1870TURKEY folded letter to Albania, with VI. issue Franz Joseph 10Kr blue, from Trieste, black 2-lines TRIESTE COLVAPORI, also at the back transit ZARA 29/5, on Turkish territory burdened with postage-due, Duloz 1Ghr!; arrival SCUTARI D´ALBANIE 2/6; rare letter, horiz. bend
1871TURKEY folded letter to Albania, with Victor Emmanuel II. 20C and 40C, Mi.20 and 26, CDS VENICE 21.NOV.71, through/over Trieste, on/for tureckém territory burdened with postage-due, Duloz1Ghr + 2Ghr!!; rare letter, slightly toned, good condition
1918letter to Saxony with Mi.1B (4x), 2 (2x), 2x pair of 5 K + pair 15K, provisional postmark KURESSAR; nice quality, exceedingly rare franking of first issue (!) and good destination - island Saaremaa
1852Sas.7, 9, Coat of arms 5C and 10C, 5 pcs and pair, printing errors "CNET", "CEN1" on/for 5C and printing errors "CENE", CENT 10 with dot after/behind numeral at top and "CNET" on/for 10C, all very fine, exp. Diena and Calves, c.v.. * 19.200€, Modena printing errors belongs to nejoblíběnějším stmp complete European classic and this selection of originates from important exhibit!
1859Sas.F3, Coat of arms 10Gr purple-red as FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST; straight line postmark, usual margins, very fine piece with certificate Raybaudi/Massilia "granderarità", c.v.. 30.000€, preserved only several pieces, it is quite extraordinary nabídku from important exhibit!
1852-1859[COLLECTIONS] Sas.1-18 and Newspaper stamps No. 1,2, complete "Parma" to on/for No. 12 and 13 so 5C green; mostly very nice quality and all right (!), 10C 1859 exp. Schlesinger and Richter, 80C also exp.; all on sheet from very old collection, c.v.. 15.230€ (stamps without gum considered according to catalogue), extraordinary offer!
1855Sas.15Db, Victor Emanuel II., 20C dark grey-blue, "INVERTED CENTER"; very rare and attractive printing error with certificate Sorani, cat. 3.000€, extraordinary offer!
1859Sas.14, 14a, 14b, Ferdinand II. 50Gr brown (*), chocolate *, violet brown (*); very nice quality, various marks, i.a. 2x Raybaudi, cat. 3.650€ (stamps without gum considered), rare offer of the highest values
1945YUGOSLAVIA - REVOLUTIONARY provisional MOSTAR, Mi.13K, block of 6 overprint issue 30K on 3.50K (Croatia Mi.105), printing error - INVERTED OVERPRINT, for comparision stamp with original Opt, 2x certificate Zrinjšćak "biggest known multiple of these printing errors", very rare, according to available resources printing error only on one sheet!
1919-22[COLLECTIONS] nice lightly specialised collection of mainly unused stamps, placed on 21 unbound sheets Lindner, specialized one of first issues 1919, other issue perforated and also imperforated, different color issue for Cultural fund Mi.78I, 80I-83I, color varieties as Mi.94F, 95F, 136F, double prints, double perf etc.; very interesting, cat. ca. 2.500€
1913Mi.120F, 121, complete sheet Turul 50F, with sheet margins and with sought printing error 35 Filler instead of 50 Filler on pos. 13, only pair 35F+50F cat. 950€, extraordinary multiple, in sheet unique!
1906PERFIN Maxa U5, Hungarian PC 5f with incomplete perfin "U.I.f.&F.", company Ungar & Sohn - sawmill, CDS KASSA 906 Jun.4., in catalogue Maxa this perfin as F (= known 4 pcs or less), quite rare item!
1861Mi.10b, Coat of arms in oval 1/3Gr moss green; left with small repair, very nice appearance, significant shade color, blue framed pmk.; exp. Berger and Drahn, cat. 3.500€, missing almost in every collection!
1855Mi.10a, Johann I. 2Ngr, blue / black, block of 10 as complete counter sheet; perfect and rare multiple with 3 stamps MNH, cat. doesn't report, by estimation min. 900€
1919-23[COLLECTIONS] INFLATION extraordinary compilation of 80 complete sheets from inflation period, contains i.a. Mi.105, 106, 164-166, 331, 332A, 323B, 327B, 334B, 336B, etc.; good quality, control-numbers, plate flaw, retouch etc. not counted, cat. only as single stamps according to owner over 7.300€, interesting offer
1896 MALAKOTE - prepared, but never used stamps "Malakote Postage", 32Pesa red, pair with gutter; perfect quality, issued without gum, with gutter quite rare offer, rare also as stamp country!
