1961 Pof.1174ST, Personalities of Cultural Life - P. O. Hviezdoslav, horiz. marginal Pr with joined types II. + (type III on pos. 31, plate 1); sought by specialists, c.v.. 4.000CZK
1961 Pof.1174ST, Personalities of Cultural Life - P. O. Hviezdoslav, horiz. marginal Pr with joined types II. + I.; sought by specialists, c.v.. 4.000CZK
1961 Pof.1217-1225, Butterflies, set with plate variety at value 80h, Pof.1222 plate variety 1/A - line below tykadlem, only plate variety c.v.. 480CZK
1962 PLATE PROOF Pof.1235, Personalities of Cultural Life - Němcová 30h, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - faze print gravure, 2x in/at blue and 1x in black color, on paper without gum, all exp. by Karasek
1962 Pof.A1268A + 1268B, souvenir sheets PRAGA 1962, comp. 9 pcs of, from that 6 pcs of perf and 3 pcs of imperforated; types unresolved, cat. min. 1.680Kč
1964 Pof.1341, 1362, 1373, selection of three interesting catalogue DV: Olympic Games Tokio DV1/16, corner blk-of-4 with date + Cizinecký activity with DV1/50, corner blk-of-4 + Cosmos 1,20Kčs with DV1/9 as marginal strip-of-3
1964 Pof.1372 and 1373, Space Exploration 1Kčs and 1,20Kčs, comp. 5 pcs of multiblocks and pairs with plate variety and plate mark, contains Pof.1372 with plate variety 20/I., plate mark 21/I. and plate mark 21/II. + Pof.1373 with plate variety 23 and plate mark 25/II., plate mark 25/I.; 4 pcs of with date of print
1964-66 selection of čtyř catalogue DV: Pof.1406, Birds 1,60Kčs with plate variety 1/49, corner blk-of-4, Pof.1459, Prague castle 30h with plate variety 1/12, marginal block-of-4, Pof.1474, Horské birds 30h with DV13, vertical pair) and Pof.1532, XIII. Congress of Communists 30h with plate variety 1/1, stamp. with upper margin
1965 Pof.1482, Czechosl. town II., Nitra 20h, comp. of stamps 9 editions with various differences colors also gum, from that 3 corner pieces, two marginal pairs with plate variety 1/84 (original variant a přechodná variant, both spojeny with blank pásem with appropriate date from y. 1966 and 1967), 1x corner blk-of-4 with date; very nice selection of, sought
1966 Pof.1517-1521, Fishes, selection of types, flaws and posunů: value 1,40 Koruna with plate variety 1/50 and uncatalogued significant plate variety 1/79 (horiz. line above „oven“); value 1Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4, 2x ST I. + II., in addition shift green color up; 1,20Kčs, UL corner blk-of-4, shift orange downward; value 60h significant shift orange downward, 30h smaller shift brown R; interesting selection of on/for favourite issue, only c.v.. defects 1.040 CZK
1966 Pof.1517-1522, Fishes, complete set of in pairs + 1519 combination types (cut "1"), value 1,60Kčs with margin and signature of author V. Vinglera, c.v.. 600CZK
1966 Pof.1519ST+DV, Fishes 1Kčs, lower corner blok of 4, contains 2x combination types, in addition with plate variety 81/1 and 91/1; sought by specialists, cat. min. 1.320Kč
1966 Pof.1533, 1534, XIII. Congress of Communists 60h and 1,60Kčs, selection of three DV: Pof.1533 with plate variety 1/36 - str-of-5 with date of print and corner str-of-4 Pof.1534 with plate variety 1/20 and corner blk-of-8 with date with DV1/32; sought, in catalogue underprized
1966 Pof.1564VV, Towns 50h, block of four with significant shift ochre color and perf to picture of stmp., fluorescing paper 1; good condition luminiscence, c.v.. 3.200CZK
1966 Pof.1567-1573, Game 1,20Kčs, plate variety 1/40 - cut corner as blk-of-4 (very rare and sought catalogue defect, in block little vídaná), also with 80h ST I+II+I in/at str-of-3, 30h (jezevec) significant plate variety 18 „černý little arc through/over the bottom part měsíce“, 2x block of four 40h (deer) very distinctive shades green, 1x 2Kčs (kanec) shift blue, pair 1Kčs (liška) shift yellow up, 1x 80h (hare) shift yellow downward; very interesting and decorative selection of
1966 Pof.PL1575, Kupecký 1Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of, 1x type I (landscape format, perforation. rámecB), 2x type II (high size, 1x rámec A, 1x rámecB), c.v.. 950CZK
1966 L. Fulla - Recruit, engraver trial picture stamp. Pof.1578, from the first issue Art, in black color on lightly yellowy paper, format 14,5x18,6cm, with signature of engraver Herčík
1967 Pof.1652, Novotný 2Kčs, corner blk-of-15 with plate variety 1/13, 1/21 and 1/42 + corner blk-of-10 with plate variety 2/11, 2/21 and 2/41; only separate plate variety c.v.. 660CZK
1967-87 smaller selection of whole counter sheets, contains i.a. incomplete line New Prague, Pof.PA 1682-1685, 1688, 1691, 1693, Peace Movement Pof.PA 1759 2 pcs of, U.N. Pof.PA 1833, BRNO 74, Pof.PA 2091-2092, 2066, Day of Stamp Pof.PL2823 2 pcs of, then without margins Pof.L72-L73 etc.., cat. min. 3.600CZK
1965 Pof.1722, 1728, Personalities 20h and 1,40CZK, selection of catalogue plate variety and DO: Pof.1722 with plate variety 1/8, 1/18 and 1/20 in/at corner block of 6, plate variety 1/32 in/at corner. block of four, Pof.1728 with plate variety 1/5 in/at str-of-5, plate variety 1/7, 1/20 in/at corner blk-of-10 with date of print, plate variety 2/3 in/at corner str-of-3, in addition pair with plate variety 1/12; cat. min. 1.680Kč
1969 Pof.PA1780-1782, Tatra National Park, whole sheets with coupons, in addition Pof.1780 with plate variety 3/1 "path in/at printings mountains", c.v.. 490CZK
1970Pof.1813ST, Beethoven, complete sheet with II. type on/for 2/21 (contains rare vertical combination types I + II + I); in lower margin with signatures Svolinský and Jirka; very good condition, 2x folded for exponátový sheet, exceptional offer
1970 Pof.1836, Palné weapon/-s 1,20Kčs, complete sheet from 8.VII.70, significant shift red (výplně both kol R), mainly in/at L three columns; interesting, unpublished
1967-71 selection of complete PA: Pof.1869-74, Czech and Slovak Graphic Arts and Pof.1585-86, Tourism (on/for 1,20Kčs with plate variety 2/14); c.v.. 470CZK