stamp 2R small flaw at top, otherwise all perfect; in addition luxury ½R blue on cut-square with CDS VERACRUZ U:A5
1856 folded letter franked with bisected stamp 2R, Mi.3IIa, framed pmk ZAPOTLAMEJO, cat. 650€; good condition U:A5
1922 SG.61 George V. 1£; purple / black and red, SPECIMEN; perfect piece U:A5
1942-2005 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in glassine envelopes in stockbook, incl. complete long sets, souvenir sheets, strong period George VI. and Elizabeth II., contains i.a. SG.162-175, 178-193, 201-216, 247-261 etc., various motives; very nice collection U:Z
1859 SG.16, Sitting Britannia 1½P pale yellow green, unwatermarked, with full perf 12½;, numeral cancel 1; very fine, certificate PF New York, cat. £650 U:A5
1861 SG.23a, Sitting Britannia 1P light blue, marginal blok of 4, imperforated, on white paper, print from worn plate; very nice multiple, cat. as 2 pairs £1.600, ex. Peter Jaffé (Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, Tapling Medal, FIP Class d’Honneur and oths.) U:DR
1865 SG.26, Sitting Britannia 4P brown-red, block of four in perfect quality, 2 stamps **, cat. £1080 ++ U:A5
1866 SG.35, Sitting Britannia 1Sh black, blok of 12; rare block in perfect quality, 6 stamps **, cat. £1.170 only as single, as multiple more, one from greatest known multiples ! U:A5