Public auction 43 / Autographs / Sportsmen

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163753 - 1946 FOOTBALL/  BICAN Joseph (Pepi) (1913-2001), nejslavněj
1946 FOOTBALL/ BICAN Joseph (Pepi) (1913-2001), nejslavnější Czech footballer all period; signature with dedication on photo postcard in/at dresu Slavie
Starting price: CZK
162950 - 1972 FOOTBALL / PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech spor
1972 FOOTBALL / PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, one from the best goalkeepers all period; signature on passe-partout with B/W reproduction
Starting price: CZK
163752 - 1934 FOOTBALL/  PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech spor
1934 FOOTBALL/ PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, one from the best goalkeepers all period; portrait photo with signature
Starting price: CZK
165490 - 1938 FOOTBALL  postcard Zagreb with signatures Czechosl. rep
1938 FOOTBALL postcard Zagreb with signatures Czechosl. representatives from mezistátního match, i.a. Pepi Bican, Říha, Košťálek, Klenovec, Kopecký, Senecký; bend in corner, interesting
Starting price: CZK
163781 - 1933 FOOTBALL/ SK SLAVIA PRAGUE  postcard with signatures of
1933 FOOTBALL/ SK SLAVIA PRAGUE postcard with signatures of players from tour to Algiers, i.a. Plánička, Puč, Ženíšek, Vodička, Pech, Fiala, Matoušek, Kopecký etc..; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
165126 - 1950 FRIŠTENSKÝ Gustav (1879–1957), Czech wrestler, Euro
1950 FRIŠTENSKÝ Gustav (1879–1957), Czech wrestler, European champion, autograph on strojopisném postcard; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
163408 - 1933 HOCKEY off. 3-lingual blank form about/by course match
1933 HOCKEY off. 3-lingual blank form about/by course match Czechoslovakia - Austria on/for World Championship in hockey 1933 in Prague, incl. comp. (!), in lower part used 16 pcs of stamps with special postmark to this event/-s and on the back side 10 signatures players Czechosl. national team, i.a. Cetkovský, Kučera, Maleček, Tožička, Hromádka, Peka and other; exceedingly interesting, 4x horiz. folded
Starting price: CZK
165630 - 1947-53 HOCKEY  comp. 3 pcs of Us pohldnic with signatures C
1947-53 HOCKEY comp. 3 pcs of Us pohldnic with signatures Czechosl. hockey-players from Winter Olympic Games in/at Oslu 1952, from Berlin 1951 and from soustředění national team in/at České Budějovice in 1953, supplemented with photos and memorial envelope from year 1947
Starting price: CZK
162962 - 1990? HOCKEY/  ZÁBRODSKÝ Vladimír (*1923), the best middl
1990? HOCKEY/ ZÁBRODSKÝ Vladimír (*1923), the best middle útočník 40. years, double world champion, after/around 1948 emigroval to Sweden; autograph on B/W photograph
Starting price: CZK
164165 - 1971 SWIMMING  Venclovský Francis (1932-1996), as the first
1971 SWIMMING Venclovský Francis (1932-1996), as the first Čech/Bohem přeplaval 30. July 1971 channel La Manche, autograph on paper slip with sportovními výkony
Starting price: CZK
159474 - 1988 PRIBILINEC Joseph,  Summer Olympic Games in/at Soulu -
1988 PRIBILINEC Joseph, Summer Olympic Games in/at Soulu - winner in/at chůzi on/for 20km, stamp miniature sheet on paper slip, below tím text and signature
Starting price: CZK
165024 - 1984 SAMARANCH Juan Antonio (1920 - 2010), Spanish sports fu
1984 SAMARANCH Juan Antonio (1920 - 2010), Spanish sports functionary and former president International Olympic committee in years 1980–2001, 3 pcs of international delivery advices sent to ředistelství Olympic Games Los Angeles and Sarajevu, from that 1x autograph
Starting price: CZK
163104 - 1978 CHESS  official envelope international šachového turn
1978 CHESS official envelope international šachového turnaje velmistrů in/at Mostar, with commemorative postmarks and with signatures 11 participants this turnaje, i.a. Karpov, Talj, Hort, Miles, Kněževič, Byrne, Portisch, Ljubojevič and other; interesting, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
163782 - 1949 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922–2000), Czech sportsman, 4-tuple O
1949 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922–2000), Czech sportsman, 4-tuple Olympic champion; signature on postcard from USSR to Prague; signatures other sportsmen
Starting price: CZK