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2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle) 0,40CZK (2x) and 1CZK (2x), all 4 pcs of without asterisks, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), complete 2 set 10 stamp. with * and without * 0,40Kč-14,40Kč, both II. printing; cat. min. 939Kč U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I (roll 1.5), newly set up values from January 2001 incl. 14CZK, i. e. 8 values, on/for all production flaw - significant black stain between „E“ (ČESKÁ) and building and so-called. „světlá voda“ (only field 9), in addition values 40h, 1CZK, 9CZK and 14,40CZK with same production flaw; total 12 values, sought, cat. only normálních stamps 2.445Kč U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I, vyřazené values 5CZK, 7CZK, 8CZK, 11CZK and 13CZK from the first set with *; total 5 values, c.v.. 2.000CZK U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I, vyřazené values 5CZK, 7CZK, 8CZK, 11CZK and 13CZK from the first set with *; total 5 values, all with production flaw - significant yellow stain L above ship; very unusual and sought, cat. only normálních stamps 2.000CZK U:A5
2000-2005 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle) + AT2, Zvíkov + AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, comp. of 3 various issues, all stamps without printed nominal value (!); definitely interesting U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011); c.v.. 7.500CZK, rare, collector sought! U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, vertical strip of 3, 2 pcs of without nominal value, 1 pcs of with value 7.50CZK with * U:A5