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1871 Mi.1a, 2, 4, 6a Franz Joseph, lithographies, value 2 Kreuzer yellow, 5 Kreuzer red, 10Kr blue and 25 Kreuzer violet (shorter teeth), cat. 1.180€ U:A5
1871 Mi.8-9, 11-13, Franz Joseph, copperprints, comp. of 10 stamps, 1x 2 Kr yellow, 2 pcs of rest values, from that value 25 Kr blue-violet with blue cancel TEMESWÁR, cat. 500€ U:A5
1913 Mi.120F, 121, complete sheet Turul 50F, with sheet margins and with sought printing error 35 Filler instead of 50 Filler on pos. 13, only pair 35F+50F cat. 950€, extraordinary multiple, in sheet unique! U:A3v–
1916-20 PLATE PROOF Mi.196, 199, Reaper 20f and 40f in blocks of four, plate proofs on common paper without gum, value 20f double impression U:A5
1830-34 UJHELY, decorative straight line postmark on 2 folded letters, in black and red color, luxury print U:A5
1891 request sheet for abroad, trilingual variety, with 10Kr, Mi.24, Reg label, CDS GYÖR/ 12.OCT.91, addressed to Austrian Mistelbach; rare, these blank forms are used in Hungarian part of the monarchy, cat. Ferch.: LP U:A5
1891-1912 RAILWAY POST OFF. comp. 7 pcs of Hungarian PC sent from Slovak territory, contains 4x railway pmk + 2x postal-agency, interesting U:A5
1906 PERFIN Maxa U5, Hungarian PC 5f with incomplete perfin "U.I.f.&F.", company Ungar & Sohn - sawmill, CDS KASSA 906 Jun.4., in catalogue Maxa this perfin as F (= known 4 pcs or less), quite rare item! U:A5
1934-55 comp. of 10 souvenir sheets, contains Mi.Bl.1 *, Bl.5 **, Bl.14B *, Bl.20-22 * (small stains on gum), Bl.23I **, Bl.24 (2x), Bl.25 grain in paper; interesting compilation, cat. ca. 430€ U:A4
1947 Mi.Bl.10, 11, souvenir sheets Roosvelt; mint never hinged, cat. 200€ U:A5
1948-49 Mi.1034-1035, 1065, comp. 3 pcs of miniature sheets Day of Stamp 30f, 50. Anniv odborů 30f and Day of Stamp 50f; Mi.1065 spots, počítán as *, c.v.. ca. 120€ U:A5
1949 Mi.1053-1055, New Constitution, corner pairs with wmk "leaves" instead "national emblem"; cat. Michel doesn't report, according to special. cat. Hungary No. 1109-1111 cat. 44.000Ft U:A5
1950-55 Mi.1142-1145, 1201-1203, 1305, 1447-1448, 1480-1481, compilation of imperforate stamps, contains i.a. complete set Jozsef Bem **, 80. years of Hungarian stamps *, horiz. pair Day of Stamp, Mi.1480-1481 * etc.; interesting compilation U:A5
1921 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY WEST HUNGARY - Lajtabanat, Mi.1-10 on cut-squares with CDS NAGYSZENTMIHALY (today Großpetersdorf in Austria), also Mi.20-30, 62-68; the first issue "Felkelo Magyarok" undervalued U:A5
1919 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISIONAL ISSUES AND OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, Szeged, Arad (French occupation), Banat, Baranya (Serbian occupation), Debreczin (Rumanian occupation); nice collection on old sheets Schaubek, incl. better values and sets, i.a. Szeged Mi.27 with inverted opt, Baranya Mi.22 "45" lower and oths.; cat. total min. 530€, rare offer U:Z