MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ complete set 27 pcs of stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with black overprint, 23 pcs of postage stmp A. Hitler., 2 pcs of Smetana, 2 pcs of St. Vitus
1944-45 selection of 19 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamps with revolutionary overprints Czechoslovakia PRAVDAVÍTĚZÍ, SVOBODNÉ ČESKOSLOVENSKO VE SVOBODNÉ EVROPĚ etc..; 2x dusky tooth
1945 OLOMOUC, revolutionary issue of stmp with přemyslovskou eagle 60h - 420h, complete 50-stamps sheets; both printing errors at value 420h cancelled with perforation
1945 interesting collection of ca. 70 pcs of stamps with revolutionary overprints on/for Bohemian and Moravian stmp, mainly A. Hitler., various types, i.a. complete Czechoslovakia National Committee Rumburk, then Č.S.R. Pravda wins, Republic Czechoslovak etc..; part used and hinged
1945 ŘÍČANY U PRAHY Reg letter franked with. mixed franking Bohemian and Moravian and stamp. with revolutionary overprint 4 pcs of, nationalized CDS ŘÍČANY U PRAHY 16.V.45; good condition
1945 VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ first day sheet with stamp. A. Hitler. 30h-6K + letter-card A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna with overprint CSR/ 6.5. 1945, nationalized CDS VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 12.V.45
1945[COLLECTIONS] collection revolutionary overprints mainly on/for Bohemian and Moravian stamp. + part revolutionary issue, i.a. Olomouc in blocks of four, Slavkov, Skalice; then various lokace as for example. KLATOVY, JAROMĚŘICE, KOJETÍN, KOSTELEC etc..; all placed on 12 hingeless album pages
1945 provisional labels Paid in cash, values 30h-4,20K, blocks and strips in various colors and shades, combination types various values etc.., imperforated; on stamp paper with gum, on 2 cards A5
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with Bratislava-issue 2 Koruna, resp. 1,50 Koruna and 50h + London-issue 20h, provisional violet line ZNOJMO 1 and oval POST OFFICE ZNOJMO 1, 1x dated cancel 17.LIST. 1945
Pof.354-356Mx, Košice-issue - small crosses, superb only value 2 Koruna, value 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna wrinkle paper - viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. 25.000CZK
Pof.354Ms(4) - 356Ms(4), values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, vertical 4-stamp gutters in pairs, value 5 Koruna grey-black (Pof.355a) and 6 Koruna light blue (Pof.356b); mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 2.000CZK
Pof.354Ms(4) - 356Ms(4), values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, vertical 4-stamp gutters in pairs, value 5 Koruna grey-black (Pof.355a); mint never hinged, 2 pcs of marginal, cat. min. 1.600CZK
Pof.Mv354-356, A360/2, miniature sheet with plate variety broken paw (very small spot from ink in margin) + complete set of 4-stamps horiz. gutter, in addition value 2 Koruna with plate mark A1, 5 Koruna shades light grey and grey-black, 6 Koruna in colour blue and light blue; c.v.. 6.300CZK
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, combination 15/222 (Čtvrtečka), sought variant with white stain above the first "O" and without little lines above second "S" values 6 Koruna
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. of 3 used kusů: 1x CDS PPRAHA 2/ 31.1.46 (last day of validity in Czech lands), 1x CDS BRATISLAVA 3/ 28.2.46 (last day of validity in Slovakia; on envelope), also with miniature sheet with plate variety - „tlapa“ with false special cancel. "1. VÝROČÍ Slovak National Uprising"
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw - four various rings (!), z toho three v červenébarvě: on/for 2 Koruna above second character „O“ and second „SK“ in/at name state and R above right komínem by/on/at margins pos. and on stmp 5 Koruna above „N“ in/at name state; in addition light color shade red, combination 6/222 (Čtvrtečka), exceptional
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw - two kroužky: on stmp 5 Koruna between right komínem and R margin + below "Č" in/at name state, combination 5/112 (Čtvrtečka)
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw - circle on/for 5 Koruna between střechou and komínem on/for of throat soldier, combination 13/111 (Čtvrtečka)
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw - circle in middle emblem / symbol before/(in front of) language lion, combination 15/111 (Čtvrtečka); small bend in LL corner
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw - on stmp 6 Koruna skidding print blue, before/(in front of) head soldier her other outline, combination 5/222; interesting and unusual
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw on/for 5 Koruna - significant circle quite deformující ending tail lion in emblem, field 4/111 (according to Čtvrtečka); for the present unpublished
1945 Registered and Express letter with 6 Koruna from Košice miniature sheet pof.A360/362 with both margin, provisional postmark VRANOV N. TOPĹOU 3.IX.45; on reverse hints of storage in exhibit
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, selection of 43 pieces according to combinations (all described according to Čtvrtečka), any other one, contains i.a. „zlomenoutlapu“, 2 various variants retouch on/for 8/222, 1x light shift red R, on/for four fields sought combination 211 etc..; placed in little-box
1945Pof.387 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 5h, block of four with upper margin and inverted comb perf; specialist hledané(!), small tearing in upper margin, c.v.. 10.000CZK
1945 Pof.387-402, War Heroes 5h - 10Kčs, selection of upper and bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number 1A, i.a. 10CZK with plate variety 183/1; c.v.. 1.120Kč
1945Pof.389 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 20h, inverted comb perforation, LR corner blk-of-4 with perf bottom margins, from jedinéhonálezu inverted comb perforation perforated 6. hřebenem 1x 200 stamp. (no the first 2x 200 zn.), guarantee photo-certificate Beneš from year 2000; from zrušenéhošpičkového exhibit, unrepeatable offer one from objektivně most precious items CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., in catalogue significantly underprized, RR!
1945 Pof.389, War Heroes 20h, vertical str-of-6, smaller, but distinct crease over all stamps, in addition shifted perforation downward to picture of stmp; interesting
1945 Pofis. 395, War Heroes 1CZK, UR corner blk-of-4, very significant shifted perforation up to picture of stmp (passes in the middle "1Kč"); decorative, suitable to exhibit