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Zsf.1+11, Štefánik 60h blue, 1x without overprint and 1x with overprint; both stamp. with old commercial mark, c.v.. 1.150Sk U:A5
1939 postcard addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia franked with. already invalidated Czechosl. stmp 1,20CZK, Pof.304, CDS BRATISLAVA 11.VIII.39 mímo stamp., burdened by surtax 2.40K, Czechosl. forerunner stamp. Pof.DL62 2x, DL59 with CDS BECHYNĚ 12.VIII.39, good condition, interesting contemporary document postal transport U:A5
1939 unofficial overprint Pof.252, Coat of arms 30h violet with inverted red Opt type A (!); exp. by Gilbert., minimum usage, cat. Fö. 8.000Sk U:A5
1939 unofficial overprint Pof.252, Coat of arms 30h violet, block of four with red Opt type A (!); exp. by Gilbert., luxury, cat. Fö. 10.000SKK U:A5
1939 unofficial overprint Pof.253, Coat of arms 40h brown red Opt type A (!); cancel. probably from favor, small tearing in UL corner, after all very rare U:A5
1939 unofficial overpint Pof.253, Coat of arms 40h brown red inverted opt type A (!); cancel. probably from favor, rare occurrence U:A5
1939 unofficial overprint, Zsf.12, Masaryk 1CZK red with red inverted opt type A (!); rare U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing Slovak Rep. 1939 for stamp. Alb.2-11 in red color, blk-of-16 with wide R margin, paper without gum, on reverse picture motýla, exp. by Synek., c.v.. 4.000Sk U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing Slovak Rep. 1939 in red color ! for stamp. Alb.24, Hlinka 1CZK with blue overprint; c.v.. on this stmp red Opt at all doesn't report (!), pos. 162-165 and 182-185; exp. by Synek., quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1939 Alb.2-18, 20-21, selection of bloks of four, part marginal or corner, i.a. 60h blue, 4CZK violet, 5CZK green etc.., some lower values more times; c.v.. 7.640Sk U:A4
1939 Alb.14, Banská Bystrica 1,50CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark 1A, lower ÚO - close margin, from 100 pcs of sheet, overprinted the bottom part/-s overprint folder (identification according to plate variety on pos. 81); exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1939 Alb.14, Banská Bystrica 1,50CZK, LR and upper corner blk-of-4, lower ÚO - close margin, from 100 pcs of sheet, (identification according to plate variety on pos. 10, 19 and 99); c.v.. Fö. 700SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.16, Zvíkov 2CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark 1A, from 100 pcs of sheet, lower ÚO - close margin, overprinted the bottom part/-s overprint folder, identification according to plate variety on pos. 81); exp. by Kaufmann., c.v.. Fö. 550SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.16, Zvíkov 2CZK, UR corner blk-of-4, with plate variety on pos. 19, pos. 9, 10 and 19 and 20; exp. by Kaufmann U:A5
1939 Alb.19a, Slavkov 3,50CZK violet, overprint type B turned about/by 90º (!); exp. by Gilbert., Šablatúra, suitable for špičkový exhibit, c.v.. Fö. 9.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.21, Olomouc 5CZK green, overprint type B turned about/by 90º (!); still single known piece, exp. by Mahr BPP, Nov, small damage in UR corner, in catalogues nedoceněné, c.v.. Fö. 9.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.1, Blue Štefánik 60h, blk-of-10 with upper upper sheet margin; c.v.. 9.000Sk+ U:A5
1939 Alb.1, Blue Štefánik 60h; c.v.. Fö 900SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.23B, Hlinka 50h green, vertical blk-of-14 with overprint SLOVAK REP., line perforation 10½;; c.v.. Fö. 1.120Sk U:A4
