Public auction 42 / Philately / Asia

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162085 - 1873-1936 compilation of 16 stamps, 2x Tiger´s heads, i.a.
1873-1936 compilation of 16 stamps, 2x Tiger´s heads, i.a. Mi.7, also 4 pcs of local litography issue "1 Abasi" on various papers, also with 8 pcs of newspaper stamps, issue 1934-38
Starting price: CZK
160246 - 1900 Mi.177B, letter with 1 Abasi green, from Kabul to Pesav
1900 Mi.177B, letter with 1 Abasi green, from Kabul to Pesavar; small format, very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
160149 - 1935 Reigistered airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.25
1935 Reigistered airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.251 (2x), 254, 261 (2x), 262 (2x) in front also at the back, CDS KABOUL/ 12.JAN.35 and Reg cancel, at the back 2 transit postmarks.; quality should be inspected
Starting price: CZK
160863 - 1937 SG.1-18, Opt BURMA on Indic George V. 3Ps-25Rs, lightly
1937 SG.1-18, Opt BURMA on Indic George V. 3Ps-25Rs, lightly hinged; practically mint never hinged set, cat. £2250, extraordinary quality and rarity!
Starting price: CZK
162190 - 1883-98 SG.152, Queen Victoria 24C brown / purpur, inissued
1883-98 SG.152, Queen Victoria 24C brown / purpur, inissued !, ready to be used, but withdrawn, very nice piece, cat. £1.600, this stamp missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
162188 - 1912-1925 SG.320s, 321s, George V. 50Rs purple and 100Rs bla
1912-1925 SG.320s, 321s, George V. 50Rs purple and 100Rs black, wmk CA, both SPECIMEN; very nice quality, cat. £625
Starting price: CZK
162189 - 1912-1925 SG.322s, George V. 500Rs green, wmk CA, SPECIMEN;
1912-1925 SG.322s, George V. 500Rs green, wmk CA, SPECIMEN; at top one shorter tooth, gum on margins with light patina, overall very nice piece with significant original deep shade of green color, cat. £650
Starting price: CZK
162187 - 1921-1932 SG.360, George V. 100Rs purple / blue, wmk CA scri
1921-1932 SG.360, George V. 100Rs purple / blue, wmk CA "script"; superb piece with original and perfectly preserved gum, cat. £1.900, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
161942 - 1931 INDIA - CHARKHARI, SG.53b, Cathedral Goverdhan 5R, inve
1931 INDIA - CHARKHARI, SG.53b, Cathedral Goverdhan 5R, inverted center, originally mounted on paper, nice and attractive printing error from this old Indian state; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
162180 - 1874-1876 SG.20, 21, issue Maharadji Singha, round stamps 1/
1874-1876 SG.20, 21, issue Maharadji Singha, round stamps 1/2 Ann and 1 Ann, emerald green, two light folds (usual on this native paper); very nice piece in rich color, SG.21 with certificate BPA, cat. £425
Starting price: CZK
160855 - 1950 postal stationery cover Shiva Pashupati 2P red, printin
1950 postal stationery cover Shiva Pashupati 2P red, printing error 2Pinstead of 8P; original price according to owner £250, definitely rare p.stat
Starting price: CZK
162094 - 1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS]   small collection of stamps and ent
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps and entires in one stockbook A4, contains classic and also modern stamps, fiscal stamps, supplemented with 17 pcs of old unused entires; interesting
Starting price: CZK
154119 - 1860 SG.38, 39, 46, 36, ½A, 1A, 4A and 8A on letter to
1860 SG.38, 39, 46, 36, ½A, 1A, 4A and 8A on letter to USA! pmk B1 and red CDS EX. CALCUTTA GPO, by ship Candia via Marseilles, arrival postmark BOSTON, frame INDIA PAID; original vertical fold, very nice and rare 4-coloured franking, all entires from India to USA from classic period are rare!
