1841 SG.2 (3) and SG.7 (3), cut square with 6x 1P, 3x Penny Black plate 6 and 3x Penny Red plate 1b (print from plate 6 terminated in January 1841, last Penny Black from this folder meet on post offices wit Penny Red in January 1841, in circulation from 10. 2. 1841), except one piece all with wide margins, black cancel Maltese cross; in addition letter to Hamburg and cut square, franked with two strips of 3, resp. strips of 6 SG.8 1P red-brown, all originates from one estate, evidently from same correspondence; 2-stamps combination of Black / Red are very rare, our 6-stamps multiple color combination is probaly the unique rarity
1840 Mi.2b+c; SG.5-6, comp. of 2 stamps 2P, blue on cut-square and light blue, plate 2, letters G-D and S-B, full to wide margins, once exp. Dietrich, black Maltese cross, once LONDON "broken points", perfect condition, cat. Gibbons £1750++
1841 SG.14, 2P light blue and blue, strips of 7 and 9, plate 3, lettered LB-LH and JB-JJ, numeral cancel of Scotch type 284 and 131; nice complexes, only 1x fold, various margins, cat. estimated for £4.000
1883 SG.137, 1£ orange, marginal piece, wmk "anchor", with Opt SPECIMEN T 11; very light oblique fold, nice quality, hinged on the edge, stamp with original gum, unusual overprint type, exp. Roig, cat. * £4.500, for ** + ca. 50%, extraordinary offer!
1884 IMPRIMATUR SG.177, 10Sh ultramarine, lettered DE, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; close margins, nice piece, certificate RPSL, cat. £6.250, very rare stamp, only several imprimatur prints on the market!
1890 SG.181, 5S crimson, blok of 6, white paper, perfect complex with nice circular date cancel MANCHESTER TELEGRAPHS; outstanding block in rich deep color, certificate Eichele (Basel), cat. £2.000 ++
1882-1901 SG.O16, Official, Opt I. R. OFFICIAL £1 green, complete small oval CDS ACCOUNT BRANCH PO GLASGOW; perfect quality, certificate R. Domini, exp. Diena, superb piece, cat. £3375++
1850 envelope sent from London to Prague paid by cash, tied with red maltese cross O.C.S. 4.Ju. 1850, at the back round cancel PRAG 8./Jun.; good condition
1862 SG.66, 2x - once marginal piece and SG.40 3x, on letter of very small format sent on to Brit. embassy in Athens (!), CDS LONDON, interesting mixed franking, good destination and perfect condition, two stamps SG.40 placed over margin of the envelope, cat. Gibbons min. 320£
1903 SG.O105, Official, overprint Admiralty Official on stamp 2½P ultramarine, complete thimple pmk KINGS LYNN; perfect quality, in certificate Dr. Chaivarello stated T II. Opt (SG.O111), according to our opinion it is a cheaper variant T I., cat. £140++
1931Register airmail letter to Czechoslovakia franked with whole booklet sheet Mi. H-Blatt 9 with advertising coupons "India Rubber Inlaid Sponge" (Mi. R105) and "R. G. McKinlay" (Mi. R106) + Mi.155, CDS WILLESDEN/ 2.10.31, red cachet "Mit Luftpost befordert/ Berlin C2", at the back transit postmark HARLESDEN/ 2.OC.31 and BERLIN C2/ 3.10.031, arrival AŠ 1/ 4.X.31; small format, decorative entire, non-philatelic correspondence (!), booklet sheet on letter cat. 2.000€
1953-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of postage stamp issue Elizabeth II., contains regional issues for Wales, Scotland, Jersey, Guernsey etc., in addition 9 stamp booklets; all in 8-sheet stockbook A4, cat. according to the owner ca. 600€
1850-1980 [COLLECTIONS] doublets and remaining collection on album sheets, contains stamps of Europe and also Overseas, supplemented with stamps of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from the 60th, suitable for other sale; various quality, it is worth to see
1850-1990[COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA, BOSNIA, GDR, RUSSIA, SWEDEN, ENGLAND, HUNGARY, ITALY, POLAND, NETHERLANDS, NORWAY etc., motives in 1 stockbook, big album Schwaneberger with quantum of older and also new stamps from Overseas; estate, various quality, total 13 big stockbooks and album of Overseas, placed in one big carton box, personal pick-up prefered
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY + other foreign countries, collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires mainly of Austria to year 1918, PC, cards of field post, receipts, cut-squares with newspaper revenues etc., supplemented with several entires of Germany, Belgium, France, Yugoslavia and choice cards with stamps of USSR; mainly good quality, interesting
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, compilation of unstuck stamps sorted to envelopes according to the countries, part CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - i.a. Hradčany and other issues, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, stamps of various countries Europe and also Overseas; estate of collector
1900-2000[COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA / GERMANY NAD OTHER EUROPEAN STATES larger comp. of hundreds entires mainly Austria and Germany, supplemented with choice sheets with foreign stamps, major part from commercial supplies, much items placed in covers, more than 7kg of material in big box, suitable for resale, profitable offer
1900-50[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires from Europe and also Overseas, contains i.a. quantum of letters Dutch East Indies, USA, Switzerland, Austria, Germany etc.; various quality, interesting
1900-70[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 pcs of various entires from countries of Europe and also Overseas, contains many interesting items; various quality, interesting compilation
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE remaining supply of stamps in bags, various stamp countries + 3x small album, supplemented with PC, FDC CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 etc.; in small box, over 1,5Kg of material
1910-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation, mainly USSR (1940-80) and Rumania on cards A4 + several notebooks, various stamp countries; major part used, in cardboard box, 6Kg of material