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1911 Wiener Werkstaette No.438, Berlin, Reichstagsgebäude; upright, Un, very fine U:A5
1911 Wiener Werkstaette No.441, Berlin, Kaiser Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche; upright, Un, very fine U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Bergamo, Italian text, Us, upright; lithographic postcard issued on the occasion of dobročinného fair v Bergamu v roce 1900, exceedingly rare, very good condition U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Champenois, Seasons - Spring; French issue; long address, Un, good condition U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Champenois, Serie 5 (Weill.71), Menu for a Banquet, French issue; long address, Un, light oxidation in corners, otherwise very fine U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Moët & Chandon (Weill.14), Menu, French issue F. Champenois, Paris; long address, Un, oxidation in corners, very interesting U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Moët & Chandon (Weill.16), Menu, French issue F. Champenois, Paris, without address on reverse!; stain in upper margin U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Moët & Chandon (Weill.9), Menu, French issue F. Champenois, Paris; long address, Un, light wrinkled corners, in front described, good condition U:A5
1900 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Moët & Chandon (Weill.9), Menu, French issue F. Champenois, Paris; long address, Us, wrinkled corners, very slightly toned in corners U:A5
1902 MUCHA Alfons (1860-1939), Hospodářsko - industrial and národopisná exhibition in Vyškov, upright; Us, long address, light bumped corners U:A5
1910? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Rudolf Friml, B/W; Un, English text, light bumped corners A. Mucha vytvořil advertisement poster for his/her/its přítele Rudolf Frimla. Plakát with however at all nedochoval. Tato postcard, issued v USA, which/what is zmenšeninou this poster, occures only very rarely and v naší auction is dražena first-time, exceedingly rare U:A5
1912 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Student Festival (Weill.130); very good condition, light bumped corners One z mála lithographic Ppc Alfons Mucha z období Austria – Hungary issued v Čechách, exceedingly rare U:A5
1925? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Blessed, which/what protivenství trpí for spravedlnost, Un very good condition + Nativity, Us, bent corners; interesting U:A5
1926 MUCHA Alfons (1860-1939), VIII. Sokol festival (Weill. 161), on reverse mounted stamp. Pof.183 and 184, special postmark PRAGUE/ VIII. FESTIVAL/ 4.VII.26 + advertising label, postally Un; 1 the bottom corner thin/light fold U:A5
1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Jubilee Festival, (Weill.162); Un, very good condition U:A5
1930 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), portrait card, photo atelier Drtikol; Un, light wrinkled corners U:A5
1937 MUCHA Alfons (1860-1939), SLAVIA vzájemně insurance bank, promotional Ppc bank with figure Slavie; Un, light bumped corners U:A5
1939? MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Sirotek (Orphan) - Confirmation club/association for care about/by orphans; upright, Us, little bumped corners otherwise very good condition One z mála lithographic Ppc Alfons Mucha issued after/around year 1918!, very rare U:A5
1900 Joseph Šváb No. 40, color lithography, "Proč bychom with netěšili", long address, Us, in margins signs of storage U:A5
1900 Joseph Šváb No. 49, color lithography, advertising postcard - Kolín coffee, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1904 KYSELA Francis (1881-1941), Všestudenstská celebration; lithography, Us, long address, very good condition F. Kysela patřil k nejvýznamnějším malířům and grafikům the first middle dvacátého century. Vedle art graphics with věnoval průmyslovému designu and scénografii. Several desetiletí vyučoval on/for Uměleckoprůmyslové school v Praze. U:A5
1904 KYSELA Francis (1881-1941), Všestudenstská celebration; Us, very good condition U:A5
1906 KONŮPEK John (1883–1950), Rudolfinum: Beauty Prague; lithography, Un, very good condition Very zdařilá early postsecesní work pozdějšího spoluzakladatele Artělu. U:A5
1910? Mela Koehler, No. 1181, Děvčátko with košíkem, Easter motive; upright, Un, little bumped corners U:A5
1898 JUBILEE EXHIBITION VÍDEŇ 1898, colored; long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1899 K.u.K.. GENDARMERIE - uniform police; Un, light wrinkled corners U:A5
1943-45? FRANCE/ ANTINACISMUS - caricature, A. Hitler. as painter, prisoner, leader; lithography, extraordinary, very good condition U:A5
1938-41 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 pcs of Ppc with nazism propaganda, contains i.a. 6x various portrait of A. Hitler from that 2x Photo Hoffamnn München (Munich), then advertising "Reichparteitag Nürnberg 38", "National Feiertag 1.Mai 38", "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" and other, part as p.stat postcard, various memorial postmark, much postcard in more pcs., market price ca. 6.000CZK U:O5
1945 5. KVĚTEN 1945 comp. 4 pcs of various propagandistic Ppc to/at Květnovému revolt; slightly bumped corners, interesting U:A5
1950 1. MÁJ comp. 12 pcs of propagandistic Ppc, i.a. 1x Emil Zátopek; Un, bumped corners U:A5
1950-55 AŤ ŽIJE 1. MÁJ - 2x propaganda Ppc - Man and woman with batt./guidons and Pioneer with pugetem; Us, bumped corners, light folds in corners U:A5
1952 BOLŠEVISMUS - "Po vzoru vítězných bolševiků vybudujeme socialismus in/at our homeland/ 1917-1952"; Un, little wrinkled corners, good condition U:A5
1955 POZDRAV Z BRIGÁDY comp. 2 pcs of propagandistic Ppc ČSM; issued Orbis, author O. Štembera, small abrasion in corners, otherwise very fine U:A5
1933 SLOVAKIA/ PROPAGANDA 1100 years Slovakia, comp. 9 pcs of lithographic Ppc; Un, issued Kostelníček, light bumped corners, on reverse toned U:A5