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1925 ARLEN Richard (1891-1971), světoznámý American film and televizní actor, signature on photograph from film U:A5
1920 BOW Clara (1905-1965), slavná American actress němých filmů, one of first screen hvězd and sexsymbol 20. years 20. century; signature on B/W photograph; interesting U:A5
1930 BRENT Evelyn (1901-1975), slavná American film and theatre actress in time němého also beginning zvukového film; signature on portrait B/W photo postcard; good condition, interesting U:A5
1925? BRIAN Mary (1906-2002), slavná American actress, film superstar in time němého also zvukového film, film partnerka Garryho Coopera and other hvězd; signature on B/W photograph; good condition, interesting U:A5
1903 BURIAN Emil (1876–1926), Czech opera singer, signature on postcard; interesting U:A5
1907-13 BURIAN Charles, also Carl Burrian (1870–1924), světoznámý opera singer, tenorista, comp. 3 pcs of handwritten written letters with signature, 1x sent to Dr. A. Berkovcovou U:A5
1930 ČERNÝ Francis (1904-1963), important Czech actor, autograph on portrait photo postcard; bend U:A5
1920? DAVIES Marion (1897-1961), slavná American actress němých filmů and beginning zvukového film, signature on own photo; interesting U:A5
1923 DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, official letter on reverse koncertního card with full signature U:A5
1910? DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, autograph on photograph, mounted on carton U:A4
1923 DESTINNOVÁ Ema (one's own name Emilie Kittlová, 1878–1930), Czech opera singer, autograph on libretu Nastolení Libušino, sepsané E. Destinnovou for Czechoslovak village/community Sokol; very good condition, rare! U:A5
1940? DIETRICH Marlene Magdalene (1901–1992), světoznámá German - American actress and songstress, signature on B/W portrait photo postcard U:A5
1949 FIALA Eman (1899–1970), Czech actor and musician, own photo postcard with signature; very good condition U:A5
1977 FUNÉS Luis de (1914-1983), světoznámý French actor, signature on card, on/for exhibit sheet with photo U:A4
1947 GODDARD Paulette (1910-1990), slavná American actress, second wife Charlie Chaplina, signature on own photo U:A5
1941 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988), known Czech actress, autograph on card, supplemented with 2 B/W reproductions; placed on exhibit sheet, very good condition U:A4
1980? GOTT Charles (1939-), one from best known Czech zpěváků, autograph on paper slip Supraphon U:A5
1935? GROSSLICHTOVÁ Truda (1912-1995), slavná Czech actress, prvorepubliková film star, signature on portrait postcard; perfect condition U:A5
1963 HAAS Hugo (1901-1967), important Czech actor and film director, autograph on strojopisném postcard U:A5
1940 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, autograph on correspondence card; good condition U:A5
1925-1945 ACTORS comp. 10 pcs of photo postcard and photos with signatures known herců: K. Heger, L. Boháč, F. Havel, O. Krejča, G. Fröhlich, O. Korbelář, L.H. Struna, F. Kruezmann + J. Menšík - editor Filmového kurýru + K. Dostal - theatre director; 3x atelier Ströminger, 1x Ross, very interesting selection of U:A5
1925-65 ACTORS comp. 9 pcs of photo postcard and photos with signatures known herců: K. Beneš, F. Smolík, T. Pištěk, J. Vojta, F. Vnouček, J. Láznička, K. Máj, Z. Rogoz + J. Menšík - editor Filmového kurýru; 5x atelier Ströminger, interesting selection of U:A5
1940 JANŮ Zorka (one's own name Zora Babková 1921-1946), Czech actress, mladší sister Lídy Baarové, own photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1937 KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, colored, less frequent samostatný autograph, atelier Ströminger; good condition U:A5
1935 KAREN Frederic (1887–1964), Czech actor, autograph on own photo postcard U:A5
1930 KOHOUT Edward (1889–1976), Czech actor; 2 own photo postcard with signature; good condition U:A5
1930? KOHOUT Edward (1889–1976), Czech actor; own photo postcard with signature; good condition U:A5
1930? KOHOUT Edward (1889–1976), Czech actor; own photo postcard with signature; good condition U:A5
