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1851-53 Mi.2b, 3a, 6, 7, numerals 5 Kr and 6 Kr, all with red numeral cancel "115", RASTATT, 3 pcs with complete margins U:A5
1853 Mi.6, Numerals 3 Kreuzer black on green paper, 2 pcs of, very wide margins (1x with larger part of adjacent zn.), numeral cancel. "43" and "231" (?); nice U:A5
1867 Mi.16 (3x) and Mi.18 (2x), from that 4 pcs on cut-squares, numeral cancels "27", "28", "325", "344", "582"; very nice quality, cancels excluded from sum, cat. only stamps 306€, value 12Kr often missing U:A5
1919 Mi.171A-173A, War Charity, complete set, complete 100 pcs of counter sheet; cat. only as single stamp. 260€ U:A3v–
1862 post. accounting sheet from 22.2.1862 with account of transport of 5 money letters and 8 cash paid letters, on 5Gr, from postal office evidently in Braunschweig, with Mi.9, 4x block of four ¼Gr + 2x pair ¼Gr; extraordinary entire! U:A4
1863 Mi.8, 12, Coat of arms in oval 3x 4Sh brown and ½Sh green on cut-square, straight line postmark LÜBECK STATION; perfect quality, exp. Kosack, Bariels, certificate Mohrmann, rare franking! U:A5
1860 Mi.13a, Coat of arms in oval 1¼Sh brown, pair on cut square with whole CDS LUEBECK/ 27.9.; exp. Pfenninger, certificate Brettl, cat. 450€+ U:A5
1864 Mi.8z, Bull's Head in emblem 5Sh brown, on laid paper; with CDS ROSTOCK, cat. 380€ U:A5
1861 Mi.12b, Coat of arms in oval 1Gr light blue, on cut-square with blue cancel OLDENBURG, perfect piece, exp. Kohler, Fulpius, Diena, certificate Berge, cat. 320€+ U:A5
1861 Mi.10b, Coat of arms in oval 1/3Gr moss green; left with small repair, very nice appearance, significant shade color, blue framed pmk.; exp. Berger and Drahn, cat. 3.500€, missing almost in every collection! U:A5
1850 Mi.2, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. 1Sgr, 2x strip of 3 on cut-squares, numeral cancels "191" and "103", wide margins U:A5
1850 Mi.2a, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 1Sgr rose, numeral pmk "1626", L light cut + Mi.2d, 1Sgr violet rose, cancel. "572", standard margins; cat. min. 110€, pmk rejected from sum U:A5
1857 Mi.6a, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., strip of 3 1Gr pink, numeral cancel "973", wide margins; exp. Diena and Bühler U:A5
1857 Mi.7 2x, 8, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 2x 2Sgr and 3 Sgr on cut-square with numeral cancel "1439", perfect quality U:A5
1857 Mi.7ax, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 2Sgr, vertical pair on thin paper, great margins, sign. Engel U:A5
1857 Mi.8, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 3Sgr orange yellow, pair, numeral cancel "578", nice piece U:A5
1858 Mi.9, Friedrich Wilhelm IV., 4Pf green, marginal strip of 3 with plate flaw "interrupted frame left at top", sign. Engel and Rappaporte, very nice quality
1861 Mi.14, Eagle 4Pf green, block of four, frame cancel BERLIN, very nice piece, sign. Krause U:A5
1855 Mi.9IIa, Johann I. 1Ngr, greyred/black, blok of 10 as complete counter sheet, from TCP "control" sheet, on original paper; R cut, significant crease over whole width! U:A5
1855 Mi.10a, Johann I. 2Ngr, blue / black, block of 10 as complete counter sheet; perfect and rare multiple with 3 stamps MNH, cat. doesn't report, by estimation min. 900€ U:A5
1855 Mi.11, Johann I. 3Ngr, yellow/black, blok of 10 as complete counter sheet, from TCP "control" sheet, on original paper, cavus print and interesting complex! U:A5
1855 Mi.12, Johann I. 5Ngr, brick red/black, blok of 10 as complete counter sheet, double print on original paper, displaced and cancelled by hand-made strokes of pen; rare! U:A5
71 Mi.4II, Numerals 5C, type II, strip of 3! on letter to Prague, CDS STRASSBURG 5.4.71; cat. only for strip of 3 - 2.200€ U:A5