Starting price: CZK
162120 - 1880-1920 [COLLECTIONS]   OLD INDIAN STATES  collection of s
1880-1920 [COLLECTIONS] OLD INDIAN STATES collection of stamps of Old India in one big stockbook A4, a lot of material incl. rarer pieces, part reprints, supplemented with several entires; various quality, interesting
Starting price: CZK
160854 - 1910-1964 8 letters, from that 3x from colonial period in In
1910-1964 8 letters, from that 3x from colonial period in India, 1x usage of Indic (!) George V. 1/2A green, small formats, interesting compilation
Starting price: CZK
154989 - 1906 SG.11-22, complete overprint issue Crown issue Labuan,
1906 SG.11-22, complete overprint issue "Crown" issue Labuan, Opt BRUNEI and new face-values, 1C-1$, perfect quality, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
149989 - 1883 SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD  telegram from Manila to Antwer
1883 SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD telegram from Manila to Antwerp (sent through Suez), containing 4 words, franked blank form with 36 stmps of postage and telegraphic issue 1880-1882 Alfonso XII. and mixed with overprint HABILITADO PARA CORREOS, with typical telegraph perforation cancellation
Starting price: CZK
161671 - 1946-49 4 letters to France from that 2x FP with round cance
1946-49 4 letters to France from that 2x FP with round cancel. POSTE AUX ARMEES T.O.E., 2x with Indochina stamps; interesting
Starting price: CZK
162179 - 1885 SG.23, 25, 26, Queen Victoria 2C/8C red, 2C/16C blue, 2
1885 SG.23, 25, 26, Queen Victoria 2C/8C red, 2C/16C blue, 2C/8C red oblique Opt; perfect quality, all types of provisional Opt 2C; cat. £410
Starting price: CZK
161941 - 1885 SG.24, Queen Victoria 16C blue with Opt 2 CENT; very ni
1885 SG.24, Queen Victoria 16C blue with Opt 2 CENT; very nice piece with certificate BPA, cat. £950
Starting price: CZK
162218 - 1891-1892 SG.35f, Queen Victoria 8C with Opt 6 Cents, ommite
1891-1892 SG.35f, Queen Victoria 8C with Opt 6 Cents, ommited "Cents"; right lower loose corner, otherwise very nice piece, cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
162219 - 1891-1892 SG.35w, complete sheet of 10 of overprint Queen Vi
1891-1892 SG.35w, complete sheet of 10 of overprint Queen Victoria 8C/6cents, Opt crossways with inverted watermark!; several dots, out of stamps 2 small thin places, overall very nice multiple with original gum and complete margins, 7 pcs **, as single stamps cat. £1.445
Starting price: CZK
162217 - 1896 SG.85fa, 3C black / ochre, double overprint JUBILEE 189
1896 SG.85fa, 3C black / ochre, double overprint "JUBILEE" 1896"; very nice piece, cat. £375
Starting price: CZK
162216 - 1946 SG.320-334, 2 envelopes addressed in the place with sta
1946 SG.320-334, 2 envelopes addressed in the place with stamps issue 1939 1C-5$ with Opt BMA (British military administration), on stamp hand overprint "VICTORIA 1846-1946 LABUAN", next CDS VICTORIA / LABUAN
Starting price: CZK
162220 - 1879-1894 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on old sheets, very comp
1879-1894 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, very complete, i.a. SG.4-10, 14, 17-21, 23, 25, 26, 30-35, 35a, 39-47, 49-50, 51-57, SG.39 sheet, some also expensive overprint values more often; very nice quality, cat. min. £5.000, quite unusual
Starting price: CZK
162215 - 1892 SG.101w, Queen Victoria 8C ultramarine, inverted overpr
1892 SG.101w, Queen Victoria 8C ultramarine, inverted overprint, CDS SINGAPORE; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £300, these stamps don´t exist unused, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
162003 - 1906 SG.169, Edward VII., 500$ purpur / orange, SPECIMEN; gu
1906 SG.169, Edward VII., 500$ purpur / orange, SPECIMEN; gum damaged by original mounting on sheet (usual with Specimens), at top on edge small fault, otherwise very nice piece one of the most precious colonial issue, minimum printing, cat. for * 500$ according to SG. £130.000, as specimen £4.000 (SG.2003 £1000 - 2012 £3250), prestigious and unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
162214 - 1912-1923 SG.215s, George V. 500$ purple / orange, very rare
1912-1923 SG.215s, George V. 500$ purple / orange, very rare highest value, one from the highest face values of whole Empire (cat. for SG.215 - £85.000) as specimen £4.250; superb quality, rare
Starting price: CZK
162213 - 1921-1933 SG.240cs, George V. $100 carmine / black, on blue
1921-1933 SG.240cs, George V. $100 carmine / black, on blue paper, SPECIMEN; very nice piece, cat. £900
Starting price: CZK
160291 - 1922 Registered letter to Czechoslovakia, with George V., SG
1922 Registered letter to Czechoslovakia, with George V., SG.222, 230 2x, CDS SINGAPORE 19.Ap.22, at the back transit postmark and advertising label; gently faded
Starting price: CZK
161923 - 1884 SG.6, 8-15, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink,
1884 SG.6, 8-15, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, wmk CA, with Opt JOHORE various types, in addition SG.10c and SG.10 with plate flaw "missing bar in H", 1st and 2nd issues..; cat. £960
Starting price: CZK
161925 - 1891 SG.17-20, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green,
1891 SG.17-20, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green, wmk CA, with three-line Opt JOHORE, complete The 3rd issue., cat. £340
Starting price: CZK
161914 - 1881 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.4, 6, 7, 9-11, Queen Victoria Straits
1881 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.4, 6, 7, 9-11, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown, wmk CC, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG, the first issue., 5 pcs (*); cat. £2.350, rare stamps!