1916 WUGA Mi.III type I. + II., pair 2½H brown (light stain in the place with hinge) and Mi.IV type I. + II., pair 7½H red; issued without gum, cat. 400€
1919LEVANT Mi.1-12, complete set 3f - 5M with overprint LEVANT on envelope consulate in/at Istanbul, on stmp CDS POCZTA POLSKA / KONSTANTYNOPOL 24.11.19, on reverse pečetní consular cancel. POCZTA POLSKA KONSTANTYNOPOL with eagle; vertical fold out of stmp., stamps in perfect quality, extraordinary offer this rare set, exp. Mikulski (postmark and signature), c.v.. as used stamps 1.800€, on cut-square by estimation 2.200€
1861 Mi.20, Oval 5 Kreuzer, block of 6!! on cut-square with CDS TRIESTE, rare, cat. Ferchenbauer shows only block of four 275€, this multiple we estimate to min. 500€
1908Mi.140, postage stamp Jubilee 2H violet used instead of revenue on registred invoice for 9 Kreuzer, bill issued in OBERSIEBENBRUNN for Leopold Kraus; small complete document, stamps issue 1908 used as revenues are very rare, extraordinary offer!
1851 Mi.6, Ferchenbauer 6.IIIb, blue Mercure IIIb, on complete address newspaper stripe, Hungarian CDS WAITZEN (Vácz); wide margins, Merkures with Hungarian cancels are markedly rarer then Merkures used in Austrian part of the monarchy!
1858NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP, Ferch.1, Sas.2, Coat of arms 1 Kr black, with black thimple postmark of Tax office BERGAMO; very nice piece on upper margin with small thin place, full to wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 4.000€, Sas. 9.000€ !
1875 LEVANT letter to Genoa, franked with. 3+10+10Sld, 3Sld rough print! and both 10Sld fine print!, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE; very nice quality, rare mixed franking of both types of print; exp. Sorani, cat. min. 850€, in addition rarely used fine print already in 1875!
1904-14, 1936 comp. 7 entires with interesting cancels of postal-agencies, from that 4 pcs with former or later usage then shows catalogue: OSVRAČÍN (Geb.0951/2.; 8.1.14), OHROZIM (Geb.0912/1.; 14.9.04), OKROUHLÉ HRADIŠTĚ (Geb.0915/3.; 9.4.36!), SLAVÍKOVICE (Geb.1208/1.; 10.2.14) and 3 pcs with cancels MLÁZOVY (50€), PERNARTITZ (30€) and SCHEIBENRADISCH (50€); all church correspondence, chosen quality, definitely interesting lot!
1875-1940[COLLECTIONS] nice collection of Russian Empire period and USSR to 1940 on album sheets, contains various issues of Coat of arms, perforated and imperforated gutter - unused, blocks, also complete sets, i.a. USSR unused Mi.302B-304B, 385-388, 397C-401C, 402C-405C, used 453-455, 457-461, 462-466, 483-487!, 488-493, 494-498, 499-508! etc.; high catalogue value, * by estimation 1.600€ + used by estimation 2.500€
1870 TCP Mi.102, Hispania 100Mill red-brown, trial printing, block of 90 in original color on stamp paper without gum, double impression, once inverted, complete sheet margins with marginal inscriptions incl. hand-made notice "Cambiare" (to change); very nice quality and evidently unique multiple trial printings!
1864 2 letters sent to France, with 3x Mi.56, 4Cs red, CDS TOLOSA + 2x Mi.57, 12Cs green (2x heavier letter) with numeral cancel "41" SAN SEBASTIAN, arrival and transit pmk, border rate 5C; exceedingly nice quality of both entires
1865 letter to Paris, with 4x Mi.69, Isabela II. 12C blue / pink, numeral cancel 2, CDS BARCELONA, transit pmk red and blue, arrival PARIS; very nice entire with rare franking, exp. Roig
1850-1900[COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 old album sheets, from 1854, much complete, i.a. Mi.2, 3, 11(!) all perfect, Mi.28, 31, 46 (Speratti), 52, 58, 79, 111 *, 112, 117, 118, 123, 151 (*), 183 **, 185 and oths.; in overwhelming majority very nice quality, Mi.46 included to sum as 100€, forerunner cancellation (lines, perf) considered, cat. min. 7.700€, quantum of classic material for a very profitable price!
1913Mi.216, complete stamp booklet, 12 pcs of 1Pia blue, interesting two various color shades; luxury condition, catalogue 400€, doesn´t reflect the rarity of this booklet, always missing also in big collections!
1867-1883SG.127, Victoria 5Sh light rose, wmk Maltese cross; very fine piece with original gum, extraordinary quality perf, certificate BPA, signed i.a. legendary RobsonLowe, c.v.. £11.000, very rare stamp!
1893 Registered p. stat. envelope 2P blue to Berlin, uprated by postally fiscal stamp SG.F14, Victoria 6P light violet, wmk "anchor" 16mm, CDS STOKE NEWINGTON; rare entire, on letter cat. £550, rare as additional franking on stationery