Public auction 43 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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163486 - 1784, 1830, 1834 comp. of 3 letters, from that 1x Schnörkel
1784, 1830, 1834 comp. of 3 letters, from that 1x Schnörkel-Brief, Hungarian pmk V. NYIREGYHÁZA, to Miskolcs; rare pmk, attractive entire and 2 letters with cancels AGRAM
Starting price: CZK
163490 - 1785 letter to Pest with red Hungarian cancel V. TEMESVAR; n
1785 letter to Pest with red Hungarian cancel V. TEMESVAR; nice quality, rare cancel., cat. Müller 200 points, early usage!
Starting price: CZK
163517 - 1819-1840 4 letters from Hungarian part of monarchy with can
1819-1840 4 letters from Hungarian part of monarchy with cancel OFEN, TYRNAU (oval red), KETSKEMET and RAAB; nice compilation
Starting price: CZK
163510 - 1820 letter with cancel V. EPERJES (Prešov) from known corr
1820 letter with cancel V. EPERJES (Prešov) from known correspondence of G. Matolay from Zolná (belongs to Zvolen), to Sátoraljaújhely (Slovenské Nové Mesto), note. "Cotta (Comitatus) Zempliniensi", cat. Müller 120bd
Starting price: CZK
163492 - 1823 letter with cancel TSCHERNOSCHIN, porto 4Kr; perfect co
1823 letter with cancel TSCHERNOSCHIN, porto 4Kr; perfect condition, this pmk often missing in collections
Starting price: CZK
163487 - 1824 letter with cancel. SANDAU (Žandov), porto 4Kr paid se
1824 letter with cancel. SANDAU (Žandov), porto 4Kr paid sender; very fine and rather rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
165843 - 1825 comp. of 5 Vorphila letters (2 pcs opened from 3 sides)
1825 comp. of 5 "Vorphila" letters (2 pcs opened from 3 sides), i.a. red cancel ROCOMANDIERT EGER FRANCO, black V. MIES, KAADEN, PLAN FRANCO + 2x receipt black line GABLONZ and blue MIES
Starting price: CZK
163482 - 1826, 1832 2 letters to German Wertheim, both fully paid by
1826, 1832 2 letters to German Wertheim, both fully paid by sender, porto 12Kr and 14Kr, cancels V. MIES and post. office "HAYD"; attractive entires, small size
Starting price: CZK
163571 - 1828 letter with cancel SZAMOS UJVAR, (today Romania), rare
1828 letter with cancel SZAMOS UJVAR, (today Romania), rare negative cancel, cat. Müller 480bd!
Starting price: CZK
163493 - 1829 letter with blue cancels STAAB (Stod) and FRANCO, porto
1829 letter with blue cancels STAAB (Stod) and FRANCO, porto 18Kr paid by sender, after 5 days returned to Stod, from Netolic and through Strakonice; interesting entire in very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
163498 - 1829-1848 4 letters with various cancels of Tábor: V. TABOR
1829-1848 4 letters with various cancels of Tábor: V. TABOR, TABOR and TABOR + RECOMMANDIRT, and rare single line date TABOR: 5 APRIL 1830 small "gothic" type; interesting regional compilation
Starting price: CZK
163488 - 1829, 1843 2 letters with cancels V.  STRAKONITZ and STRAKON
1829, 1843 2 letters with cancels V. STRAKONITZ and STRAKONITZ + FRANCO, porto 4 and 6 Kreuzer; very nice quality, 1x atypical vertical size!
Starting price: CZK
163483 - 1831, 1833 2 letters, small size from Prague to Munich, fram
1831, 1833 2 letters, small size from Prague to Munich, frame cancel VON PRAG FRANCO and red PRAG; nice
Starting price: CZK
163511 - 1833 money Reg letter with cancel VON ZWODAU, weight 1 and 1
1833 money Reg letter with cancel VON ZWODAU, weight 1 and 1/2 Lothu, notice NB, paid only Reg charge; rare cancel., catalogue of Votoček 250 points
Starting price: CZK
163489 - 1836 letter from Austrian Schwechat to Silesian Olbersdorf (
1836 letter from Austrian Schwechat to Silesian Olbersdorf (Albrechtice), rarer decorative cancel SCHWECHAT, porto 28Kr; nice quality, rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
163848 - 1838-46 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, 1x with
1838-46 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, 1x with line blue cancel. HOFLENC/ 4.Feb. (Mlýnický Dvůr), 1x with oval cancel. FRAUDENTHAL; nice print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
163494 - 1840 letter with cancel BRZEZNITZ, to Domazlice, porto 6 Kr
1840 letter with cancel BRZEZNITZ, to Domazlice, porto 6 Kr which should be paid by recipient - notice "Porto angewiesen", refused and returned back with remark "..... unfrankiert nicht angenommen", through Klencí with cancel V. KLENTSCH (favourite pmk of post office existing from 1526!)
