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1904 CRETE Mi.11A, Franz Joseph 50C on 50h, CDS CANEA; certificate Ferchenbauer, patina, cat. 800€ U:A5
1890-1905 LEVANT 2 newspaper wrappers sent to Germany with Mi.21, 10Pa/3kr CDS JERUSALEM with 2 copies of quartal "Zion messenger"; also 3 Ppc sent to Bulgaria, with Mi.43 (2x) and 2x with Mi.33, strips franked as printed matter abroad are rare, rare set! U:A4
1890 LEVANT letter with Mi.23, 1Pia/10kr ultramarine, IMPERFORATED, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE, arrival postmark BEIRUT; interesting U:A5
1867 LEVANT Mi.5I, Franz Joseph 15Sld rough print with CDS LARNACCA DI CIPRO, this is forerunner usage of Austria-Hungary stamps in Cyprus, with regard to Turkish (from 1871) and British (1878), rare! U:A5
1908 LEVANT Mi.6xa-14xa, Postage due stamps 1/4Pia-30Pia light green on chalky paper; some mint never hinged, all considered as *, cat. min. 65€+ U:A5
1803 LEVANT - CHOLERA LETTER from Constantinopole sent from Austria-Hungary postal office, straight line postmark AUTRICHE, to Hodimont (Belgium), desinfection pmk in front; perfect quality, rare CDS and destination U:A5
1875 LEVANT letter to Genoa, franked with. 3+10+10Sld, 3Sld rough print! and both 10Sld fine print!, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE; very nice quality, rare mixed franking of both types of print; exp. Sorani, cat. min. 850€, in addition rarely used fine print already in 1875! U:A5