Public auction 42 / Philately / Africa

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160845 - 1904 SG.32-44, Edward VII. 1/2A-5Rp, set SPECIMEN; 2Rp light
1904 SG.32-44, Edward VII. 1/2A-5Rp, set SPECIMEN; 2Rp light fold, some traces of patina, small gum flaw, however specimens from this destination are rare, cat. £225
Starting price: CZK
150359 - 1917 Sc.116, Coronation, Opt 1/4g on 8g and coronation from
1917 Sc.116, Coronation, Opt 1/4g on 8g and coronation from 11. 2. 1917, horiz. pair with double Opt "¼"; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
150358 - 1917 Sc.116, Coronation, Opt 1/4g on 8g and coronation from
1917 Sc.116, Coronation, Opt 1/4g on 8g and coronation from 11. 2. 1917, horiz. pair L with omitted coronation Opt; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
150364 - 1926 Sc.149, Overprint issue Palace 1g on 6g, blok of 4, inv
1926 Sc.149, Overprint issue "Palace" 1g on 6g, blok of 4, inverted Opt; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
161985 - 1943 Registered and airmail letter, the first flight Djibout
1943 Registered and airmail letter, the first flight Djibouti - Damascus, with Mi.179, 177 2x, 156, 99, CDS DJIBOUTI 5.Fev.43, at the back CDS BEYROUTH 11.II.43 and DAMAS 12.2.43, supplemented with cachet flight FRANCE LIBRE, passed through censorship; good condition
Starting price: CZK
157520 - 1950 BRITISH OCCUPATION  SG.136-148, complete set 1M-500M, a
1950 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.136-148, complete set 1M-500M, also Postage-due D149-155; luxury, cat. £515, rare destination
Starting price: CZK
160177 - 1933 CYRENAICA Mi.103-108, Graf Zeppelin, complete set, mint
1933 CYRENAICA Mi.103-108, "Graf Zeppelin", complete set, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
160178 - 1933 TRIPOLITANIA Mi.190-195, Graf Zeppelin, complete set, m
1933 TRIPOLITANIA Mi.190-195, "Graf Zeppelin", complete set, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
160619 - 1936 XII BATTAGLIONE ARABO - SOMALO  official promotional Pp
1936 XII BATTAGLIONE ARABO - SOMALO official promotional Ppc Italian FP, to Czechoslovakia, with 75c, Mi.180, CDS POSTA MILITARE No.122/ 25.4.36; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161398 - 1922-1927 SG.105, George V. £100 red / black, cancel IN
1922-1927 SG.105, George V. £100 red / black, cancel INLAND REVENUE (Principal reg. of documents); perfect piece, 100 Pound face-value belongs to the highest in whole Commonwealth history, only few examples exist as unused (cat. for unused £120000) which belong to the greatest rarities of philately at all, cat. for fiscal cancel £1.600 according to our opinion doesn't reflect the rarity of this stamps, unique offer!
Starting price: CZK
161401 - 1922-1927 SG.92, 94, 95 (2), George V., 5Sh and 10Sh and 2x
1922-1927 SG.92, 94, 95 (2), George V., 5Sh and 10Sh and 2x £1 as original tricolour (!) franking of high values on new background, with cancel INLAND REVENUE (Principal reg. of documents), attractive multiple
Starting price: CZK
161399 - 1922-1927 SG.99, 100, 102, George V. £5, £10, 
1922-1927 SG.99, 100, 102, George V. £5, £10, £25, small date cancel. LAW COURT NAIROBI; SG.102 lower with very small thin place of 2 teeth, otherwise quite perfect set, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
161966 - 1900-94 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4,
1900-94 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, contains part of first issues, parts of sets also better pieces, used also unused, also with souvenir sheets, motives etc.; cat. according to owner over 800€
Starting price: CZK
161422 - 1848-1859 SG.11, POST PAID, 1P dull vermilion, intermediate
1848-1859 SG.11, POST PAID, 1P "dull vermilion", intermediate impression, bicircular black cancel., in the middle repaired, cat. £3000
Starting price: CZK
160894 - 1900 SG.13, Queen Victoria 4C/16C, blok of 24 and blok of 12
1900 SG.13, Queen Victoria 4C/16C, blok of 24 and blok of 12, min. 20 pcs mint; several dots at top, otherwise perfect multiples, cat. £900 ++
Starting price: CZK
160837 - 1848-1859 SG.23, POST PAID latest impression 1P orange (red)
1848-1859 SG.23, POST PAID "latest impression" 1P orange (red); very nice piece on cut-square with dumb black cancel, exp. Kosack, cat. £750 ++
Starting price: CZK
160793 - 1859 SG.33, Sitting Britannia 6P, pair and 4 single stamps,
1859 SG.33, Sitting Britannia 6P, pair and 4 single stamps, shades from blue-slate to dark purpur-slate, cancel. B53; very nice quality, cat. £390
Starting price: CZK
160879 - 1859-1861 SG.33, Sitting Britannia 6P slate, strip of 3, can
1859-1861 SG.33, Sitting Britannia 6P slate, strip of 3, cancel. B53; very nice and rare multiple, cat. as single stamps £195
Starting price: CZK
151601 - 1863-72 SG.59, Queen Victoria 2d light blue, Opt CANCELLED,
1863-72 SG.59, Queen Victoria 2d light blue, Opt "CANCELLED", wide right margin, cat. £70
Starting price: CZK
160850 - 1879-1880 TCP for SG.98, Queen Victoria 38C, trial printing
1879-1880 TCP for SG.98, Queen Victoria 38C, trial printing in black color on chalky paper, date "Nov. 22 1877" De La Rue; perfect quality, rare!
