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1902 Mi.161-165, overprint issue "Blue lion", complete set 10 Tomans -100 Tomans, 4x CDS TEHRAN, control numbering on reverse; perfect condition, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1902 Mi.166-170, Provisional 1 Chahi - 12 Chahis, with hand made Opt "PROVISOIRE", mostly CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 540€ U:A5
1911 Mi.325VIa-k, overprint issued "Relais", on issue "lion" 2 Chahi -13 Chahi and "Shah" 2 Chahi - 13 Chahi, 8 pcs with various CDS, complete set; cat. 440€ U:A5
1929 Mi.581-596, Reza Pahlavi, complete set, 12Ch used; cat. 560€ U:A5
1892-1903 3 entires, 2x postacards to Vienna, 1x Persian PC with Mi.186+188, 1x Russian with Mi.186 + 1x small format letter with Mi.73, CDS TEHRAN; interesting destination, patina U:A5
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] smaller unorganised collection, mainly old Persia in one stockbook A4, supplemented with several album sheets U:Z
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp on card A5, contains several interesting pieces, i.a. Airmail, inverted Opt etc.; interesting U:O5
1871 Mi.2Ix, 100M blue/black plate 1, paper without bands; average quality, signed Bokvaj, cat. 500€ U:A5
1871 Mi.3Ix, 200M orange/black, plate 1, paper without bands; average quality, signed Bokvaj, cat. 500€ U:A5
1872 Mi.9 Ix; NJSC 9 I., Postage ½Sen brown, type I character "N", thin paper; 2 pcs, from that 1 stamp on small cut-square, nice quality, from old collection, cat. 60€ U:A5
1872 Mi.10 III.x; NJSC 10 III. Postage 1Sen blue, type III character "N", thin paper, fragment 2-circles cancel.; cat. 65€ U:A5
1872 Mi.11bx; NJSC 11, Postage 2Sen dull red, normal thin paper, corner piece, framed postmark.; cat. 85€ U:A5
1872-75 Mi.12ax; NJSC13 Postage 4Sen dull pink, thin Japanese paper, frame of stamp type I + Mi.38; NJSC38 2Sen yellow, thin paper; frame cancel, nice quality, cat. 85€ U:A5
1874 Mi.17z; NJSC21 Postage 6Sen, red-brown, thick paper, control emblem No. 11- sought variant (!), 2 cancels (1x BOTA-Stempel); as * cat. 900€ U:A5
1874 Mi.18; NJSC 18 Postage ½Sen brown, ordinary paper, control emblem No. 1, double circle postmark OSAKA + Mi.19x; NJSC 19A, 1 Sen blue, ordinary paper, control emblem No. 4, dumb postmark.; good quality, cat. 110€ U:A5
1874 Mi.19x; NJSC 19A Postage 1Sen blue, ordinary stronger paper, control emblem No. 4, dumb postmark KYOTO; cat. min. 65€ U:A5
1877 Mi.45; NJSC48 Old Koban 6Sen orange brown, line perforation 9¼; dumb postmark, cat. 180€ U:A5
1934 Mi.Block No.1, Exhibition air-mail souvenir sheet with red cancel of first of day; left spot, otherwise perfect quality, cat. 2.400€, rare and sought souvenir sheet for interesting starting price! U:A5
1949 Mi.475, "Ducks" 8Yen violet, with lower margin and sheet inscription, cat. 160€ U:A5
1950 Mi.494-498, Flying pheasant, complete favourite airmail set, nice quality, cat. 470€ U:A5
1959 Mi.187A-190A + Block No.1, Book fair in Leipzig; complete set + souvenir sheet, cat. 150€ U:A5
1961 Mi.384, Titov 10Ch, 1x imperforated! and 1x perf block of four; cat. imperforated stamps doesn't report, interesting U:A5
1969 Mi.639-641, Butterflies, complete set; cat. 75€ U:A5
1958 Unused Korean picture p.stat 10Ch, to Czechoslovakia, Czech text; without signs of post. transport U:A5
1953 DKNS MILITARY MISSION IN KOREA (United Nation) IN KESON by air mail sent Ppc to Czechoslovakia, franked with overprint stamp Flag, Mi.46, 49 2x, CDS KESON 8.12.53, sent to post. box in Prague 190; good condition U:A5
1932 Mi.57, Mongolian revolution 5T, block of 13, in the middle with interesting production flaw caused by perf typewriter and 12 ommited perf holes, only basic stamps cat. 312€, specialties on this issue are sought! U:A4
1932-1956 compilation of better values, 4x Mi.56-57, 2x block of four Mi.76 Lenin, 2x strip of 3 Mi.98-99, block of 6 Mi.111, corner blok of 8 Mi.118, as single stamps cat. 850€ U:A4
1951 Mi.85, 25- block, Suchbatar 2 Tugrik, luxury half-sheet of highest value, cat. 750€ ++, extraordinary! U:A4
1956 Mi.118, Mongolina-Soviet friendship 1T, interesting printing flaw - blue line through 3 upper stamps cat. 210€ ++ U:A5
1920-33 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps and letters (44 pcs) in one stockbook A4, contains stamps issues 1920, 1933 also telegraph stamps, revenues, complete printing sheets on ordinary and also thin hand-made paper, part reprints, and mainly philatelic letters U:Z
1949-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA, NORTH KOREA, KOREA, HONG KONG, BHUTAN dubblets and commercial collection in big spiral stockbook on cards, contains part of better sets, souvenir sheets, motives etc., mainly unused U:Z
1918-1919 Brit. occupation issue for MOSUL SG.1-8, Opt POSTAGE I.E.F.; issue for Iraq, Opt IRAQ IN BRITISH OCCUPATION, 22 pcs, on 2 sheets U:A4
1965 Mi.57b, SG.R38a, royal issue "Mahabeshah" 10 Bogshas black / purple, from period of civil war; perfect quality, cat. 2.000€, very rare stamp with minimal printing and good destination! U:A5
1923 SG.68, Palestine 20Pa grey with Arabian Opt "East Jordan" and with golden additional Opt "Arabian reign of the East", vertical pair, on upper stamp only the first líne of golden inscription, on lower stamp second, the third and the first line; very nice quality, certificate Holcombe, catalogue SG only mentions this rare shift, as pair quite extraordinary! U:A5
