1945 Pof.431 and 432, J. Sladký - Kozina, horiz. and vertical "horseshoe", complete set, contains VK-6, VK-7, VK-9 and VK-10 from every values; interesting price, c.v.. 4.000CZK
1946 Pof.A435, souvenir sheet May, comp. of 15 fields (incl. II. type), various distinctive shades of stamps, types D, E, F, F with sought plate flaw „zalitá lower part Í in "VÍTĚZÍ“, G, H, I, J, K, O, S, T, U, V, X - additionally found, extremely rare plate!
1948 gift album minister post issued only for foreign festival hosty, with mounted stamp. Pof.467- 469 and 475 - 478 in blocks of four; from every values two blocks of four, 1x unused and 1x with special postmark XI. Sokol festival; interesting
1948 PLATE PROOF Pof.467, XI. Sokol festival 1,50Kčs, 2 plate proofs, print gravures in light brown and hnědočerné color, 1x on/for yellowy and 1x on/for very thin paper + PLATE PROOF Pof.468, value 3Kčs, plate proof in vine red color, also on/for very thin paper; all exp. by Karasek
1948Pof.487VV, Gottwald 3Kčs, type II., horizontal pair, production flaw - on stmp in/at pravo incomplete-printing right side/party - missing both zero values, "SKO" in/at name state and right/genuine frame; production folds in paper (by/on/at this production flaw always), catalogue doesn't report, but obdobně significant incomplete-printing on/for typewriter Stickney on/for other stmp 4.000–7.000Kč, very rare, on request exp. labour
1948Pof.487VV, K. Gottwald 3Kčs carmine, type II., upper corner blk-of-10, by/on/at five stamp. in R column significant incomplete-printing picture of stmp - missing both resp. one small zero nominal value, "SKO" resp. "KO" or only "O" in/at name state and right/genuine frame; thin/light production vertical fold in paper; very rare, in/at blk-of-10 quite rare!
1948 Pof.A492, miniature sheet K. Gottwald, VI. type; in UR corner significant (stain on part/-s printing), long time known, but in catalogues neuváděné; small grain in paper
1948PLATE PROOF Pof.A497, miniature sheet 30 years Czechosl. stamps, plate proof complete printing plate plate 3 with souvenir sheets III. type (!), in/at definitive blue color on/for rougher brown paper without gum; for specialist exceedingly interesting, for the first time in auction, quite rare offer!
1949 Pof.502, Personalities - Hviezdoslav 50h, UR corner blk-of-6, between 8. and 9. column 3x omitted 3. perforation hole from below (1x in upper margin), on this value new discovery after/around 65 year! (still by/on/at 50h known only variant with two omitted perforation hole next to themselves, this variant doložena only by/on/at 80h and 1Kčs), quite exceptional offer; light imprint finger from printing color
1949 Pof.504, Šverma 1Kčs, comp. of stamps with DV: 1x plate variety 33/1 - wavy line on forehead and 1x with plate variety 42/2 - nib from brýlí + plate variety 54/1 - guideline above nose + 1x pair with nekatalogizovanou flaw (white line on forehead); cat. min. 1100CZK
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.514, B. Smetana, plate proof - print original gravure from year 1934 (at that time Un), without nominal value, in/at upper corners else/yet with original y. "1834" and "1934"; in black color on/for stronger yellowy paper without gum; exp. by Karasek
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGA 1950, 2 pcs of, type II., 2 small zrnka in paper; then miniature sheet evidently as variety XIII type, with "0" in/at "1950" significantly R below second "O" in/at "POSTAL"; lower signature J. Švengsbír, c.v.. 1.250CZK ++
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, 3 pcs of, 1x mint never hinged, 1x with exhibition special postmark and 1x with CDS; types unresolved, cat. min. 900CZK
1951-52 comp. of 3 sought DV: Pof.580, International Women's Day 5CZK with plate variety 1/1m corner Pr + Pof.615, Day army 80h and plate variety 1/24 „muška on/for hlavni“, pair + Pof.649, Agriculture 2CZK with plate variety 70, line from staff; cat. min. 1050CZK
1951PLATE PROOF Pof.594, Smetana 1,50Kčs, Pof.642, plate proof - master die in black color on/for rougher green paper without gum, block of four from original blk-of-10; interesting
1952 TCP Pof.637Mv, International Week of Youth 1,50Kčs red, horiz. imperforated 4-stamp gutter with lower margin, on stamp paper with gum; rare offer, cat. min. 12.000CZK
1952 TCP Pof.637Mv, International Week of Youth 1,50Kčs brownlila, horiz. imperforated 4-stamp gutter with upper margin, on stamp paper with gum; rare offer, cat. min. 12.000CZK
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.661, Prague Spring - Beethoven 1,50CZK, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print gravures in black color, from that 2x phase print and 1x definitive gravure + PLATE PROOF Pof.663, Beethoven 5Kčs, master die in black color, also definitive gravure; all exp. by Karasek
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.686, Miners' Day 3Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - print original gravure in colour black, vine red and in definitive color violet brown; interesting offer
1952 Pof.A691/692, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, comp. 3 pcs of, from that 1x exhibition special postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.X.52 (first day issue !) and 2 pcs of unused, 1x UR corner fold and minor gum fault., 1x mint never hinged; c.v.. 2.500CZK
1952 Pof.A691/692, selection of miniature sheets Bratislava 1952, 1 pcs of with minor gum fault., 1 pcs of with special postmark and 1x FDC; c.v.. 1.700CZK
1945-1946 1x letter addressed to to Sweden and consequently redirected + printed matter (!) to Hungary, franked i.a. stamps Moscow-issue, CDS ÚSTÍ N. O. and ZLONICE, interesting entires!
1945-47 [COLLECTIONS] ministry gift album with issues as Congress Students' union, Kozina, May revolt up to T. G. Masaryk, incl. all miniature sheets, on/for titulu autograph president E. Beneš, several stamp. with stains in perforation
1953 Pof.724DV, Lenin and Stalin 1,50Kčs, block of four with number counter sheet with plate variety 2/26 „skvrna on/for head Lenina“ + Pof.701, Peace Congress, 2 pcs of, both types
1955 Pof.A853/857A + A853/857B, souvenir sheets PRAGA 1955, 3x perf and 3x imperforated, from that A853/857B 1x VII. type, other types unresolved; cat. min. 1.670Kč
1955 Pof.A853/857B, miniature sheet PRAGA 1955 imperforated, value 30h with plate variety A - stain in branches tree and 45h with plate variety A - stain between numerals 4 and 5; c.v.. 1.000CZK
1955 Pof.A853/857B, miniature sheet PRAGA 1955, combination A4E2 (with smaller stain in branches tree), with original damage between "4" and "5" on stmp 45h, from which with later vyvinuly 2 stains; extremely rare
1957-66 Pof.962VV, Czechosl. televize 60h, 2 pcs of, from that 1x very thin/light (almost omitted) print green color in upper part of stmp + Pof.1535VV, Indians 20h, block of 6, upper stmp significantly lighter; interesting
1961 Pof.1159, Sport 30h, block of four with production flaw - on/for two stmp R vertical red lines over both pos., on stmp from these years very unusual
1961Pof.1174ST, Personalities of Cultural Life - P. O. Hviezdoslav 60h, whole 50 pcs of counter sheet (!) with joined types; interesting offer, c.v.. 4.000Kč++