1942-64 KORBELÁŘ Otomar (1899–1976), Czech musician and actor + NEUMANN Stanislav (1902-1975), Czech theatre and movie actor; handwritten written letters with signatures; 1x holes after/around letter file, interesting U:A4
1940 KORBELÁŘ Otomar (1899–1976), Czech musician and actor, signature on own photo postcard with dedication; atelier Ströminger U:A5
1980? LANCASTER Burt (1913-1994), slavný American actor, double holder Oskara; autograph on portrait photograph U:A5
1980? LOM Herbert (1917 in Prague! - 2012), světoznámý americko-anglický movie actor Czech origin; autograph on portrait fototgrafii U:A5
1941 LOY Myrna (1905-1993), slavná American actress, film parnerka Clarka Gabla, Garry Coopera etc..; autograph with dedication on photograph, interesting U:A5
1941 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), Czech movie actress, autograph on card, supplemented with B/W reproduction; placed on exhibit sheet U:A4
1938? MARVAN Jaroslav (1901–1974), Czech actor, signature with dedication on photograph small format; atelier Ströminger, interesting U:A5
1935? MARVILLE Suzanne (1895–1962), Czech movie actress, wife Martin Frič, signature on postcard; atelier Balzar, stains U:A5
1944 NASKOVÁ Růžena (1884–1960), Czech actress, national artist, autograph on own photo postcard + text on/for other postcard; incl. envelope/-s, sent to Dr. Annu Berkovcovou, very good condition U:A5
1928 NORDENOVÁ Marta (1891-1973), important Czech opera singer, soprano and dlouholetá sólistka Opery National theatre in Prague; autograph dedication on/for photo postcard U:A5
1902 REICHMANN Theodor (1849-1903), German opera singer, cabinet card with handwritten dedication; atelier Krziwanek, good condition U:A5
1883, 1909 SCHRATTOVÁ Katherine (1853-1940), Austrian actress Burgtheatru, milenka emperor Franz Joseph I. I.; cabinet card and humorná postcard "Kaufhaus Zeppelin" with handwritten 5-řádkovým text and signature, very nice quality and extraordinary offer! U:A5
1932 ŠPONAROVÁ Mary (1897–1982), Czech opera singer, signature on own Ppc, atelier Wildt; good condition U:A5
1931 ŠVÁB-MALOSTRANSKÝ Joseph (1860–1932), Czech actor, kabaretiér, publisher; signature on own Ppc, photo Cetl, Prague, recipient Professor. KORÁB Joseph, graphic artist; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1987 TEMPLE Shirley Black (1928-2014), světoznámá movie actress and songstress, držitelka Oskara, velvyslankyně USA in Czechoslovakia in years 1989-1993; autograph on portrait photo postcard U:A5
1995? USTINOV Peter sir (1928-2004), světoznámý English actor, film director, moderátor, double holder Oskara; signature on color photograph U:A5
1938? VÍTOVÁ Hana (1914–1987), slavná Czech actress and songstress, signature on own photo postcard, atelier Ströminger U:A5
1900? VOJAN Edward (1853–1920), Czech actor, signature on own Ppc as Cyrano de Bergerac; good condition U:A5
1910? VOJAN Edward (1853–1920), Czech actor, comp. of 2 own photo postcard with signatures; good condition U:A5
1877-1899 VOLFOVÁ Adéla (1846-1940), Czech actress, členka set ND, 2 cabinet card from performance with signature + 1x cabinet card theatre company in Jindřichův Hradec with Volfovou; interesting U:A5
1933 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981), WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech actors, handwritten signatures on/for joined/common photograph from performance; good condition, interesting U:A5
1935? VYDRA Wenceslas (1876–1953), important Czech actor, director National theatre, portrait B/W photo postcard with signature; very fine U:A5
1913 WALDEN Harry (1875-1921), slavný German theatre and movie actor, autograph on portrait photo postcard; bumped corners, after all interesting U:A5
1974 WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech film and theatre actor, dramatist and scenarist, autograph on card, supplemented with photos from natáčení film "Pan Tau"; decorative U:A4
1960-75 [COLLECTIONS] PRESLEY Elvis (1935-1977), one from best known zpěváků all period, interesting set advertising materials, photos small also larger formats, originate from origin Elvis Presley Fan Club, Kansas, USA; very good condition, interesting offer U:O4