Starting price: CZK
163496 - 1840, 1848 2 letters with frame cancels B.TEINITZ and FRANCO
1840, 1848 2 letters with frame cancels B.TEINITZ and FRANCO and with blue cancel B. TEINITZ and FRANCO; both paid in advance, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
163509 - 1841 letter with decorative oval cancel. WIMPASSING (Burgenl
1841 letter with decorative oval cancel. WIMPASSING (Burgenland), nice quality and rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
161895 - 1842 letter with quite rare frame cancel GRÜNBERG, porto 9
1842 letter with quite rare frame cancel GRÜNBERG, porto 9 Kr, to Merklin; Zelená Hora (Grünberg) is today vanished village, interesting document, catalogue of Votoček 100 pt.
Starting price: CZK
163491 - 1843 letter with cancel. PODERSAM, incl. certificate of mail
1843 letter with cancel. PODERSAM, incl. certificate of mailing, porto 9 Kreuzer paid sender, notice "Porto bei der Abgabe..."; rarer framed pmk
Starting price: CZK
164219 - 1844 folded letter to Krnov, blue cancel TYSMIENITZ (Galicia
1844 folded letter to Krnov, blue cancel TYSMIENITZ (Galicia) 2.JUL and FRANCO, Müller 1590-C, interesting also as judaicum
Starting price: CZK
163508 - 1847 letter with cancel STRAKONITZ, to Italian Venice, sent
1847 letter with cancel STRAKONITZ, to Italian Venice, sent to prince Luise de Windischgratz, at that time cadet of Austria-Hungary marine; small size, porto 18Kr, arrival postmark VENICE
Starting price: CZK
163495 - 1850 letter with cancel. LISSA B. 1. APR. (Lysá n. L.), on/
1850 letter with cancel. LISSA B. 1. APR. (Lysá n. L.), on/for headquarters "7-er Kürassier Regiment" in Pest - slavná unit, original Czech kyrisnický / dragoon regiment, nasazený 1848-1849 against Maďarům
Starting price: CZK
164366 - 1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, type III., MP, horizont
1850 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, type III., MP, horizontal strip of 3!, on three sides wide margins, left light cut to outer line, CDS KRUMAU; very nice shade, cat. 975€
Starting price: CZK
163545 - 1850 Mi.2X, Y, 2 Kreuzer grey-black and black, HP and MP, Ia
1850 Mi.2X, Y, 2 Kreuzer grey-black and black, HP and MP, Ia and IIIb, CDS WIEN, PRAG; perfect, cat. Ferchenbauer 240€
Starting price: CZK
163554 - 1850 Mi.2X, 2 Kreuzer HP Ia, silver grey; certificate R. Str
1850 Mi.2X, 2 Kreuzer HP Ia, silver grey; certificate R. Strakosch, perfect piece, cat. Ferchenbauer 850€, rarest color, piece suitable for specialized collection or exhibits!
Starting price: CZK
164872 - 1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer type IIIa, HP, small fold
1850 Mi.2X, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer type IIIa, HP, small fold in upper corner originally caused by fragility of gum, 2 Kreuzer stamps had from issue 1850 lowest printing, in unused condition are rare and in undervalued, cat. Ferchenbauer 450€
Starting price: CZK
164172 - 1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type I., HP, very wi
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type I., HP, very wide margins!, very thin (tissue paper), underlaid middle in the direction upwards, straight line postmark ROVERETO; nice piece!
Starting price: CZK
164171 - 1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type IIIa, HP, margi
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer red, type IIIa, HP, marginal piece, very wide margins, on small cut-square, framed pmk POSOŘITZ (Vot.1852/3.); sought by specialists!, very nice piece
Starting price: CZK
164868 - 1850 Mi.3X, 2x 3 Kreuzer Ia HP, underlaid middles, tissue pa
1850 Mi.3X, 2x 3 Kreuzer Ia HP, underlaid middles, tissue paper 0,06mm, once with CDS JECHNITZ; luxury quality, cat. 190€
Starting price: CZK
163548 - 1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer type Ia, HP, dark bricky
1850 Mi.3X, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer type Ia, HP, dark bricky (dunkel zinnober), with fragmentem blue CDS RUMBURG; cat. Ferchenbauer 225€+, nice piece!
