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1784, 1830, 1834 comp. of 3 letters, from that 1x Schnörkel-Brief, Hungarian pmk V. NYIREGYHÁZA, to Miskolcs; rare pmk, attractive entire and 2 letters with cancels AGRAM U:A4
1785 letter to Pest with red Hungarian cancel V. TEMESVAR; nice quality, rare cancel., cat. Müller 200 points, early usage! U:A5
1819-1840 4 letters from Hungarian part of monarchy with cancel OFEN, TYRNAU (oval red), KETSKEMET and RAAB; nice compilation U:A5
1820 letter with cancel V. EPERJES (Prešov) from known correspondence of G. Matolay from Zolná (belongs to Zvolen), to Sátoraljaújhely (Slovenské Nové Mesto), note. "Cotta (Comitatus) Zempliniensi", cat. Müller 120bd U:A5
1823 letter with cancel TSCHERNOSCHIN, porto 4Kr; perfect condition, this pmk often missing in collections U:A5
1824 letter with cancel. SANDAU (Žandov), porto 4Kr paid sender; very fine and rather rare postmark U:A5
1825 comp. of 5 "Vorphila" letters (2 pcs opened from 3 sides), i.a. red cancel ROCOMANDIERT EGER FRANCO, black V. MIES, KAADEN, PLAN FRANCO + 2x receipt black line GABLONZ and blue MIES U:A5
1826, 1832 2 letters to German Wertheim, both fully paid by sender, porto 12Kr and 14Kr, cancels V. MIES and post. office "HAYD"; attractive entires, small size U:A5
1828 letter with cancel SZAMOS UJVAR, (today Romania), rare negative cancel, cat. Müller 480bd! U:A4
1829 letter with blue cancels STAAB (Stod) and FRANCO, porto 18Kr paid by sender, after 5 days returned to Stod, from Netolic and through Strakonice; interesting entire in very nice quality U:A5
1829-1848 4 letters with various cancels of Tábor: V. TABOR, TABOR and TABOR + RECOMMANDIRT, and rare single line date TABOR: 5 APRIL 1830 small "gothic" type; interesting regional compilation U:A5
1829, 1843 2 letters with cancels V. STRAKONITZ and STRAKONITZ + FRANCO, porto 4 and 6 Kreuzer; very nice quality, 1x atypical vertical size! U:A5
1831, 1833 2 letters, small size from Prague to Munich, frame cancel VON PRAG FRANCO and red PRAG; nice U:A5
1833 money Reg letter with cancel VON ZWODAU, weight 1 and 1/2 Lothu, notice NB, paid only Reg charge; rare cancel., catalogue of Votoček 250 points U:A5
1836 letter from Austrian Schwechat to Silesian Olbersdorf (Albrechtice), rarer decorative cancel SCHWECHAT, porto 28Kr; nice quality, rare destination! U:A5
1838-46 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, 1x with line blue cancel. HOFLENC/ 4.Feb. (Mlýnický Dvůr), 1x with oval cancel. FRAUDENTHAL; nice print, good condition U:A5
1840 letter with cancel BRZEZNITZ, to Domazlice, porto 6 Kr which should be paid by recipient - notice "Porto angewiesen", refused and returned back with remark "..... unfrankiert nicht angenommen", through Klencí with cancel V. KLENTSCH (favourite pmk of post office existing from 1526!) U:A5
1840, 1848 2 letters with frame cancels B.TEINITZ and FRANCO and with blue cancel B. TEINITZ and FRANCO; both paid in advance, nice quality U:A5
1841 letter with decorative oval cancel. WIMPASSING (Burgenland), nice quality and rare postmark U:A5
1842 letter with quite rare frame cancel GRÜNBERG, porto 9 Kr, to Merklin; Zelená Hora (Grünberg) is today vanished village, interesting document, catalogue of Votoček 100 pt. U:A5
1843 letter with cancel. PODERSAM, incl. certificate of mailing, porto 9 Kreuzer paid sender, notice "Porto bei der Abgabe..."; rarer framed pmk U:A5
1844 folded letter to Krnov, blue cancel TYSMIENITZ (Galicia) 2.JUL and FRANCO, Müller 1590-C, interesting also as judaicum U:A5
1847 letter with cancel STRAKONITZ, to Italian Venice, sent to prince Luise de Windischgratz, at that time cadet of Austria-Hungary marine; small size, porto 18Kr, arrival postmark VENICE U:A5
1850 letter with cancel. LISSA B. 1. APR. (Lysá n. L.), on/for headquarters "7-er Kürassier Regiment" in Pest - slavná unit, original Czech kyrisnický / dragoon regiment, nasazený 1848-1849 against Maďarům U:A5