Starting price: CZK
160851 - 1879-1880 TCP for SG.99, Queen Victoria 50C, trial printing
1879-1880 TCP for SG.99, Queen Victoria 50C, trial printing in black color on chalky paper, date "Dez. 5 1877" De La Rue; perfect quality, rare!
Starting price: CZK
160852 - 1883 SG.114, Queen Victoria 16CENTS / 17C red, horizontal pa
1883 SG.114, Queen Victoria "16CENTS" / 17C red, horizontal pair; very nice quality, rare overprint issue, certificate BPA, cat. £750 ++
Starting price: CZK
160853 - 1891 SG.119b, Queen Victoria TWO CENTS / 17C red, DOUBLE Opt
1891 SG.119b, Queen Victoria "TWO CENTS" / 17C red, DOUBLE Opt; very nice piece, certificate BPA (i.a. Holcombe), cat. £900, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
160896 - 1893 SG.123, Queen Victoria 1C/2C light violet, two blocks o
1893 SG.123, Queen Victoria 1C/2C light violet, two blocks of 96, almost complete halves of printing sheet (4x 60 pcs), 12x gutter (interpanneu), 2x plate number 1, margins with wmk; several places with loose perf, otherwise perfect quality, in right block at top also lower on pos. 48 in catalogue douesn´t mentioned plate flaw "short T" (!), only as single ** stamps cat. £960, in block with gutters, plate number and plate flaw much more
Starting price: CZK
160892 - 1893 SG.124, Queen Victoria 1C/16C, 60-stamps multiple of pa
1893 SG.124, Queen Victoria 1C/16C, 60-stamps multiple of part of sheet, at top margin with plate number; cat. £330 ++
Starting price: CZK
158845 - 1993-2000 Mi.839-842, 100th Anniversary of the first stamps
1993-2000 Mi.839-842, 100th Anniversary of the first stamps of the world + Mi.Bl.23, Bl.24 and Bl.25, Fishes - complete issue +4 single stamps; cat. 25€
Starting price: CZK
154754 - 1873 letter to London with rate 10P for French paquet boat t
1873 letter to London with rate 10P for French "paquet boat" through Marseilles, with 4P+6P, SG.63, 65, wmk CC, cancel B, CDS MAURITIUS, LONDON PAID and LONDON; very nice piece
Starting price: CZK
161796 - 1926-27 3  Ppcs of island Mauritius sent to Czechoslovakia,
1926-27 3 Ppcs of island Mauritius sent to Czechoslovakia, all with George V., i.a. 1x 1c+2c+3c+4c, CDS GENERAL POST OFFICE MAURITIUS; good condition