Starting price: CZK
161915 - 1882 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.12, 13, Queen Victoria Straits Settlem
1882 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.12, 13, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown, wmk CC, with Opt S. U. with dots and without dots behind letters; SG.13 small flaw, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
161916 - 1882-1884 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.17-21, Queen Victoria Straits Set
1882-1884 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.17-21, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, wmk CA, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG, The 2nd issue., cat. £1.040
Starting price: CZK
161918 - 1883-1884 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.28-33, 35, Queen Victoria Straits
1883-1884 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.28-33, 35, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown and pink, wmk CA, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG, The 3rd issue.; cat. £915
Starting price: CZK
161919 - 1885-1890 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.37-45, Queen Victoria Straits Set
1885-1890 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.37-45, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, wmk CA, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG various types, complete The 4th issue, in addition pair SG.42; cat. £760
Starting price: CZK
161921 - 1891 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.47-49, Queen Victoria Straits Settleme
1891 SUNGEI UJONG, SG.47-49, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green, wmk CA, with Opt SUNGEI UJONG, issue V.; cat. £1.850
Starting price: CZK
161926 - 1891-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection from  year 1891, except S
1891-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection from year 1891, except SG.50-52, 77 (100$), 102, 126-128 (50$ -500$) complete, incl. dollar highest values, i.a. Sultan Ibrahim 1891, 1896, 1904 to 50$ (!), 1910, 1918 to 5$, 1922 to 10$, postage-due 1938 etc.; cat. min. £3800, especially set Sultan Ibrahim are rare, very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
161922 - od 1891 [COLLECTIONS]  NEGRI SEMBILAN, collection from year
od 1891 [COLLECTIONS] NEGRI SEMBILAN, collection from year 1891, except SG.20 complete, incl. dollar highest values, i.a. 1895 Tiger 1C-50C, 1935 Coat of arms, 1945 Coat of arms etc.; cat. min. £1.000
Starting price: CZK
161863 - 1880-1881 SG.5, 6, 7, 9, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements
1880-1881 SG.5, 6, 7, 9, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown, with single line Opt PERAK, the first issue.; cat. £760
Starting price: CZK
161864 - 1882-1833 SG.10-13, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C br
1882-1833 SG.10-13, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown and 3x 2P pink, with single line Opt PERAK; complete The 2nd issue., cat. £150
Starting price: CZK
161865 - 1884-1891 SG.17-22, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pi
1884-1891 SG.17-22, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with single line Opt PERAK, The 3rd issue., cat. £320
Starting price: CZK
161866 - 1886-1887 SG.26-30, 33-37, 40, Queen Victoria Straits Settle
1886-1887 SG.26-30, 33-37, 40, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with2- and 3 lines Opt ONE CENT PERAK, SG.30 blue Opt, SG.28, cat. £900
Starting price: CZK
161867 - 1889-1890 SG.41, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink,
1889-1890 SG.41, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with 3-line Opt PERAK ONE CENT, first edition with "PERAK" at top, cat. £325, rare stamp missing in most collections
Starting price: CZK
161868 - 1891 SG.43-47, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 6C violet,
1891 SG.43-47, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 6C violet, with 3-line Opt PERAK ONE CENT, SG.46 in two shades, cat. £850
Starting price: CZK
161869 - 1891 SG.48-52, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green,
1891 SG.48-52, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green, with 3-line Opt PERAK TWO CENT, cat. £460, extraordinary offer, complete set
Starting price: CZK
161870 - 1891 SG.53, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with
1891 SG.53, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with 3-line Opt PERAK ONE CENT, without lines over original face value; printing ca. max. 300 pcs, cat. £200, often missing stamp!