Starting price: CZK
163233 -  Mi.4Y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type III., MP on/for s
Mi.4Y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, type III., MP on/for smaller cut-square, wide margins, complete 2-lines cancel. SCHLUCKENAU/ 10. JUN. (catalogue Votoček. 2151/3.= 50 pt); nice
Starting price: CZK
163539 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, comp. of 5 pcs, all
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, comp. of 5 pcs, all on small cut-squares with chosen whole prints of cancels, many interesting pieces, with cancel PRAG and TRIESTE, or CDS PLUMENAU + RECOM: and others; from old collection, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
163549 - 1850 Mi.4y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer HP Ia, dark red-brown, wi
1850 Mi.4y, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer HP Ia, dark red-brown, with blue CDS TIRNAU, with plate flaw "little-egg below the coat of arms"; cat. Ferchenbauer only for used 250€, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
155816 - 1850 Mi.5X, Y, 9 Kreuzer HP, type III on cut-square with dec
1850 Mi.5X, Y, 9 Kreuzer HP, type III on cut-square with decorative cancel HOLLABRUN and 9 Kr MP, type IIIb. with oval red cancel WIEN FILIALAMT 1858, cancel Müller 276P!
Starting price: CZK
163547 - 1850 Mi.1-5, compilation of 16 stamps. + 1x pair, i.a. 1 Kr,
1850 Mi.1-5, compilation of 16 stamps. + 1x pair, i.a. 1 Kr, 2 Kr plate flaw, 6 Kr "Randdruck" (marginal print), 6 Kreuzer IIIc (!), marginal piece 3 Kreuzer, pair 3 Kreuzer with CDS ZWITTAU, other CDS LEONSTEIN, LEOBEN, GRAMET-NEUSIEDEL (Nieder Osterreich) and rare decorative SEMLIN on cut-square with 9 Kreuzer type I., cat. Müller 96bd
Starting price: CZK
164867 - 1850-1858 Mi.3x, 6, 15II, comp. 3 stamps, according to Ferch
1850-1858 Mi.3x, 6, 15II, comp. 3 stamps, according to Ferchenbauer Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer Type Ia HP; Mercure Ib; Franz Joseph 15 Kreuzer 1858 type II., all with hand-made cancellation, 15 Kreuzer with "per Prag" (rare), stamp with small flaw, Mercure with hand-made cancellation - cat. doesn't report, total Ferchenbauer. min. 530€
Starting price: CZK
164376 - 1850 St. Andrew's cross, red, from values 3 Kr, MP, in addit
1850 St. Andrew's cross, red, from values 3 Kr, MP, in addition with ½ of next St. Andrew's cross, part original gum; interesting piece
Starting price: CZK
163516 - 1850 2 letters with franking 3+6Kr, MP III. types, so-called
1850 2 letters with franking 3+6Kr, MP III. types, so-called. "Liliputschnitt", CDS BADEN, to Prague, recipient countess Erna Lazanska; small formats, nice, cat. 300€+
Starting price: CZK
163525 - 1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, 3 Kr so-call
1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, 3 Kr so-called. "Liliputschnitt", 6 Kr usual margins, CDS MANETIN, to Vienna, nobiliary correspondence; attractive entire
Starting price: CZK
163526 - 1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, on 3 sides s
1850 letter with franking 3+6Kr, HP III. types, on 3 sides stamps so-called. "Liliputschnitt", (this type of cut is common for small nobiliary letters), recipient is countess Erna Lazanska, 2x rare CDS RASTENBERG (Nieder Osterreich); cat. Müller 200 points
Starting price: CZK
163852 - 1850 folded letter sent in the place, with 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2,
1850 folded letter sent in the place, with 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2, type IIIa, HP, wide margins, CDS WIEN 1/Mar, at the back torn part of flap, cat. 500€
Starting price: CZK
162377 - 1850 comp. of 4 folded letters and 3 front parts of letters,
1850 comp. of 4 folded letters and 3 front parts of letters, franked with 1x 3 Kr, 4x 6 Kr, 2x 9 Kr, various types and cancels
Starting price: CZK
165857 - 1850 reply receipt franked on back side with first issue 6 K
1850 reply receipt franked on back side with first issue 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, HP, type Ia, over stamp one straight line postmark CASCHAU 30.DEZ, supplemented with single-circle cancel LIPTÓ ST.MIKLÓS 4/1; stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
163856 - 1852-56 4 folded letters with first issue, 2x letter with st
1852-56 4 folded letters with first issue, 2x letter with stamp 3 Kreuzer and 2x letter with stamp 9 Kreuzer, CDS HLINSKO, RAKONITZ, BANHOF BRÜNN, TRIESTE; good condition
Starting price: CZK
164186 - 1854 complete folded letter to Kamenný Šenov with 6 Kreuze