Starting price: CZK
151620 - 1885 Mi.5, 6, 5c/30c grey + 5c/40c yellow-orange + FRANCE Mi
1885 Mi.5, 6, 5c/30c grey + 5c/40c yellow-orange + FRANCE Mi.39, Ceres 5c green
Starting price: CZK
161806 - 1878 SG.Z44, overprint 50c/1Sh green on stamp Mauritius SG.9
1878 SG.Z44, overprint 50c/1Sh green on stamp Mauritius SG.90, cancel. "B 64"; cat. £120
Starting price: CZK
160860 - 1948 SG.100w, Camel 5mill brown / black, marginal blok of 4,
1948 SG.100w, "Camel" 5mill brown / black, marginal blok of 4, INVERTED wmk; luxury piece, cat. £300 ++, in block rare!
Starting price: CZK
160827 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M1C, German Ostafrik
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M1C, German Ostafrika 2½h with violet Opt G.R. MAFIA; perfect piece, exp. Hoffmann-Giesecke, cat. ca. £450, very rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
160824 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M3, German Ostafrika
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M3, German Ostafrika 7½h with black Opt G.R. MAFIA; light original folds, left 1mm tearing, exp. Hoffmann-Giesecke, cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
160825 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M4, German Ostafrika
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M4, German Ostafrika 15h with black Opt G.R. MAFIA; luxury marginal piece with part of sheet inscriptions, cat. ca. £1.100, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
160828 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M4C, German Ostafrik
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M4C, German Ostafrika 15h with violet Opt G.R. MAFIA; perfect piece, exp. Hoffmann-Giesecke, cat. ca. £340
Starting price: CZK
160830 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M5C, German Ostafrik
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M5C, German Ostafrika 20h with violet Opt G.R. MAFIA, perfect piece, exp. Hoffmann-Giesecke, cat. ca. £700
Starting price: CZK
160831 - 1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M7C, German Ostafrik
1915 MAFIA ISLAND, Brit. occupation, SG.M7C, German Ostafrika 45h with violet Opt G.R. MAFIA; perfect piece, exp. Hoffmann-Giesecke and oths., cat. ca. £1.000, nice piece and rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
160284 - 1922 Registered letter to Czechoslovakia, franked on back si
1922 Registered letter to Czechoslovakia, franked on back side wit 4 postage stamps Sultan Kalif, SG.276, 280, 283, 285, CDS ZANZIBAR 10.May.22, several transit cancels and arrival postmark PRAGUE 9.VI.22; small format, good condition
Starting price: CZK
162184 - 1880-1881 SG.12A, Queen Victoria 1P maroon - brownlila, wmk
1880-1881 SG.12A, Queen Victoria 1P "maroon" - brownlila, wmk CC "sideways" crown right; split in low right corner, overall very nice piece of this 2nd most expensive stamp of Gambie, printing SG.12A+SG.12Aw was only 990 pieces!; certificate BPA, cat. £1.700, (is known, that her "sister" SG.12Aw, "sideways" crown left with cat. £2500, is for example only 1x in famous Tapling collection and only 1x in Brit. Royal collection), also our SG.12A is very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
162182 - 1880 SG.12Bw, 14cBw, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC
1880 SG.12Bw, 14cBw, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC, 1P violet red and 3P dull ultramarine, both with inverted watermarks, very nice quality, cat. £255
Starting price: CZK
162183 - 1880-1881 SG.14a, 18a, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk
1880-1881 SG.14a, 18a, Queen Victoria embossed printing wmk CC "sideways" 3P and 6P; also wmk CC in normal position ½P (in addition pair), 1P (in addition pair); 2P, 3P, 6P and 1Sh several small flaws, very nice quality, cat. £1140
Starting price: CZK
161802 - 1887 SG.32d, Queen Victoria 6P olive green, gently turned pi
1887 SG.32d, Queen Victoria 6P olive green, gently turned picture of stamp to the right so-called. sloping label; cat. £180
Starting price: CZK
162181 - 1898-1902 SG.40a, 41a, 44a, Queen Victoria 2½P, 3P and
1898-1902 SG.40a, 41a, 44a, Queen Victoria 2½P, 3P and 1Sh, wmk CA; 1Sh without gum and with very light patina, overall very nice and all with "malformed S", deformed "S" in "POSTAGE"; cat. £1975, rare offer of three various values with this sought plate flaw!
Starting price: CZK
161801 - 1938 SG.150-161, George VI., Elephants, favourite long set;
1938 SG.150-161, George VI., Elephants, favourite long set; hinged, cat. for ** £150
Starting price: CZK
157521 - 1915 CEF, British expedition forces SG.B1-B13, complete over
1915 CEF, British expedition forces SG.B1-B13, complete overprint issue ½P/3Pfg-5S/5RM; SG.B13 lower small thin place, very nice set, cat. £850
Starting price: CZK
154963 - 1918 Reg letter to Bern with mixed colonial franking C.E.F.