Starting price: CZK
161793 - 1896-98 SG.78, 79, values £3 + £5 with Opt SPECIME
1896-98 SG.78, 79, values £3 + £5 with Opt SPECIMEN; high face-values from favourite set, stamp £5 spot, cat. £185
Starting price: CZK
161871 - od 1892 [COLLECTIONS] collection from y. 1892, except SG.80
od 1892 [COLLECTIONS] collection from y. 1892, except SG.80 (25$) complete, incl. dollar highest values, i.a. 1895 SG.66-79 1C-5$ (rare set, SG.78-79 small flaw), overprint 1900 1C-3C/2$, Iskandar 1935 1C-5$, Iskandar 1938 1C-5$ (rare set - £1.000) etc.; cat. total min. £4.100
Starting price: CZK
161906 - 1881-1882 SG.2, 3, 5, 6, 7, Queen Victoria Straits Settlemen
1881-1882 SG.2, 3, 5, 6, 7, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown, wmk CC, with single line Opt SELANGOR, 5 very nice pieces from the first issue., cat. £1.230
Starting price: CZK
161907 - 1882-1883 SG.9-12,16, 17, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements
1882-1883 SG.9-12,16, 17, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C brown, wmk CA, with single line Opt SELANGOR, The 2nd issue.; SG.11 thin place, otherwise nice, cat. £1.760
Starting price: CZK
161908 - 1883-1885 SG.20-25, 27-29, Queen Victoria Straits Settlement
1883-1885 SG.20-25, 27-29, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with single line Opt SELANGOR, The 3rd issue., cat. £2.330
Starting price: CZK
161910 - 1885-1891 SG.31, 33-38, 40-42, Queen Victoria Straits Settle
1885-1891 SG.31, 33-38, 40-42, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 2C pink, with single line Opt SELANGOR, various types, complete The 4th issue without SG.32 and 39; SG.40 with browny stains, SG.36 missing corner, SG.43 missing tooth, otherwise nice, cat. £2.080
Starting price: CZK
161911 - 1891 SG.44-48, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green,
1891 SG.44-48, Queen Victoria Straits Settlements 24C green, with three-line Opt SELANGOR, complete 5th issue; SG.46 L thin place, cat. £1.000
Starting price: CZK
161912 - 1891-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection from  year 1891, except S
1891-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection from year 1891, except SG.60, 65, 66 (25$) complete, incl. dollar highest values, i.a. 1895 SG.66-79 1C-5$ (rare set), 1941 unissued 5$ etc., cat. min. £2.600
Starting price: CZK
160865 - 1921-1941 SG.47, Sultan Suleiman $100 red / green, SPECIMEN;
1921-1941 SG.47, Sultan Suleiman $100 red / green, SPECIMEN; very nice piece, with gum, cat. £1.000, very rare stamp and for collectors important highest value!
Starting price: CZK
162205 - 1886 SG.9, Coat of arms 1C orange, very fine, with certifica
1886 SG.9, Coat of arms 1C orange, very fine, with certificate RPSL, cat. £180
Starting price: CZK
162204 - 1886-1887 SG.22a, 26a, 27a, 28a, pairs Coat of arms ½C,
1886-1887 SG.22a, 26a, 27a, 28a, pairs Coat of arms ½C, 4C, 8C, 10C, all imperforated; larger hinges, overall very nice quality, cat. £220, rare offer, catalogue according to us undervalue!
Starting price: CZK
162203 - 1886-1887 SG.26, 26d, Coat of arms 4C pink, block of 6, in u
1886-1887 SG.26, 26d, Coat of arms 4C pink, block of 6, in upper line in the middle printing error 1 CENT; very nice quality, cat. £325 ++, extraordinary and for collectors very attractive item!
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 42 / Philately / Asia - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech Asie, zahrnuje mj. Indii, Čínu, země Blízkého východu, Japonsko, Malajsii atd. První poštovní známkou Asie byla indická Scinde Dawk (1852).