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1864-75 comp. of 8 pcs of Coat of arms without flashes, contains Mi.12y, 15y, 15z, 21x (3 pcs of - various color shades), 24x, 26y; good quality, cat. 210€ U:A5
1884-1923 comp. of stamps on two-sided filled card A4, contains various issues and their parts, part of Russian empire, issue Coat of arms etc., various issues, part used + comp. of stamps R.S.F.S.R. U:A4
1891-1902 comp. of 4 stamps Coat of arms 3,50R, 7R, 10R; cat. Standard 65*, 73-74**, 93* U:A5
1908-10 Mi.63-76, 77, comp. of stamps Coat of arms 1K-70K, all blocks of four with gutters, 1R block of four with R margin; placed on card A4 U:A4
1914-1918 comp. of stamps of Russian empire in blocks of four, contains various sets, i.a. Mi.107-109 etc.; placed on card A4 U:A4
1915-17 Mi.107-109, 110-112, 117-118, Romanov dynasty - complete 3 sets; issued without gum, cat. Standard 1-8, 10, postage stamps also served instead of currency (small coins) U:A5
1842-54 comp. of 5 folded prephilatelic letters, sent from various post offices, cancels as TARNOPOL 1842, GRODEK 1844, S.PETERSBURG 1849 supplemented with cancels AUS RUSSIA/ FRANCO, LEMBERG 1849 as RECCOMANDIRT and 1854; good condition U:A5
1923 Mi.212-214, overprint issue Day of the labour, contains i.a. Mi.214c on cut-square, Mi.214a*, 213a **, 212a* and 212b on cut-square; cat. ca. 665€ U:A5
1924 Mi.238-241II, IIB, Death of Lenin 3K-20K, II. format, perforated + imperforated set U:A5
1925-30 Mi.296C, 302-304A, B, 358A, 389, compilation of chosen sets, contains i.a. Mi.302-304 imperforated; part mint never hinged, cat. Standard 106-108, 109-111, 129, 221-222 etc. U:A5
1924-30 Mi.267-270, 326-327, 390-391A, B, comp. of 4 complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.390-391, perforation 10½; etc.; Mi.326 mint never hinged, cat. ca. 300€ U:A5
1929-36 comp. of 3 complete issues, contains Mi.363Ax-364Ax, Pioneers, comb perforation 12½; : 12, CDS + Mi.539Cx-541Cx, Activists of KSSS, line perforation 14, P7 + Mi.542Cx-547Cx, Pioneers helping the Post office, line perforation 14, stronger paper; cat. total 115€ U:A5
1929-30 Mi.365-377, 392AZ, 392DX, 393C, Day of labour 1K-80K, complete set + Buildings 1R-3R; part hinged, cat. Standard 228-242 U:A5
1931 Mi.397-401, Zeppelins, complete set, perforated, cat. Standard 271-275; 10K and 15K* U:A5
1931-59 comp. 11 stamp mainly with motive of "Zeppelins and aircraft", contains Mi.399DXa, 400AXa, 404B (2x), 463Y and mint never hinged stamp. Mi.1239-40, 1978B (2x), 2203 (2x); cat. ca. 290€ U:A5
1931 Mi.402-405A, Polar Flight, complete set; 1R*, cat. ** 300€ U:A5
1931 Mi.402-405B, Polar Flight, complete imperforated set; cat. 180€ U:A5
1932 Mi.412-413, 412U, Maxim Gorkij, complete perforated set + 15K imperforated; cat. 380€ U:A5
1935 Mi.494-498, 20th Anniversary of the beginning of WWI., complete set, cat. 100€ U:A5
1937 Mi.549-554, Bl.1x, Bl.2, 100. years anniv of death of Puskhin 10K-1R + souvenir sheet Pushkin + souvenir sheet Congress Moscow; cat. 140€ U:A5
1938 Mi.637-645, Air Sport; complete sought set, part quality should be inspected, cat. 150€ U:A5
1939 Mi.698X, 698Z, overprint 30K/4K, unwatermarked and with wmk; cat. Standard 589-590 U:A5
1941 Mi.819-820, 821-823, 836-841, 872-873, 932A-936A, compilation of chosen sets; cat. ca. 190€ U:A5
1941 Mi.825-826, Red Army 30K carmine + Defence of homeland 30K blue; Mi.825*, cat. ca. 200€ U:A5
1941 Mi.825A-826, Red Army 30K carmine + Defence of homeland 30K blue; cat. 215€ U:A5
1943-45 Mi.847-854, 856-859, 865-869, 972-980, comp. of 4 complete sets; 1x small gum flaw, cat. 145€ U:A5
1943 Mi.883-884, 125th anniversary of birth of Turgenjev; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. 130€ U:A5
1944-47 Mi.901-904, 905-908, 940-945, 948-950, 994-996, 1025-1039, 1048-1054, 1092-1197, complete sets of Orders and medals; cat. ca. 220€ U:A4
1944-48 Mi.932B-936B, 1014-1022, 1203-1211, comp. of 3 complete sets; cat. 105€ U:A5
1946 Mi.1003-1040, 1045-1080, almost complete volume 1946; cat. ca. 220€ U:A5
