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1850 Mi.2, Edifil2, Isabela II. 12C brownlila, horizontal pair in perfect quality; cat. Edifil 1225€ U:A5
1854 Mi.30w, Coat of arms 12R blue, very wide margins; exp. Galvez, cat. 300€ U:A5
1855-1856 Mi.34 and 40, Isabella 2R brownlila and 4C red, as blocks of 6; rare U:A5
1856 Mi.40, Isabella 4Cs red, 2x block of 14, numeral and classic oval grid cancels; rare offer U:A5
1856 Mi.40b, Isabella II. 4Cs carmine, 100-sheet, unwatermarked; very nice and rare multiple, most stamps ** U:A3v–
1862 Mi.50, Isabela II. 4C brown, perfect block of 45; rare multiple! U:A5
1865 Mi.63I, Isabela II. 12Sc blue / pink, INVERTED FRAME; very attractive printing error in perfect quality, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1889 Mi.189-201, Alfons XIII, 2C -10Pes, in addition other 10P with perfin, several short tooth; as set * cat. 2.000€, extraordinary offer complete issue U:A5
1907-1920 Mi.AIa-AIf, Exhibition Madrid ** and Mi.267-276, 278, VII. Postal Congress *; cat. 345€ U:A5
1937 Mi.713, overprint Airmail 1Ps + 5Ps; small gum flaw U:A5
1945-55 Mi.928, 929, 930, 1056 (2x), 1070, compilation of airmail stamps; cat. 175€ U:A5
1870 TCP Mi.101a, Hispania 50Mill ultramarine, blok of 80 in original color on stamp paper without gum, double print, once inverted; right lower stains in paper, top left interesting paper crease U:A4
1870 TCP Mi.102, Hispania 100Mill red-brown, trial printing, block of 90 in original color on stamp paper without gum, double impression, once inverted, complete sheet margins with marginal inscriptions incl. hand-made notice "Cambiare" (to change); very nice quality and evidently unique multiple trial printings! U:A3v–
1930-70 GUINEA Mi.341-348, SAHARA Mi.220, 232-239, IFNI Mi.111 small gum flaw, RIO MUNI 1-9, 48-56, comp. of stamps of Spanish territory and Spain Mi.464A-481A; 1x short teeth, cat. ca. 120€ U:A4
1864 2 letters sent to France, with 3x Mi.56, 4Cs red, CDS TOLOSA + 2x Mi.57, 12Cs green (2x heavier letter) with numeral cancel "41" SAN SEBASTIAN, arrival and transit pmk, border rate 5C; exceedingly nice quality of both entires U:A5
1865 letter to Paris, with 4x Mi.69, Isabela II. 12C blue / pink, numeral cancel 2, CDS BARCELONA, transit pmk red and blue, arrival PARIS; very nice entire with rare franking, exp. Roig U:A5
1946-48 comp. of 6 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, interesting color franking; all on one addressee U:A5
1850-1900 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 old album sheets, from 1854, much complete, i.a. Mi.2, 3, 11(!) all perfect, Mi.28, 31, 46 (Speratti), 52, 58, 79, 111 *, 112, 117, 118, 123, 151 (*), 183 **, 185 and oths.; in overwhelming majority very nice quality, Mi.46 included to sum as 100€, forerunner cancellation (lines, perf) considered, cat. min. 7.700€, quantum of classic material for a very profitable price! U:Z
1870-1938 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in old album, contains issues Hispania, Amadeo I., Alfons XII, Alfons XIII 1909 to 1Pta, issues 1928, 1930, REPUBLICA 1931 on sets Alfons XIII and air-mail, Mi.571-580 etc, incl. "Oficial" etc., cat. ca. 3500€ U:Z
1937-1991 [COLLECTIONS] collection in big stockbook, from 1937 - 1949 ** complete, incl. popular issues "sport" , "personality", Velázquez, ships, and oths., in addition charitable stamps, Espaňa and others.; cat. min. 1.400€ U:Z