1939 Alb.23C, Hlinka 50h green, horizontal pair with overprint SLOVAK REP., line perforation 12½; : 10½;, perf C2 and C13; exp. No, Dr. Dub, c.v.. 800SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.26C, Hlinka 10h olive, line perforation 12½; and 10½;, rough perf L C6; exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. 4.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 12½; and 10½;, rough perf L and at top C10; commercial mark Kaufmann, c.v.. 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C, Hlinka 20h orange, line perforation 12½; and 10½;, rough perf L C6; commercial mark Kaufmann, c.v.. 3.500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.31C, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna blue, line perforation 12½; and 10½;, rough perf R C4; exp. by Sablatura., c.v.. 5.500Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.NZ32N, unissued Hlinka 3 Koruna brown, horizontal pair with wide L margin; exp. by Mahr BPP, suitable to exhibit, c.v.. 20.000SKK - underprized U:A5
1939 Alb.37, 37a, Štefánik 2 Koruna dark-blue + dark-blue / light brown, both with plate variety "plinth" and "sníh on/for cap"; sought U:A5
1939 Alb.N43Yx, Tiso 50h green, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate mark A1 and date 6.X.1939; exp. by Mahr BPP, we aren't aware of another piece !!, c.v.. Fö.21.000Sk U:A5
1940 Alb.N50, Tatra 25h, block of four unissued stmp without perf, with falzifikátem machine offset red overprint Slovak Rep./ 1939, exp. by Gilbert., Mahr, slightly ribbed paper through/over 2 stamp. field, c.v.. 3.600SKK U:A5
1943 Alb.N111-N114, Railway, complete imperforated set, all corner pairs, wmk P1; on reverse mark M.D.V.P./pošta; c.v.. Fö. 42.000Sk, rare U:DR
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, comp. 7 pcs of miniature sheets, printing field A-H, without field E; c.v.. Fö. 4.200Sk U:A4
1945 Alb.125M, Tiso 10 Koruna violet, 4-stamp gutter; c.v.. 550SKK U:A5
1939 commercial Reg letter sent in the place, with Alb.23B, 24C (2x), 2-stamps. gutter M23C and horiz. pair Alb.27 with omitted vertical perf, CDS BRATISLAVA 3, exp. by Gilbert., Mahr BPP; c.v.. Fö. only for cancel. stamp. 13.500Sk!, including certificate of mailing, on reverse small tearing flap, interesting offer U:A4
1942 Reg letter in the place, with 3 Koruna + 30h, CDS BRATISLAVA 17.VIII.42, bilingual Reg label BRATISLAVA 7/ PRESSBURG 7 U:A5
1942 Reg letter to Liptovského Nicholas, with Tiso 50h (4x + 2x on reverse) + Castles 1,50 Koruna, CDS VONDRIŠEL 28.II.42, bilingual Reg label VONDRIŠEL / WAGENDRÜSSEL; sought U:A5
1942 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters sent in the place, 1x with 2 Koruna + 1Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA, bilingual Reg label BRATISLAVA 5/ PRESSBURG 5; 1x franked with. 6 postage stamp. Hlinka, Tiso, Landscape, bilingual Reg label BRATISLAVA 4/ PRESSBURG 4, torn flap U:A5
1942? Reg letter to Bratislava, with Hlinka 3 Koruna, CDS VEĹKÉ POLE 17.XII.42?, bilingual Reg label VEĹKÉ POLE / HOCHWIES; sought, rare usage U:A5
1943 Reg letter to Bratislava, with Hlinka 2,50 Koruna + 1,30 Koruna, CDS GELNICA 8.X.43, bilingual Reg label GELNICA / GÖLLNITZ; sought U:A5
1943 Reg letter to Bratislava, with Hlinka 2,50 Koruna + 1,30 Koruna, CDS HANDLOVÁ 22.II.43, bilingual Reg label HANDLOVÁ / KRICKERHAU; sought U:A5
1943 Registered and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.75-80, special postmark BRATISLAVA 2 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 14.III.43, bilingual Reg label BRATISLAVA 2/ PRESSBURG 2, passed through censorship; light fold U:A5
1944 Reg letter C.O.D. addressed to to Liptovského Hrádek, franked with. 6x Tiso 70h + Štúr 1Ks + 2x 80h, CDS BRATISLAVA 12.VII.44, bilingual Reg label BRATISLAVA 6/ PRESSBURG 6 U:A5
1943 R-Ex+Let-dopis to Prešov franked with. airmail stamp 20Ks, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43, first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV; on reverse arrival and advertising label, good condition U:A5
1939 Alb.NV1-9, Newspaper stamps 2h-1Kč, complete set bloks of four, except values 5h all marginal U:A5
1939 Alb.NV4, 9h green, LR corner blk-of-6 with plate mark 37, expressive shift of overprint transport; hinged outside pos., exp. No, Mahr BPP, rare usage U:A5
1939 Alb.NV9, 1Ks grey, block of four with significant shifted overprint; exp. No, Mahr BPP, c.v.. Fö. 1.000Sk U:A5
