1913-28[COLLECTIONS] better collection of complete sets on 15 unbound album sheets in glassine envelopes, mainly unused and hinged, without certification, cat. ca. 2.000€
1933 Express letter to Germany, franked with complete set Cardinal Mercier, Mi.333-341, CDS TILF 1.XII.33, philatelically motivated entire, cat. only for used stamps 550€
1851-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 entires, contains ca. 5 pcs of classic letters, mainly period of 30´s, correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia, part as Registered, multicolor frankings, part Us Ppc, interesting set, estate of dealer
1882-1938 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps on 20 unbound album sheets in glassine envelopes, complete sets, later issues mint never hinged, supplemented with stockbook with dublets, cat. only for collection ca. 2.700€
1849-71 compilation of 51 classical stamps Ceres and Napoleon III., i.a. Mi.1, 3, 9, 10-16b, 18-23a, b, 24-31, 33-35, 39b, 40, 45-51, pairs 29a,b, 41II, block of four 21; Mi.1 thin and mounted, Mi.39b with small thin place, otherwise all in very nice quality, cat. 1.950€
1860-1920[COLLECTIONS] MOROCCO, TURKEY, PORT SAID, ALEXANDRIA, CHINA etc. collection on 18 album sheets, contains colonial issues, various issue, incomplete and also complete sets, better pieces etc.; Unused also used, interesting collection, high catalogue value
1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 entires, contains ca. 10 classic letters, mainly period of 30´s, correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia, part as Registered, multicolor frankings, part Us Ppc, addition Monaco, Andora, interesting set, estate of dealer
1956-1981 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-sheets stockbook A4, business supply mostly mint never hinged, incl. popular motives, fauna and others.; atypical destination, cat. min. 1.200€
1919-22[COLLECTIONS] nice lightly specialised collection of mainly unused stamps, placed on 21 unbound sheets Lindner, specialized one of first issues 1919, other issue perforated and also imperforated, different color issue for Cultural fund Mi.78I, 80I-83I, color varieties as Mi.94F, 95F, 136F, double prints, double perf etc.; very interesting, cat. ca. 2.500€
1859 Mi.4, Coat of arms 2C black, with black CDS; perfect quality, cat. values complete margins; rare stamp often missing in collections; exp.Luxembourg Federation of Philatelic Societies, cat. 700€+
1871 Mi.8-9, 11-13, Franz Joseph, copperprints, comp. of 10 stamps, 1x 2 Kr yellow, 2 pcs of rest values, from that value 25 Kr blue-violet with blue cancel TEMESWÁR, cat. 500€
1921 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY WEST HUNGARY - Lajtabanat, Mi.1-10 on cut-squares with CDS NAGYSZENTMIHALY (today Großpetersdorf in Austria), also Mi.20-30, 62-68; the first issue "Felkelo Magyarok" undervalued
1867 Mi.16 (3x) and Mi.18 (2x), from that 4 pcs on cut-squares, numeral cancels "27", "28", "325", "344", "582"; very nice quality, cancels excluded from sum, cat. only stamps 306€, value 12Kr often missing
1872 Mi.20, Eagle - big shield 2Gr ultramarine / grey-blue, comp. of 7 pcs, various color shades, chosen cancels, 1 pcs with plate flaw, 1x pair on cut square; from old collection, good quality, interesting
1936-42 comp. of 9 various issues, contains Mi.600-02, 671, 699, 743, 746 (2x), 747, 814 (2x) and 815, mainly motive SPORT, total 13 pcs, from that 6 pcs of outer or corner; nice quality, on 2 cards A6, cat. over 580€
1937 heavier Reg and airmail letter addressed to Ministerstvu defence Czechoslovakia, with Mi.529-538 and 607, CDS BERLIN W104/ 25.2.37, sender: Air-mail attaché Czechoslovakia in Berlin (!); interesting and decorative
1915-1945 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of Germany on 3 two-sided full cards A4, contains i.a. booklets bands and gutters, several better Official stamps, inflation issue, blocks, various parts of sets etc.
