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1889 SG.50b, Large Emblem 10$ brown, with linear cancel, plate flaw - printing error "DOLLAPS" instead of "DOLLARS"; perfect piece, cat. for linear cancel £350 U:A5
1886 SG.56a, Coat of arms 10C blue, INVERTED Opt 6 CENT and partially omitted; very nice quality, cat. £300 ++ U:A5
1891-1892 SG.56, 56d, Coat of arms 6 cents / 10C blue, marginal blok of 4, CDS KUDAT, left at top long "S" in "cents"; in margin out of stamp thin place, perfect and rare block, cat. £246 only as single, as blok of 4 much more! U:A5
1891-1892 SG.56a, Coat of arms 6 cents / 10C blue, inverted overprint; very nice quality, cat. £300 U:A5
1894 SG.74a, "Malayan sailing-ship" 8C purple / black, vertical pair, OMMITED horiz. perf; natural gum skips, very nice pair, cat. £800, rare! U:A5
1899-1947 SG.116-119, 123a, 136, compilation of 19 pcs of stamps, mainly used, part hinged; cat. ca. £550 U:A5
1931 TCP for SG.301P, rare trial printing for stamp Coat of arms 2$ black / brown, in sheet format; perfect quality and extraordinary offer! U:A5
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J4a, marginal horizontal pair 4C green / purple with Japanese black Opt; cat. £130 ++ U:A5
1943-1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J18-J19, J35-J48, 4C and 8C Batavia and set Japanese 1Sen-1Yens with Opt in Chinese alphabet "North Borneo"; sporadically spots (common in this issue thanks to used gum and climate), cat. £600, quite rare offer! U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J20-J32,complete set 1C-1$ S. Borneo issue 1939 with Opt "Japanese imperial post. service Borneo"; several dots, otherwise perfect set, 1$ **, cat. £300 ++ U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION, SG.J35-J48, complete set 1Sen-1Yen with Japanese Opt "North Borneo"; perfect quality, cat. £550 U:A5
1888-1892 [COLLECTIONS] collection of trial printings for SG.45-50, 25C-10$, in various colors on original paper with gum, mostly in addition with perf in the middle, total 63 pieces, from that 4x Revenue 25$, (note. issued definitive stamps have cat. £7.950), extraordinary offer U:Z
1887-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 8 old album sheets supplemented with 4 pcs of choice sheets, with old issues, revenues etc.; various quality U:Z
1948 SG.16-30, George VI., complete set of 16, highest value $5 mint never hinged, cat. £300 U:A5
1878 Mi.2I, Big dragon 3Ca red; superb piece, black cancel., cat. 140€ U:A5
1878 Mi.2I, Big dragon 3Ca red; usual irregular perf, very nice quality, blue cancel., cat. 140€ U:A5
1878 Mi.3I, Big dragon 5Ca ochre, at the back offset; very nice quality, blue cancel, cat. 140€ ++ U:A5
1878 Mi.3I, Big dragon 5Ca ochre; at top missing tooth, otherwise very nice quality, black cancel, cat. 140€ U:A5
1923 Mi.187, 189-191, 193-204, compilation of 16 stamps from rare set Junk, rise field, i.a. value 50C; cat. 237€ U:A5
1954-65 Mi.246-48, 82-83, 330-334, 453, 532-33, 739-40, 863, 873, comp. of 8 complete sets; cat. 305€ U:A5
1958-63 Mi.407-9, 413-15, 453, 523-33, 27-29, 30-31, 46-50, 608-15, 739-40, comp. of 8 complete used sets; cat. 78€ U:A5
1959 Mi.437-440, Record harvest, compilation of two bloks of four; 1x without gum, 1x used, cat. 57€ U:A5
1959 Mi.495-510, 1st national sports meeting in Beijing; complete unused set, without gum, cat. 110€ U:A5
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set; used cat. 200€ U:A5
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set, 1 stmp 4f at top browny, otherwise nice, cat. 200€ U:A5
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set, cat. 200€ U:A5
1961-63 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet Table tennis, used, cat. 800€ + comp. of cards with special postmarks "PRAHA MISTROVSTVÍ SVĚTA VE STOLNÍM TENISE 1963" with Chinese stamps and autographs of players; 1x B/W photo, very interesting compilation U:A4
1963 Mi.744-759, Country Huangshan, complete set, cat. 340€ U:A5
1963 Mi.760-764, Sport; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. 130€ U:A5
1964-68 Mi.824-826A, 1026, 1027, comp. of used stamps, strip of 3 of 15th Anniv of Peoples republic of China, 2 stamps from period of Cultural revolution, cat. 125€ U:A5
