1941 p.stat 1 K to Protectorate, uprated with stamp with Opt NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA HRVATSKA 1Din, Mi.11, 1Din/3Din, Mi.41 and 50P, Mi.43, CDS ZAGREB 29.VII.41, interesting combination of 3 overprint issues, passed through censorship
1852 Sass.10, 12, Coat of arms 50Baj blue and dark blue (1864), 1st issue clear print and 2nd issue imperfected print; close margins, otherwise very nice, cat. 8.250€
1857 Registered letter with Sas.5+9, Coat of arms 4Baj+8Baj, grid postmark and CDS BOLOGNA; very nice quality, registered letters with 1st issues are rare
1859 PAPAL STATE, letter to Ferrara with pair Sass.1, 1/2 Bajochi grey, PAIR WITH GUTTER, cancel of prephilatelic type COPPARO, better pmk of small community in Emilia Romagna; usual margins, small format, with gutter rare, cat. 3.250€
1852-59 Mi.1-6, 1-2, compilation of 32 pcs of classical stamps Modena, 5C-1L + Newspaper; high catalogue value, very various quality, suitable to examination
1859 Sas.12, Issue of provisional governament, 5C blue-green, mounted on newspaper background, part of typical circular CDS; very nice piece, cat. 7.500€
1852 Mi.1; Sas.1, Coat of arms 5C i horiz. strip of 3! on letter to Piacenza, close margins at top, straight line postmark, at the back round PIACENZA; cat. Sas. 2.000€
1863 TCP for Mi.15I, Catalogo Enciclopedico Italiano PS7, pair Viktor Emanuel 15C blue, on thin paper, at the back the same print in blue and black(!) color; perfect quality, certificate Dr. Avi, cat. CEI 12.000€, rare!
1908 Mi.90, Victor Emanuel III. 25C blue, block of four with coupons!; quality should be inspected - 1 stamp damaged, in blocks rare, cat. only for 3 single stamps 840€
1922 Mi.153-156, 9th congress of stamp collectors in Trieste, complete set with 5-lined overprint, on small cut-squares, special postmark TRIESTE/ IX. CONGRESSO FILATELICO ITALIANO/ 5.6.1922 (2nd day!); sought set, just single used stamps cat. 900€
1921 advertising letter-card addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. postage stamp Emanuel 20c with Opt B.L.P. for letter-cards, Mi.B129I, CDS ROMA 30.11.21, cat. only for stamp with overprint 150€; good condition
1944 Reg letter to Germany, with 50C and 75C with Opt REPUBLICA SOCIALE, CDS GENOVA 1944, through Italian and German censorship; letters from this period are rare
1811-1958 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 52 entires, contains i.a. 9 prephilatelic letters, 4 classic letters, letters with interesting interwar frankings, Reg and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia passed through censorship, several Ppc etc.; placed in stockbook for entires
1918 5 larger parts of Hungarian money dispatch-notes for Croatia, 4x p.stat 2f green and 1x C.O.D. blue, with issues Reaper and Charles, CDS KONČANICA, NOVI, ZAGREB, SUŠAK etc.; good condition
1928 2 money letters sent to Czechoslovakia, various franking of postage stamps, CDS STARIGRAD 8.III.28 and DOZACI 12.III.28, arrival postmark.; good condition, hints of mounting in exhibit
1945 PROVISORY comp. of 3 letters sent to Belgrade, from that 2x Registered, franked with overprint stamps Mi.451 and 453, various CDS, provisional registry label, passed through censorship; interesting
1938 commercial air-mail letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked with air-mail stamps Mi.340, 344, CDS BEOGRAD 20.IX.38, at the back machine air-mail cancel ZEMUN 21.IX.38, arrival PRAHA - LETIŠTĚ 21.IX.38; light horiz. fold
1890-1920 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS compilation of 170 pcs of perfins from territory Yugoslavia, 13x revenue, 82 pcs of Bosnia and Herzegovina; placed on card A4
1900 Mi.3, block of four Prince George, 10 Lepta red, POSTAGE STAMPS USED AS REVENUE STAMPS (revenue stamp in right olive color for camparision) on official court document with cancel of court in Agios Myronos, rare!