1920 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER SILESIA comp. of stamps in blocks, mainly issue Numeral in Oval 2½Pf and 3Pf, Mi.1 and 2, then Mi.13, 14 and complete Mi.13-29*; on 5 cards A4
1948-89[COLLECTIONS] complete collection of West Berlin in spring folder on hingeless sheets "KABE", many pieces expertized, contains i.a. Mi.1-20, 21-34, 35-41, souvenir sheet Block No.1, 61-63 etc.; high catalogue value 8.500€, interesting price!
1953 Mi.Bl.8A, 8B + Bl.9A, 9B, souvenir sheets Karl - Marx - Jahr 1953, complete set 2 pcs perf and 2 pcs imperforated souvenir sheets, all with special postmark BERLIN W8; sought, missing in many collections, cat. 600€
1953 Mi.Bl.8A, 8B + Bl.9A, 9B, Karl - Marx - Jahr 1953, complete set 2 pcs of perf and 2 pcs of imperforated miniature sheets, light hinged, c.v.. 140€
1949-90[COLLECTIONS] collection GDR in 4 spring folder on hingeless sheets and stock-cards A4, contains many better sets, i.a. Mi.284-285, 286-288, 289-292, Bl.7 Debria, Bl.13, marginal pieces with plate numbers, souvenir sheets, joined printings etc.; high catalogue value
1944 C.C. BUCHENWALD envelope with pre-printing, with A. Hitler 12Pf, CDS WEIMAR - BUCHENWALD 5.7.44, frame censorship mark "Postzenzur Block 27" + preprinted letter paper, complete mailing from this C.C. addressed to Moravian. Ostrava, good condition
1919 POSEN, Mi.135 (2x), 136, surcharge issue 2x 5F/2Pfg + 10F/7½Pfg on face-side of letter with CDS ODOLANOW; exp. Richter, with expertize from year 1940, cat. Mi.570€, Fischer 1350Zl for single stamps!
1919 rare money letter to Vienna, franked 2x Mi.39, Crown 50h green, issue 1919 POCZTA POLSKA, CDS KRAKOW 1, tariff notice 1 Kr; blue cancel KASA POCZTOWA w KRAKOWIE I, at the back seal with bilingual inscription K.u.K.. Postkassa in Krakau/ Kasa Pocztowa w Krakowie, address crossed out by pen, after all extraordinary entire
1858 Mi.11, 6, 7, comp. of 6 stamps II. issue: 2 Kreuzer, 2Sld, 3Sld green and black (small flaw), 3 Kreuzer black with red cancel (small flaw), all II. types; in addition 3 Kr Ib greyblack(!) very nice piece, cat. ca. 1.400€
1858 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 10 album sheets, contains values 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer in both types, total 39 stamps and 5x St. Andrew's cross (!), 12 cut-squares and 3 letters; many less usual cancels, for example. PEZKA, POŽEG, RAGUSA, SPRASSWALCHEN, STALL, ZERHOWITZ and other, 1x mixed franking; sound condition
1861 Mi.20, Oval 5 Kreuzer, block of 6!! on cut-square with CDS TRIESTE, rare, cat. Ferchenbauer shows only block of four 275€, this multiple we estimate to min. 500€
1867 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.42, 1,05 Kreuzer T III. violet, specialised compilation on 3 album sheets from old collection, blocks, outer ledge, 2x strip, 11x complete letters of wmk, rare railway cancels Field Postoffice. No. 11 on block of 18, private perforation, and others.; high catalogue value
1942-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 50 pcs of mainly by hand painted philatelic letters and PC, all sent as Registered or Registered and Express with multicolor franking of German Surtax stamps, supplemented with 2 cards of Express stamp message Eilnachricht from bombarding of Vienna on 2.2. and 12.2. 1945; on unbound album sheets with descriptions