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1890-1915 BRNO comp. 7 pcs of interesting Ppc centra as Vegetable square, German House, Jezuitská street, hotel Moravec by/on/at Slávie, wineroom E. Böhm on/for Orlí and color postcard Královo Pole - Palacky Street with tram, Obřany near Brno - general view from, from-that/of-it/ 5x long address, 1x lithography, all good quality, market price ca. 3.000CZK U:A5
1910-14 BRNO - ŽIDENICE comp. 5 pcs of Ppc with views town part/-s, Táborská třída (street), Power Station, Sokol house, square. Comenius etc.., 1x long address, interesting selection of in/at market price ca. 1.800CZK U:A5
1900-11 VLASATICE, ŽELEŠICE comp. 2 pcs of Ppc district Brno country, Vlasatice 4 window, school, square, general view, Želešice general view, photo Ascher &Redlich, long address, all good condition, market price ca. 1.200CZK U:A5
1905 BŘECLAV - miniature postcard, railway-station, Us, good condition U:A5
1910 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - boozer collage "Lidičky bumbejte" + view of Czech share brewery, color, Un, slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1908 BOHUMÍN (Oderberg) - lithography, table with child, view of street long address; Us, upright little bumped corners, interesting U:A5
1930 STONAVA (Steinau), 3-views, shop, House work, general view; Us, spot U:A5
1908 MĚLNÍK collage town in future, colored, Us, good condition only slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1930 NOVÝ MALÍN (Frankstadt and der Mäh. Grenzbahn) - pub Emil Czerny, B/W; Us, little bumped corners, interesting U:A5
1900 NOVÝ JIČÍN (Neutitschein) - lithography - čtyřlístek: castle, square, house German club/association, girl school; long address, wrinkled corners, interesting U:A5
1910 PARDUBICE - barrel, boozer collage "Long live kdo pije" + view square, color, coated, Un, slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1900-1935 [COLLECTIONS] PRAGUE collection of ca. 140 pcs of lithography and B/W Ppc Prague, various part/-s and objekty, i.a. interior hall "Konvikt"; Klamovka; restaurant Emanuel Malíka, Braník; "restaurant Přístavu" Chuchle; Džbán in/at Divoké Šárka etc..; placed in old album for Ppc + supplemented with ca. 400 pcs of other Ppc Prague, mainly B/W photo postcard U:K
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] VRANOVSKÁ PŘEHRADA selection of 56 pcs of mostly B/W Ppc Vranova above D., Bítova (Old, Nový) and Vranovské dam, i.a. parníky on/for přehradě, dam etc..; some interesting, mostly good condition, placed in plastic films in stockbook for Ppc U:Z
1895-1935 [COLLECTIONS] ZNOJMO (Znaim), selection of 40 pcs of various Ppc, part lithography, various views of town, buildings, building/-s etc.., several long address; mostly good condition, placed in plastic films in stockbook for Ppc U:Z
1895-1935 [COLLECTIONS] selection of lithography topography and long address, various collage etc..; contains i.a. Choceň, Sobotka, Kyjanice, St. Dobrotivá etc..; placed in plastic films in stockbook for Ppc, various condition U:Z
1895-1940 [COLLECTIONS] BRNO small collection 150 pcs of Ppc town Brno , town part/-s, okolních villages, part Valtice, placed in hictorical photoalbum, market price ca. 10.000CZK U:Z
1900-1930 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 90 pcs of Ppc, Czechosl. topography as Neveklov, Trhanov, Marianské Spa, Plzeň, Klatovy etc.., supplemented with Austrian místopisem mainly Lower Austria as Tullnerbach, Putenstein, Krems, Altenmarkt, Mönichkirchen and oths., part motives; good condition, good condition, market price ca. 5.000CZK U:O5
1920-40 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 15 lithography + 5 B/W Ppc poutních places, i.a. Vranov, Hluboké Maršůvky, Křtiny, Velehrad etc..; part wrinkled corners U:O5
1919 VELKÉ KAPUŠANY (Nagykaposról) - single-view view of pub and shop, Us with FP cachet cancel. Czechosl. legions from Italy; superb condition U:A5
1925-30 UZSOK, DOLNÍ APŠA, JASINA comp. 3 pcs of B/W Ppc wooden kostelíků; Un, abraded and wrinkled corners U:A5
1898-1910 PURKERSDORF, GABLITZ comp. 11 pcs of topographical Ppc, i.a. 2x lithography excursion restaurant Hochramalpe b. Gablitz, 1x collage with gate and town by coat of arms Purkersdorfu; good condition good condition, market price ca. 3.000CZK U:A5
1906 INDIA - Sirpur, 2-views, Christmas greeting, chapel St. Peter and Paul; Us, light bumped margins, interesting U:A5