1965 Mi.879-881, Jinggangshan - The cradle of Chinese revolution, highest values 10F, 10F and 52F; cat. 160€ U:A5
1965 Mi.899-902, 20th Anniversary of victory against Japan, mint never hinged, cat. 200€ U:A5
1967 Mi.966-976, Cultural revolution, 2 complete strips of 5 + stamp Mao, cat. 2.800€ U:DR
1967 Mi.977-981, Cultural revolution - Mao´s theses, cat. 200€ U:A5
1967 Mi.982-984, Cultural revolution, cat. 750€ U:A5
1967 Mi.991, 997, 998, comp. of 3 chosen used stamps: Mao teacher 8F + Mao´s theses; cat. 250€ U:A5
1967 Mi.993-994, Cultural revolution - 18th Anniv of China, cat. 150€ U:A5
1967 Mi.995-1008, Cultural revolution - Mao´s poetry, complete set of 14 stamps, stamps Mi.1001 and 1002 mint never hinged, luxury, cat. 2.520€ U:A5
1968 Mi.1010-1018, Cultural revolution, complete set of 9 stamps, Mi.1017-1018 unused, cat. 700€ U:A5
1983 cut-square LIBROSERVO DE CINA ESPERANTO-LIGO i.a. with Revolutionary Mao 8F, Mi.1010 U:A4
Mi.1019, Cultural revolution - Mao´s instructions, cat. 150€ U:A5
1968 Mi.1019, Cultural revolution - Mao´s instructions; mint never hinged, cat. 500€ U:A5
1968 Mi.1020-1024, Cultural revolution - Mao´s orders, complete luxury strip of 5, cat. 5.500€ U:DR
1968 Mi.1025, Cultural revolution - 28 old Mao, mint never hinged, cat. 320€ U:A5
1978 Mi.Bl.12, souvenir sheet Horses; luxury, cat. 900€ U:A5
1960 Mi.MH1615-18, complete stamp booklet "Fables"; interesting, cat. 200€ U:A5
1890-1997 [COLLECTIONS] various comp. of stamps of old issues, People´s Republic of China, local issues of Tchaiwan etc., supplemented with stamps of Vietnam and Korea, all in 2 stockbooks A4 U:Z
2009 [COLLECTIONS] two gift albums from World exhibition, with stamps and souvenir sheets, contains i.a. Mi.4039, 4040, Bl.154 etc., album with exhibition souvenir sheet and 2 FDC U:Z
1912-60 [COLLECTIONS] dubblet collection of stamps China in spring folder, contains parts of sets, some complete, mainly used, i.a. Mi.495-510, 626-637, 640-42 etc., 50th years more complete U:Z
1897 SG.F11, 2x Overprint issue 1$ on fiscal stmp 2$, pale greenish blue, 2 various shades; 1x light fold, otherwise very nice quality, 1x exp. Th. Champion, cat. £500 U:A5
1900-49 comp. of 13 entires, i.a. 3 sent to Czechoslovakia, various interesting frankings of stamps issues Edward VII., George V., George VI.; good condition U:A5
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps, souvenir sheets, joined printings also stamp booklets, placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 albums, contains i.a. Silver Jubilee, Elizabeth II. 1954 SG.178-191, Elizabeth II. 1961 SG.196-210, issue after joining China etc., very nice motives, nice collection, cat. ca. 5.700€ U:Z
1870 Persiphila 2a, Lion - first issue Baqeri, 2 Shahis, PRINT ON BOTH SIDES, at the back inverted; at top small tearing in margin, insignificant regarding the rarity, certificate Sadri, illustrated in monograph Farahbakhsh "Early lion stamps of Iran", according to cat. Persifila are known ONLY 3 PIECES!, catalogue value $40.000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1875 Persiphila 5, 6, 15, 8A "Lion" 1 Chahi black *, 2 Chahis blue (*), 4 Chahis red * (thin place), 8 Chahis green (*), favourite classic issue; cat. $1150 U:A5
1878 Persiphila 30B, Lion 5 Krans black-purpur, CDS TABRIZ; very nice piece exp. Sadri, cat. $850 U:A5
1878 Persiphila 32B, Lion 5 Krans red-bronze, CDS ISFAHAN, very nice piece with wide margins, certificate Sadri, cat. $2500 U:A5
1878 Persiphila 33, Lion 5 Krans purple bronze, type D, CDS TEHERAN; very nice piece with wide margins, certificate Sadri, cat. $.3750 U:DR
1886 Mi.56-62I/II, overprint issued OFFICIEL of the issues Rising Sun and Shah 5C-5P, CDS TEHRAN; very nice quality, cat. 410€ U:A5
1902 Mi.150-159I, overprint issued. "red lion", 1 Chahi - 50 Krani, 10 pcs with various CDS, i.a. less frequent KAZVIN (Qazvin) and YEZD (Yazd); very nice compilation, cat. 650€ U:A5
1902-06 compilation of 37 stamps, contains i.a. issue Postage for Teheran Mi.150-159, 160, Postage issue for Tabris Mi.227-232, offered without guarantee U:A5