1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, type III., MP, horizontal strip of 3!, on three sides wide margins, left light cut to outer line, CDS KRUMAU; very nice shade, cat. 975€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, Y, 2 Kreuzer grey-black and black, HP and MP, Ia and IIIb, CDS WIEN, PRAG; perfect, cat. Ferchenbauer 240€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, 2 Kreuzer HP Ia, silver grey; certificate R. Strakosch, perfect piece, cat. Ferchenbauer 850€, rarest color, piece suitable for specialized collection or exhibits! U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer type IIIa, HP, small fold in upper corner originally caused by fragility of gum, 2 Kreuzer stamps had from issue 1850 lowest printing, in unused condition are rare and in undervalued, cat. Ferchenbauer 450€ U:A5
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type I., HP, very wide margins!, very thin (tissue paper), underlaid middle in the direction upwards, straight line postmark ROVERETO; nice piece! U:A5
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type IIIa, HP, marginal piece, very wide margins, on small cut-square, framed pmk POSOŘITZ (Vot.1852/3.); sought by specialists!, very nice piece U:A5
1850 Mi.3X, 2x 3 Kreuzer Ia HP, underlaid middles, tissue paper 0,06mm, once with CDS JECHNITZ; luxury quality, cat. 190€ U:A5
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer type Ia, HP, dark bricky (dunkel zinnober), with fragmentem blue CDS RUMBURG; cat. Ferchenbauer 225€+, nice piece! U:A5
Mi.4Y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type III., MP on/for smaller cut-square, wide margins, complete 2-lines cancel. SCHLUCKENAU/ 10. JUN. (catalogue Votoček. 2151/3.= 50 pt); nice U:A5
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, comp. of 5 pcs, all on small cut-squares with chosen whole prints of cancels, many interesting pieces, with cancel PRAG and TRIESTE, or CDS PLUMENAU + RECOM: and others; from old collection, nice quality U:A5
1850 Mi.4y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer HP Ia, dark red-brown, with blue CDS TIRNAU, with plate flaw "little-egg below the coat of arms"; cat. Ferchenbauer only for used 250€, rare offer! U:A5
1850 Mi.5X, Y, 9 Kreuzer HP, type III on cut-square with decorative cancel HOLLABRUN and 9 Kr MP, type IIIb. with oval red cancel WIEN FILIALAMT 1858, cancel Müller 276P! U:A5
1850 Mi.1-5, compilation of 16 stamps. + 1x pair, i.a. 1 Kr, 2 Kr plate flaw, 6 Kr "Randdruck" (marginal print), 6 Kreuzer IIIc (!), marginal piece 3 Kreuzer, pair 3 Kreuzer with CDS ZWITTAU, other CDS LEONSTEIN, LEOBEN, GRAMET-NEUSIEDEL (Nieder Osterreich) and rare decorative SEMLIN on cut-square with 9 Kreuzer type I., cat. Müller 96bd U:A5
1850-1858 Mi.3x, 6, 15II, comp. 3 stamps, according to Ferchenbauer Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer Type Ia HP; Mercure Ib; Franz Joseph 15 Kreuzer 1858 type II., all with hand-made cancellation, 15 Kreuzer with "per Prag" (rare), stamp with small flaw, Mercure with hand-made cancellation - cat. doesn't report, total Ferchenbauer. min. 530€ U:A5
1850 St. Andrew's cross, red, from values 3 Kr, MP, in addition with ½ of next St. Andrew's cross, part original gum; interesting piece U:A5
1850 2 letters with franking 3+6Kr, MP III. types, so-called. "Liliputschnitt", CDS BADEN, to Prague, recipient countess Erna Lazanska; small formats, nice, cat. 300€+ U:A5
1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, 3 Kr so-called. "Liliputschnitt", 6 Kr usual margins, CDS MANETIN, to Vienna, nobiliary correspondence; attractive entire U:A5
1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, on 3 sides stamps so-called. "Liliputschnitt", (this type of cut is common for small nobiliary letters), recipient is countess Erna Lazanska, 2x rare CDS RASTENBERG (Nieder Osterreich); cat. Müller 200 points U:A5