1947 Mi.1081-1178, almost complete volume 1947 without souvenir sheets, missing only according to cat. Standard No. 1053 and 1056, placed on two-sided filled card A4 U:A4
1948 Mi.1179-1202, 1203-1211, 1212-1219, 1220-1223, chosen sets of year 1948 on card A5; Mi.1280-185*, cat. ca. 200€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1224-1243, 1256-1258, 1261-1274, chosen sets of year 1948 on card A5; cat. ca. 200€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1246-1251, 1259-1260, 1280-1300, chosen sets from year 1948 on card A5; Mi.1280-185*, cat. Standard 1253* small gum flaw, cat. over 250€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1252-1255, Five years plan in transportation 30K-1R; complete sought set, cat. Standard 1190-1193 U:A5
1948 Mi.1275-1279, Pioneer organization 30K-1R; complete set, cat. 150€ U:A5
1949 Mi.1301-1336, 1341-1347, chosen sets of year 1949 on card A5; Mi.1335*, cat. ca. 340€ U:A5
1949 Mi.1339-1340, 1353-1384, 1391-1393, chosen sets of year 1949 on card A5; cat. 220€ U:A5
1949 Mi.1385-1390, 1394-1423, 1428-1431, chosen sets of year 1949 on card A5; cat. 230€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.13x, souvenir sheet 70th anniversary of birth of J. V. Stalin, yellow paper, mint never hinged, but in corners dvl caused by wrong storage U:A4
1950 Mi.1432-1441, 1445-1469, chosen sets from year 1950 on card A5; cat. 351€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1470-1472, 1473-1474, 1475-1506, chosen sets of year 1951 on card A5; cat. ca. 400€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1507-1517, 1519-1520, 1521-1526, 1535-1539, chosen sets of year 1950 on card A5; cat. 480€ U:A5
1951 Mi.1540-1574, chosen sets of year 1951 on card A5; cat. 380€ U:A5
1951 Mi.1575-1590, 1591-1592, 1593-1600, 1601-1605, 1606-1614, chosen set of year 1951 on card A5; cat. 490€ U:A5
1952 Mi.1615-1643, 1653-157, almost complete volume of year 1952 on card A5; cat. 364€ U:A5
1954 Mi.1692-1747, complete volume 1954, on 2 cards A5; cat. 279€ U:A5
1955 Mi.1748-1796, complete volume 1955 + 2 souvenir sheets Bl.15 and 16; placed on card A4 U:A4
1958 Mi.2064, Rudnev 40K, horizontal pair - joined types - printing error "Rudčev" ("РУДЧЕВ"); interesting U:A5
1957 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1914-2044, almost complete volume 1959, missing only 3 stamps (cat. Standard 1901, 1903, 1904), incl. blocks; placed on card A4 U:Z
1967-1978 compilation of 28 various souvenir sheets, part used as entrance tickets to philatelic exhibitions U:A5
1925-1935 comp. 9 letters, or parts of letters sent to Czechoslovakia, various frankings and CDS, 5x Reg; various quality U:A5
1927 philatelically influenced Flight + Reg letter to Paris, franked with airmail stamps Mi.326 (3x) and 327, CDS MOSCOW 15.9.27, at the back CDS MOSCOW 1/ 16.9. and arrival PARIS 21.9.27; decorative entire, sound condition U:A5
1932 compilation of letters and card delivered by air mail to Czechoslovakia from polar expedition, with Mi.410 and 411, CDS 26 and 28.VIII.32, red round MIT LUFTPOST BEFÖRDERT, arrival postmark ŠTERNBERK; cat. only used stamps min. 70€, nice U:A5
1934-38 comp. of 3 entires sent to Czechoslovakia: R+Ex-airmail letter with 5k + 50k +70k, CDS MOSCOW 28.5.34 + Reg letter i.a. franked by stamps Zeppelins 15k + 2x 50k + 1x Ppc; various quality, stains U:A5
1909 KITAJ overprint PC Coat of arms 4Kop to Prague, CDS SCHANGHAI/ POSTE RUSSE 21.4.09; good condition, interesting U:A5
1868 LEVANT Mi.4, 5Kop, rare blok of 15 with typical hand-made cancellation; cat. 450€ for single stamps, very nice complex U:A5
1899-1917 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA comp. of stamps of Russia with Opt "KITAJ" and Chinese currency, mainly in blocks of four; mint never hinged, placed on card A4 U:A4
1891 p.stat newspaper wrapper 2k, Mi.S4B, sent as Registered to Brno, uprated with 2 stamps 10k, Mi.41, CDS REVEL14.IX.98, at the back arrival BRNO 30/9 98, cat. only for used p.stat 100€ U:A5
1897 answer part of PC 3k sent from Germany, Mi.P10, CDS ACHEN 10.5.97, uprated with stamp 2k, Mi.46 with hand-made cancellation 1/V. 97, arrival postmark MOCKVA 1/V 97; vertical fold U:A5