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1784, 1830, 1834 comp. of 3 letters, from that 1x Schnörkel-Brief, Hungarian pmk V. NYIREGYHÁZA, to Miskolcs; rare pmk, attractive entire and 2 letters with cancels AGRAM U:A4
1785 letter to Pest with red Hungarian cancel V. TEMESVAR; nice quality, rare cancel., cat. Müller 200 points, early usage! U:A5
1819-1840 4 letters from Hungarian part of monarchy with cancel OFEN, TYRNAU (oval red), KETSKEMET and RAAB; nice compilation U:A5
1820 letter with cancel V. EPERJES (Prešov) from known correspondence of G. Matolay from Zolná (belongs to Zvolen), to Sátoraljaújhely (Slovenské Nové Mesto), note. "Cotta (Comitatus) Zempliniensi", cat. Müller 120bd U:A5
1823 letter with cancel TSCHERNOSCHIN, porto 4Kr; perfect condition, this pmk often missing in collections U:A5
1824 letter with cancel. SANDAU (Žandov), porto 4Kr paid sender; very fine and rather rare postmark U:A5
1825 comp. of 5 "Vorphila" letters (2 pcs opened from 3 sides), i.a. red cancel ROCOMANDIERT EGER FRANCO, black V. MIES, KAADEN, PLAN FRANCO + 2x receipt black line GABLONZ and blue MIES U:A5
1826, 1832 2 letters to German Wertheim, both fully paid by sender, porto 12Kr and 14Kr, cancels V. MIES and post. office "HAYD"; attractive entires, small size U:A5
1828 letter with cancel SZAMOS UJVAR, (today Romania), rare negative cancel, cat. Müller 480bd! U:A4
1829 letter with blue cancels STAAB (Stod) and FRANCO, porto 18Kr paid by sender, after 5 days returned to Stod, from Netolic and through Strakonice; interesting entire in very nice quality U:A5
1829-1848 4 letters with various cancels of Tábor: V. TABOR, TABOR and TABOR + RECOMMANDIRT, and rare single line date TABOR: 5 APRIL 1830 small "gothic" type; interesting regional compilation U:A5
1829, 1843 2 letters with cancels V. STRAKONITZ and STRAKONITZ + FRANCO, porto 4 and 6 Kreuzer; very nice quality, 1x atypical vertical size! U:A5
1831, 1833 2 letters, small size from Prague to Munich, frame cancel VON PRAG FRANCO and red PRAG; nice U:A5
1833 money Reg letter with cancel VON ZWODAU, weight 1 and 1/2 Lothu, notice NB, paid only Reg charge; rare cancel., catalogue of Votoček 250 points U:A5
1836 letter from Austrian Schwechat to Silesian Olbersdorf (Albrechtice), rarer decorative cancel SCHWECHAT, porto 28Kr; nice quality, rare destination! U:A5
1838-46 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, 1x with line blue cancel. HOFLENC/ 4.Feb. (Mlýnický Dvůr), 1x with oval cancel. FRAUDENTHAL; nice print, good condition U:A5
1840 letter with cancel BRZEZNITZ, to Domazlice, porto 6 Kr which should be paid by recipient - notice "Porto angewiesen", refused and returned back with remark "..... unfrankiert nicht angenommen", through Klencí with cancel V. KLENTSCH (favourite pmk of post office existing from 1526!) U:A5
1840, 1848 2 letters with frame cancels B.TEINITZ and FRANCO and with blue cancel B. TEINITZ and FRANCO; both paid in advance, nice quality U:A5
1841 letter with decorative oval cancel. WIMPASSING (Burgenland), nice quality and rare postmark U:A5
1842 letter with quite rare frame cancel GRÜNBERG, porto 9 Kr, to Merklin; Zelená Hora (Grünberg) is today vanished village, interesting document, catalogue of Votoček 100 pt. U:A5
1843 letter with cancel. PODERSAM, incl. certificate of mailing, porto 9 Kreuzer paid sender, notice "Porto bei der Abgabe..."; rarer framed pmk U:A5
1844 folded letter to Krnov, blue cancel TYSMIENITZ (Galicia) 2.JUL and FRANCO, Müller 1590-C, interesting also as judaicum U:A5
1847 letter with cancel STRAKONITZ, to Italian Venice, sent to prince Luise de Windischgratz, at that time cadet of Austria-Hungary marine; small size, porto 18Kr, arrival postmark VENICE U:A5
1850 letter with cancel. LISSA B. 1. APR. (Lysá n. L.), on/for headquarters "7-er Kürassier Regiment" in Pest - slavná unit, original Czech kyrisnický / dragoon regiment, nasazený 1848-1849 against Maďarům U:A5