1913-28 comp. of stamps on card A4, contains i.a. Mi.18-19 used, Mi.28, block of 10 of Mi.140A-143A, Mi.188-189, 191, 193-198 in blocks with margin, i.a. Mi.197 and 198 blocks of 8; small gum flaw, high catalogue value
1909 ITALIAN POST IN ALBANIA uprated p.stat 20P/10Cmi, Mi.P5, sent as Reg to Germany, uprated by overprint stamp Shkodra di Albania 1P/25Cmi, CDS SCUTARI D´ALBANIA 6.9/09; good condition, light bend, nice cancels
1870TURKEY folded letter to Albania, with VI. issue Franz Joseph 10Kr blue, from Trieste, black 2-lines TRIESTE COLVAPORI, also at the back transit ZARA 29/5, on Turkish territory burdened with postage-due, Duloz 1Ghr!; arrival SCUTARI D´ALBANIE 2/6; rare letter, horiz. bend
1871TURKEY folded letter to Albania, with Victor Emmanuel II. 20C and 40C, Mi.20 and 26, CDS VENICE 21.NOV.71, through/over Trieste, on/for tureckém territory burdened with postage-due, Duloz1Ghr + 2Ghr!!; rare letter, slightly toned, good condition
1914 CDV Skanderberg 10Q red, uprated to Reg with overprint Skanderberg 20Pa/10Q and 1Gr/25Q, CDS SHENGIN (Shengjin) and blue DURRES; very nice quality
1913-28[COLLECTIONS] better collection of complete sets on 15 unbound album sheets in glassine envelopes, mainly unused and hinged, without certification, cat. ca. 2.000€
1950 TCP Mi.880, Anti-Tuberculosis Work - value 1,75Fr+25c, trial printing - master die in blue color on thin yellowy paper without gum, with signature of author "L. Jansens/ 1950"
1958 TCP Mi.1104, World Exhibition in Brussels - value 2,50F, trial printing - master die in black color on thin paper without flight, with signature of author "L. Jansens/ 1958"
1959 TCP Mi.1156, 400 years of Royal library, value 1F+50c, monochrome trial printing in vine red color, on white paper without gum, with signature of author "Jean de Bast"
1933 Express letter to Germany, franked with complete set Cardinal Mercier, Mi.333-341, CDS TILF 1.XII.33, philatelically motivated entire, cat. only for used stamps 550€
1936 Reg letter to Prague with Mi.395 (2x), 415 (4x), 417 (4x) in front and souvenir sheet Mi.Bl.4 (!) at the back, CDS ANTWERPEN 1/ 13.XI.36; interesting
1849-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection in album Kabe on sheets, contains classic period, also contains interwar period, war and postwar years, many complete sets, part unused, almost all souvenir sheets (without Mi.Bl.3); high catalogue value, interesting offer
1851-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 entires, contains ca. 5 pcs of classic letters, mainly period of 30´s, correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia, part as Registered, multicolor frankings, part Us Ppc, interesting set, estate of dealer
1882-1938 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps on 20 unbound album sheets in glassine envelopes, complete sets, later issues mint never hinged, supplemented with stockbook with dublets, cat. only for collection ca. 2.700€
1918letter to Saxony with Mi.1B (4x), 2 (2x), 2x pair of 5 K + pair 15K, provisional postmark KURESSAR; nice quality, exceedingly rare franking of first issue (!) and good destination - island Saaremaa
1923-24 compilation of 1 letter and 2 Ppc sent to Czechoslovakia, CDS TALLIN 11.6.24, VÖPU 2.III.24 and 31.XII.23, various franking; overall good condition
1849-71 compilation of 51 classical stamps Ceres and Napoleon III., i.a. Mi.1, 3, 9, 10-16b, 18-23a, b, 24-31, 33-35, 39b, 40, 45-51, pairs 29a,b, 41II, block of four 21; Mi.1 thin and mounted, Mi.39b with small thin place, otherwise all in very nice quality, cat. 1.950€
1853 Mi.16a, Napoleon III. 80C, horizontal strip of 4; by the separation from the sheet - between stamps in the middle cut, otherwise nice, wide margins
1870Mi.36, Ceres 1C, issue Bordeaux, vertical (!) strip of four with excellent margins, certificate M. Eichele, perfect, in lower stamp small bend, rarer CDS GIVRY PRÉS L’ORBIZE - small village in Burgundy
1900 Mi.85, Allegory 2Fr brown, blok of four, on blue paper, lower pair mint never hinged; perfect complex with certificate A. von der Weid, cat. 540€ ++
1867,1891 comp. 2 money letters with Mi.21, 22, Napoleon 20C, 40C and Mi,65II, 81II, numeral cancel 281 and CDS BAGNÉRES DE BIGORRE and LA CHARTRE, older letter in addition interesting pmk of delayed posting APRÉS LE DÉPART; small formats, nice quality, franked money letters especially from classic period are rare
1860-1920[COLLECTIONS] MOROCCO, TURKEY, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, CHINA etc. collection on 18 album sheets, contains colonial issues, various issue, incomplete and also complete sets, better pieces etc.; Unused also used, interesting collection, high catalogue value
1853-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheets in album Kabe, contains part of classic period, mainly inter-war and postwar period, without souvenir sheets
1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 entires, contains ca. 10 classic letters, mainly period of 30´s, correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia, part as Registered, multicolor frankings, part Us Ppc, addition Monaco, Andora, interesting set, estate of dealer
1941-1942Mi.69U, Exhibition against Bolshevism 4 K, imperforated blocks of four + 4 TCP Mi.70-73, Model Exhibition; outer prints in original colors on stronger white paper
1943Mi.108U and TCP 110U, Legion 2+1K, 9+4,50K dark carmine and brown (print "without clouds"), imperforated blocks of 50; value 2K left at top fold out of stamp, value 9K left vertical fold, rare multiples with intact gum
1944 Mi.161, Francetic 12,50K black, half of printing sheet - 2PL with 60 pcs and with 5 gutters without gum - (not counted); also PB - imperforated TCP, 30 pcs issued without gum, cat. 900€ only as single TCP, as complete sheet rare!
1942TCP for Block No.1, Exhibition of models in Zagreb, mirrored inverted print in black color on common paper without gum, 2 printing stages; perfect piece with certificate Zrinjšćak
1943 TCP Mi.106, Pavelič 3,50K in blue color on original paper with gum, in addition mirrored inverted printing from part of other sheet TCP in dark blue; rare and attractive block
1943 TCP Mi.107, Croatian legionnaires 1K+0,50K, block of four, trial printing in green color (1. stages of print) on stronger yellowy carton (!) paper without gum; rare, photo-certificate P. Zrinjščak from 2008
1995 TCP Mi.58-62, imperforated trial printing - for PB of Surtax stamps for the benefit of Croatian Olympic committee, in brown color, on white paper, in different stamp sequence(!); whole PB Mi.58-62 inserted, very interesting, on trial print photo-certificate P. Zrinjščak from 2013
1944 2x correspondence card 2Kuna with added postage, 1x as Registered and 1x Express, uprated with i.a. surtax stamp RATNI DOPRINOS, Reg addressed to officer of Ustaše army, Ex with larger p.stat size ; nice quality