1918 Reg letter to Bern with mixed colonial franking C.E.F. Opt ½P-2P on 5Pfg-20Pfg + Cameroun Occupation Francaise on colonial stamp. 10C MOYEN CONGO, CDS and provisional Reg label BUEA/ BRITISH CAMEROON, then transitand arrival cancel, rarer franking in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
160881 - 1895 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), wi
1895 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (10x) and SG.29 (3x), 10x Queen Victoria ½P green incl. block of 6! and 3x 1½P violet, cancel. B31 and CDS KENT, arrival red REGISTERED LONDON and oths.; signs of age, unique multiple and as well exact franking 9½ Pence, from commercial correspondence, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
160882 - 1897 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), wi
1897 Registered letter to London (on sheet from exhibit), with SG.27 (6x) and SG.33, 6x Queen Victoria ½P green and 4P brown, CDS FREETOWN, FREETOWN REGISTERED, LIVERPOOL REGISTERED, arrival LONDON REGISTERED; signs of age, exact franking 7 Pence (2+5) after decreasing of Reg fee to 2P, in addition notice AVIS DE RECEPTION and additional cancel "AR", meaning payment fee for reply receipt - certificate of delivery; exceedingly rare, we aren't aware of another colonial entire before 1900 with "AR"!
Starting price: CZK
160797 - 1914 SG.H28, Brit. occupation, overprint issue Anglo-French
1914 SG.H28, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation One penny" on German colonial 5Pfg, ERROR PRINT "TOG", cat. £130, Mi.200€
Starting price: CZK
160799 - 1915 SG.H31, Brit. occupation, overprint issue Anglo-French
1915 SG.H31, Brit. occupation, overprint issue "Anglo-French Occupation " on German colonial 10Pfg, new Opt wit wide 15mm, cat. £200
Starting price: CZK
162067 - 1939 airmail letter to Protectorate, franked on back sidewit
1939 airmail letter to Protectorate, franked on back sidewith Mi.289, 279, 287, CDS LOANDA 7.VI.39; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161945 - 1938 SG.40ca, George VI. dockside vermilion / black, perf 14
1938 SG.40ca, George VI. "dockside" vermilion / black, perf 14, with plate flaw "davit flaw" - arc left; favourite speciality, cat. £325
Starting price: CZK
161378 - 1902 double PC 15c+15c with response part, to Germany, CDS M
1902 double PC 15c+15c with response part, to Germany, CDS MATADI 24.FEVR.1902, arrival NEUMBURG 20.3.02; partly detached in fold, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
159360 - 1911 address part of double PC 10c red, uprated by 15c of th
1911 address part of double PC 10c red, uprated by 15c of the same issue, CDS BOMA/ 19.JUIN 1911; addressed to Foret Hill, common quality
Starting price: CZK
161377 - 1920 PC 10c Etat Independant du Congo to Brussels, uprated w
1920 PC 10c Etat Independant du Congo to Brussels, uprated with 5c, Mi.25, worse readable cancel 6.SEPT.1920, arrival BRUSSELS; good condition
Starting price: CZK
161375 - 1922 PC 10c to Brno, uprated on front side with 2x 10c, Mi.2
1922 PC 10c to Brno, uprated on front side with 2x 10c, Mi.26, worse readable cancel JANU/6-7/1922; good condition
Starting price: CZK
154747 - 1897 letter from Santa Isabel (Malabo), franked with overpri
1897 letter from Santa Isabel (Malabo), franked with overprint stamp Coat of arms 5 Centavos/10C de Peso red, 2x blue CDS CORREOS FERNANDO POO and arrival black, to Santiaga (Baney) 19.1.1897 and came back 12.2.1897; interesting simple franking in terms of island, rare
Starting price: CZK
149926 - 1882 letter to Birmingham, with SG.28 (2), 29, 30, Allegory
1882 letter to Birmingham, with SG.28 (2), 29, 30, Allegory ½P 2x, 1P and 4P, CDS CAPE TOWN MR 27, at the back arrival postmark and firm additional printing "Photographic Artist"; atypical envelope, small format, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
161804 - 1859-86 SG.10, 11, 13, 18, 77, 85, 104-106, compilation of 1
1859-86 SG.10, 11, 13, 18, 77, 85, 104-106, compilation of 10 classical stamps Queen Victoria, i.a. 6x "Chalon head"; cat. according to owner ca. £430, various margins and perf
Starting price: CZK
161946 - 1903-1904 ORANGE RIVER COLONY, SG.144, 144a, Edward VII. 4P
1903-1904 ORANGE RIVER COLONY, SG.144, 144a, Edward VII. 4P green / carmine, pair with significant and rare printing error "IOSTAGE" instead "POSTAGE"; small fold in gum, overall perfect pair, printing error hinged cat. £1.200, (in the market rapidly increasing - in catalogue SG.2012 only £950!) in connection with normal stamp and especially as mint never hinged it is rare piece, cat. ca. £2.400
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 42 / Philately / Africa - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech afrického kontinentu od roku 1847. První poštovní známkou Afriky byl legendární Modrý Mauritius POST OFFICE.