1854 complete folded letter to Kamenný Šenov with 6 Kreuzer red-brown, type III., HP, wide margins, blue CDS RICHENBURG (Předhradí)/ 12.11.(1854); transit pmk ZWITTAU, BODENBACH and arrival line STEINSCHÖNAU/ 14.NOV. at the back; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
163865 - 1854 folded Reg letter sent from Debracin to Pest, with two-
1854 folded Reg letter sent from Debracin to Pest, with two-colour franking, on face-side stamp 9 Kreuzer, type IIIb HP, at the back 6 Kreuzer, type III HP; wide margins, CDS DEBRECZIN 23/12 + line REGISTERED, stamp at the back in good condition, archiving fold out of the stamps
Starting price: CZK
163535 - 1858 Mi.11, 6, 7, comp. of 6 stamps II. issue: 2 Kreuzer, 2S
1858 Mi.11, 6, 7, comp. of 6 stamps II. issue: 2 Kreuzer, 2Sld, 3Sld green and black (small flaw), 3 Kreuzer black with red cancel (small flaw), all II. types; in addition 3 Kr Ib greyblack(!) very nice piece, cat. ca. 1.400€
Starting price: CZK
163540 - 1858 Mi.13IIa, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer light red; at top 1 sh
1858 Mi.13IIa, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer light red; at top 1 short tooth, Ferchenbauer. 100€
Starting price: CZK
163637 - 1858 local letter franked with. Mi.12, Ferch.12a, Franz Jose
1858 local letter franked with. Mi.12, Ferch.12a, Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer light green, CDS WIEN; very nice quality, perfect perf, cat. 450€
Starting price: CZK
163704 - 1858 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 10 album sheets, cont
1858 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 10 album sheets, contains values 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer in both types, total 39 stamps and 5x St. Andrew's cross (!), 12 cut-squares and 3 letters; many less usual cancels, for example. PEZKA, POŽEG, RAGUSA, SPRASSWALCHEN, STALL, ZERHOWITZ and other, 1x mixed franking; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
163555 - 1860 comp. of 7 stamps The 3rd issue, contains 1x 3 Kreuzer,
1860 comp. of 7 stamps The 3rd issue, contains 1x 3 Kreuzer, 4x 5 Kreuzer and 2x 10Kr, from that 5 stamps on small cut-squares, with chosen print of whole cancels, major-part of cancels ideally put and some are very interesting, for example FALGENDORF B.H., or OBERLEITENSDORF; from old collection, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
163542 - 1861 Mi.20-22, Oval 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer; original gum, spor
1861 Mi.20-22, Oval 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer; original gum, sporadically incomplete or repaired, several short tooth, patina, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.475€, sought stamps for low price
Starting price: CZK
163553 - 1861 Mi.20, Oval 5 Kreuzer, block of 6!! on cut-square with
1861 Mi.20, Oval 5 Kreuzer, block of 6!! on cut-square with CDS TRIESTE, rare, cat. Ferchenbauer shows only block of four 275€, this multiple we estimate to min. 500€
Starting price: CZK
163596 - 1860-61 Mi.21 + Lombardy Mi.12, comp. 9 stamps, major-part o
1860-61 Mi.21 + Lombardy Mi.12, comp. 9 stamps, major-part on small cut-squares with chosen print of whole cancels, for example CHRUDIM, NEPOMUK, SOBIESLAV, blue ZOPTAU, strip of 3 with CDS FELTRE; from old collection, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
163552 - 1861-1864 Mi.22, 32, Oval 15 Kr dark blue and Eagle 5 Kr car
1861-1864 Mi.22, 32, Oval 15 Kr dark blue and Eagle 5 Kr carmine, each value 3 pieces on cut-square, CDS SELTSCHAN and CDS BUKOWITZ (undervalued and rare pmkof small Moravian community, always missing in collections)
Starting price: CZK
163705 - 1860-61 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 5 album sheets, c
1860-61 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 album sheets, contains values 3 Kreuzer (4x), 5 Kreuzer, 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer, total 26 stamps, 10 cut-squares and 2 letters; many less usual cancels, for example DOBSCHAU, GR. SIEGHARTS, KROPP, KRZYWCZA, STRASSNITZ, SZENITZ /frame/ and other; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
163541 - 1863 Mi.14, Eagle 2Sld, perf 14; original gum with original
1863 Mi.14, Eagle 2Sld, perf 14; original gum with original folds, patina, nice piece, cat. 115€
Starting price: CZK
163543 - 1863 Mi.24, 25, 27, Eagle 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer and 10Kr, all
1863 Mi.24, 25, 27, Eagle 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer and 10Kr, all without gum, resp. new gum; especially 10Kr is very nice, cat. of this stamp (*) 400€, cat. total 720€
Starting price: CZK