1850 folded letter sent in the place, with 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2, type IIIa, HP, wide margins, CDS WIEN 1/Mar, at the back torn part of flap, cat. 500€ U:A5
1850 comp. of 4 folded letters and 3 front parts of letters, franked with 1x 3 Kr, 4x 6 Kr, 2x 9 Kr, various types and cancels U:A5
1850 reply receipt franked on back side with first issue 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, HP, type Ia, over stamp one straight line postmark CASCHAU 30.DEZ, supplemented with single-circle cancel LIPTÓ ST.MIKLÓS 4/1; stains in paper U:A5
1852-56 4 folded letters with first issue, 2x letter with stamp 3 Kreuzer and 2x letter with stamp 9 Kreuzer, CDS HLINSKO, RAKONITZ, BANHOF BRÜNN, TRIESTE; good condition U:A5
1854 complete folded letter to Kamenný Šenov with 6 Kreuzer red-brown, type III., HP, wide margins, blue CDS RICHENBURG (Předhradí)/ 12.11.(1854); transit pmk ZWITTAU, BODENBACH and arrival line STEINSCHÖNAU/ 14.NOV. at the back; sound condition U:A5
1854 folded Reg letter sent from Debracin to Pest, with two-colour franking, on face-side stamp 9 Kreuzer, type IIIb HP, at the back 6 Kreuzer, type III HP; wide margins, CDS DEBRECZIN 23/12 + line REGISTERED, stamp at the back in good condition, archiving fold out of the stamps U:A5
1858 Mi.11, 6, 7, comp. of 6 stamps II. issue: 2 Kreuzer, 2Sld, 3Sld green and black (small flaw), 3 Kreuzer black with red cancel (small flaw), all II. types; in addition 3 Kr Ib greyblack(!) very nice piece, cat. ca. 1.400€ U:A5
1858 Mi.13IIa, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer light red; at top 1 short tooth, Ferchenbauer. 100€ U:A5
1858 local letter franked with. Mi.12, Ferch.12a, Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer light green, CDS WIEN; very nice quality, perfect perf, cat. 450€ U:A5
1858 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 10 album sheets, contains values 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer in both types, total 39 stamps and 5x St. Andrew's cross (!), 12 cut-squares and 3 letters; many less usual cancels, for example. PEZKA, POŽEG, RAGUSA, SPRASSWALCHEN, STALL, ZERHOWITZ and other, 1x mixed franking; sound condition U:Z
1860 comp. of 7 stamps The 3rd issue, contains 1x 3 Kreuzer, 4x 5 Kreuzer and 2x 10Kr, from that 5 stamps on small cut-squares, with chosen print of whole cancels, major-part of cancels ideally put and some are very interesting, for example FALGENDORF B.H., or OBERLEITENSDORF; from old collection, nice quality U:A5
1861 Mi.20-22, Oval 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer; original gum, sporadically incomplete or repaired, several short tooth, patina, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.475€, sought stamps for low price U:A5
1861 Mi.20, Oval 5 Kreuzer, block of 6!! on cut-square with CDS TRIESTE, rare, cat. Ferchenbauer shows only block of four 275€, this multiple we estimate to min. 500€ U:A5
1860-61 Mi.21 + Lombardy Mi.12, comp. 9 stamps, major-part on small cut-squares with chosen print of whole cancels, for example CHRUDIM, NEPOMUK, SOBIESLAV, blue ZOPTAU, strip of 3 with CDS FELTRE; from old collection, nice quality U:A5
1861-1864 Mi.22, 32, Oval 15 Kr dark blue and Eagle 5 Kr carmine, each value 3 pieces on cut-square, CDS SELTSCHAN and CDS BUKOWITZ (undervalued and rare pmkof small Moravian community, always missing in collections) U:A5
1860-61 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 album sheets, contains values 3 Kreuzer (4x), 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer, total 26 stamps, 10 cut-squares and 2 letters; many less usual cancels, for example DOBSCHAU, GR. SIEGHARTS, KROPP, KRZYWCZA, STRASSNITZ, SZENITZ /frame/ and other; sound condition U:Z
1863 Mi.14, Eagle 2Sld, perf 14; original gum with original folds, patina, nice piece, cat. 115€ U:A5
1863 Mi.24, 25, 27, Eagle 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer and 10Kr, all without gum, resp. new gum; especially 10Kr is very nice, cat. of this stamp (*) 400€, cat. total 720€ U:A5