1933 SWISSAIR MITTLEMEERFLUG airmail letter to Vienna, with Mi.109, 111-113, CDS TRIESENBERG 24.IV.33, red round SWISSAIR MITTLEMEERFLUG 26.IV.33, transit pmk ROMA, TUNISIA, ZÜRICH, on the back side advertising label; only for stamps cat. 250€, decorative, light vertical fold
1936 C.O.D. Reg and airmail letter to Brno, franked with. air stamp. Mi.143-145, 147 and postage stmp Mi.129, CDS SCHAAN 19.VI.36, C.O.D. label, transit STRASBOURG GARE AVION, PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT, blue framed pmk DOŠLO LETADLEM BRNO2; decorative, only stamp. cat. 200€
1912-1990 [COLLECTIONS] exceedingly nice collection of Liechtenstein, from 1961 complete, only sets Mi.53-60 and 72-74 used, other mint never hinged in very good quality, complete sets and also many valuable souvenir sheets, contains i.a. souvenir sheet Vaduz Mi.Bl.1 lightly hinged, also Mi.Bl. 2, 4, 5 etc., Mi.398, EUROPA 50Rp, 25-stamps complete printing sheet, PB Mi.197, 243, 247, 252 etc.; placed on sheets in glassine envelopes in 2 stockbooks, cat. according to the owner: according to the catalogue Michel 2005 ca. 10.000€, very interesting offer
1921 MEMEL - KLAIPEDA, letter - money letter 6000RM with stamps of issue French mandatory administration, Opt MEMELGEBIET Mi.6, 8, 11-13, CDS SCHMALLENINGKEN (Smalininkai); nice entire, especially Mi.13 (2,50M) is on letter rare
1924 Registered letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, franked on front and also back side with postage stamps Coat of arms, Mi.90 10x, 93 2x, CDS LEPAJA 10.V.24, at the back arrival ŽIŽKOV 13.V.24; decorative small format
1932commercial Express and airmail letter to Hamburg and redirected to Berlin, multicolor franking of triangle airmail stamps, Mi.129 2x, 130, 131 2x, and postage stamp Mi.123 on the back side, CDS RIGA - LIDPASTS 14.6.32, 2 red air cancels Mit Luftpost befördert BERLIN and arrival postmark BERLIN ZETRALFLUGHAFEN 15.6.32; signs of usage, interesting
1918-1940[COLLECTIONS] semi-specialised collection, major part of sets 2x, missing better air-mail sets from year 1933, contains many imperforated variants, varieties wmk, railway stamps, etc., mainly hinged, placed in paper clamping pockets in old stockbook A5, cat. ca. 1.500€
1920-1992 [COLLECTIONS] LATVIA, LITHUANIA collection of stamps in 2 albums, contains inter-war issue, parts of sets, air-mail, unused also used, supplemented with stamp after year 1990
1993-96 [COLLECTIONS] 14 pcs of printing sheets, various motives i.a. Mi.403-405, 410-413 (in addition 1x printing sheet of Tanzania); placed in folder, cat. ca. 200€
1924-28comp. 6 entires, from that 5x addressed to Czechoslovakia - multicolor frankings of postage stamps i.a. Mi.135, 163, issue Tuberkulose Mi.157-160 in blocks of four etc., 4x Registered letter, supplemented with 1 Ppc franked with. surtax stamp Mi.192 2x, 194, addressed to Brit. East Africa; good condition
1930-2002 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Luxembourg on album sheets in spring folder, contains several better sets, i.a. Mi.182-186, 234-237, 234-237, Bl.2, 403-411 etc.; mainly mint never hinged