1966 SG.148-151, Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali al Thani, highest value 1 rial, 2 rials, 5 rials and 10 riáls, as Opt old rupies face value issue 1961; cat. £522 U:A5
1923 SG.1-15, George V., complete set 1/2P-10Rp; perfect quality, end 10Rp **, cat. £700, according to our opinion very good destination! U:A5
1945 MUSCAT - as independent Arabic sultanate with Indian colonial post. administration, airmail letter with SG.O1-O10, Indic official George VI. 1/2A-1Rp with arabian Opt "AL BUSAID 1363", CDS MUSCAT, although the philatelic motivation it is very rare, we aren't aware of similar entire, cat. for used set £160 and for example for 1Rp on letter £2250! U:A5
1918 SG.1a, Issue EEF (Egyptian expeditionary force) 1Pia dark blue; perfect piece, cat. £160, favourite "first stamp" of this sought destination U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Postage due stamp Mi.13a, b, Ornament 20Pa red with red and 20Pa red with blue two lined Opt "Hedschasija 1343", 13a used; once exp. "ela" - Angeloglu, cat. 1.230€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Postage due stamp Mi.16-18, set Ornament 20Pa -2Pia with blue 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", cat. 750€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.60, 62-67, Ornaments with frame Opt 1922 and with new 2-line blue Opt "Hedschasija 1343" 3x **, 2x corner piece (!), 2x exp. "ela" - Angeloglu, cat. for * 1.200€, as corner and ** pieces significantly more U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.62, corner pair with plate number, Ornaments 1/4Pia green, with frame Opt 1922 and with new 2-line blue Opt "Hedschasija 1343"; luxury piece with hinge out of stamp, exp. "ela" - Angeloglu, cat. min. 400€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.71a, b, Ornament 1/4 green issue 1917, with red and blue 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", black CDS , once DJEDDA; perfect quality, cat. 550€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.72-80, Coat of arms (1922) 1/8Pia - 5Pia resp. 10Pia, with 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", 5 values golden Opt, 7x blue, 8x red, 8x black; in overwhelming majority perfect quality, cat. 2.130 U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.74a, Sc83a, Coat of arms (1922) 1/2Pia red, pair with double blue 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343"; very nice piece on cut-square with CDS, cat. $135 U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Mi.82-88, comp. of 11 stamps Coat of arms with golden Opt "King Hussein" (1924), with 3-line Opts "Hedschasija 1343", 6 values blue Opt, 2x red, 3x black; 5 stamps with prints or spots on gum, overall nice set, cat. 1.460€ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Sc.L86a,b,c, Coat of arms (1922) 2 Pia orange with blue 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", Opt inverted, double, double opposite; perfect quality, exp. i.a. "ela", cat. $180, complete printing errors from this values U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Sc.L87a,c, L95a, L104a, Coat of arms (1922) 3Pia olive-brown, with 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", inverted Opt red and black and blue, in addition blue turned only about 90 degrees, 2x corner piece; perfect quality, all signed, cat. $310 ++ U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Sc.L97a, L106a, L103a, L102a, L94a, L107a, L92a, L99b, L96a, L90a, 10x issue Coat of arms (1922) with inverted 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343"; perfect quality, Michel doesn't report, according to cat. Scott $850 U:A5
1925 issue HEJAZ - Hedschas, Sc.L116a, L123a, L120a, Coat of arms with golden Opt "King Hussein" (1924), with 3-line Opt "Hedschasija 1343", 1/8Pia Opt blue double, 1/8Pia Opt black inverted and 2Pia blue inverted; perfect quality, all signed, Michel doesn't report; printing errors of Opt on issue Coat of arms 1924 rarer then on issue Coat of arms 1922, cat. Scott $925 U:A5
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd, Mi.12, 13a,c, 14, 37a,b, 38-40, 2 complete set of famous "Train" - railway stamps Hejaz, with Opt "Al Saltana el Nedjd / Barida 1343" from July 1925 and with the same Opt in other shape and without year from August 1925, cat. 205€ U:A5
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd, Mi.42-46, Visit of sultan in Medina, 1Pia/10Pia - 5Pia/1000Pia, overprints on railways stamps Hejaz, perfect set, cat. 500€ U:A5
1925 issue NEDJD - Nedschd, Mi.47-51, Visit of sultan Dhidda, 1Pia/10Pia - 5Pia/1000Pia, overprints on railways stamp Hejaz, Mi.50 *, cat. 380€ U:A5
1920 SG.11-13, on letter from Mecca to Jedda, commercial letter of company from Bombay with favourite issue "Hejaz", in special decreased rate 16 para (valid 1918-1920 on lines Mecca-Medina, Mecca-Jedda), franked with stamps ¼; Pia, 1/8Pia, ½Pia (20Pa = ½Pia), Arabian cancel Mecca and arrival postmark JEDDA; rare letter, ex. W. King U:A5
1921 Yv.7, Maury 69,"Occupation Militaire Francaise" O.M.F. 2pia/1pia on Turkish Mi.356; very nice piece with certificate P. Scheller, cat. Maury 1650€, extremely rare overprint issue with edition only 172pcs! U:A5