1939 complete newspaper wrapper without address with mixed franking of czechosl. parallel and Slovak newspaper stmp., Pof.NV15, Alb.NV4, NV10, CDS BRATISLAVA 19.VI.39, philatelically motivated entire U:A5
1939 newspaper wrapper with Alb.N5 with private line perforation 7; very rare usage, c.v.. Fö. 1.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.ND8x, 1Ks red, UL corner blk-of-4; light hinged outside pos., c.v.. Fö. 12.000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.ND8Y, 1Ks red, vertical pair with lower margin, wmk P1; c.v.. Fö. 6.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.ND11Y, 10 Koruna red with upper margin, wmk P2; exp. by Müller., Gilbert, markedly smaller usage then with wmk P1, c.v.. Fö. 4.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.ND11Y, 10 Koruna red, corner blk-of-4 with lower margin and plate number 1, wmk P1; exp. by Gilbert., Mahr BPP, suitable for špičkový exhibit, c.v.. Fö. 32.000Sk U:A5
1939-43 Alb.25A-32A, Hlinka 5h-3K with overprint "T" - postage-due provisory from year 1939, 6x with lower margin + service letter to Martin "Porto paid by príjemca", fee paid stamp. Pof.DL61 and 2x Alb.29 with overprint "T" (exact porto after/behind 2x heavier letter), envelope L about 1cm torn, toned, hints after sticking on reverse, after all quite extraordinary entire, in auction totally first-time (!), supplemented with short article from Slovak philatelist V.,5-6, page. 71, year/volume 1943; quite exceptional offer! U:A4
1942 insufficiently franked letter to Lubochně with Tiso 70h, postage due paid i.a. stamp. Air 1 pcs of, Alb.3 + 2x Postage due stmp 10h, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 6.X.42 U:A5
1944 whole money dispatch-note sent from Switzerland to Slovakia, delivery fee paid Slovak Postage due stamp 1,10Ks, Alb.D20 with CDS BRATISLAVA 22.V.45, good condition U:A4
1944 R service letter to Bratislava, burdened with postage-due 5 Koruna paid stamp. Alb.D10, CDS HUMENNÉ 28.III.44; Alb.D10 with develops only on/for accounting sheets!, suitable to exhibit, c.v.. Fö. 2.500SKK U:A5
1941-44 comp. 8 pcs of FP cards with postmarks No.6, 11 and 52, supplemented with 5 pcs of entires sent to member of Slovak army in field from that 1x letter with censor stick-on label and cancel. FP COLLECTING OFF., + 2 pcs of Russian Un p.stat with FP-postmark No.16; good condition U:A5
1944 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA airmail letter sent from Wien (Vienna) to Bánské Bystrica, franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler 10+6+6Pf, CDS WIEN 140/ 2.IX.44, sent back with straight line postmark SERVICE SUSPENDUE, again redirected after/around potlačení Slovak revolt, on reverse arrival postmark BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 21.XI.44, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1939 service letter to Nitra, "Vec úradná, porto prostá", CDS PRIEVIDZA 14.III.39 - First Day Slovak Rep.; very sought date U:A5
1944 part double German PC A. Hitler. 6Pf, sent from camp N-51 (Slovakia) to Vienna, uprated with stamp A. Hitler. 10Pf, passed through censorship, label MIT LUFTPOST (airmail) U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] wide collection postmarked stamps, contains Slovak forerunner and parallel stamp. with readable cancel. from Slovak territory after/around 15.III. 1939, i.a. Bratislava 10K with coupon, Pof.313, then stmp with overprint., issue Hlinka and all other issue incl. cancel. miniature sheet For Children-issue, postage-due, newspaper, contains also blocks, corner blocks of four with plate mark with cancel. from postal transport, types and shifts overprints, different perf stamp. Hlinka, i.a. 20h with perf 12½:10½;, combination C4, 8 pcs of 3 Koruna etc.., shifts perf and plate variety stamps; jedinečný collection, high catalogue value, according to owner through/over 60.000Sk, placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. complete Overprint issue, incl. Alb.1, Alb.19a+b; Alb.15-22 expertized, then miniature sheet For Children-issue, Alb.125M, Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp etc..; cat. over 13.000Sk U:Z