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1903-18 comp. 9 pcs of entires with cancels of various postal-agencies, contains: Postablage SCHÄFEREI (Geb.1821/1.=25€), MŠECKÉ ŽEHROVICE (0832/2.=30€), JINÍN (č.0494/1.=30€) VŘESKOVICE (č.1524/2.=20€), MLÁZOVY (č.0807/2.=50€), PERNARTITZ (č.0024/1.=30€), OUBYASLAV (č.1410=30€), HRUBÁ SKÁLA and MARIA ELLEND a.d. DONAU; cancels well readable, cat. min. 230€ U:A5
1903-21 comp. 4 entires with cancel of sought postal-offices, contains 2 pcs of official PC without franking with cancel SLAVÍKOVICE (Geb.1208/2.) and KAPSCH (Geb.1194/1.), both cat. Gebauer doesn't evaluate and doesn't report neither date when were these Postal Agency in use (!); church correspondence + 2 Ppc with 5h Franz Joseph with cancel. "Listovní sběrna OBORA/ pod zámkem Veveří" " (Geb.1817/1.), resp. PUSTEVNÉ - RADHOŠŤ/ 6.VIII.07 (Geb.1088/1.); cancels well readable, definitely interesting U:A5
1904-14, 1936 comp. 7 entires with interesting cancels of postal-agencies, from that 4 pcs with former or later usage then shows catalogue: OSVRAČÍN (Geb.0951/2.; 8.1.14), OHROZIM (Geb.0912/1.; 14.9.04), OKROUHLÉ HRADIŠTĚ (Geb.0915/3.; 9.4.36!), SLAVÍKOVICE (Geb.1208/1.; 10.2.14) and 3 pcs with cancels MLÁZOVY (50€), PERNARTITZ (30€) and SCHEIBENRADISCH (50€); all church correspondence, chosen quality, definitely interesting lot! U:A5
1905-18 comp. of 9 entires with cancels of various postal-agencies, contains: AUJEZD (Geb.1418/2.=30€), SACKSCHEN (č.1547/2.=30€), SCHEIBENRADISCH (č.0915=50€), WITSCHIN (č.1490/1.=30€), ROŽNA (č.1149/2.=20€) and then BOSKOV, NECHVALICE, S. HOSTÝN and ZBEČNO; only 1 pcs of (Rožna) worse readable, other prints nice, cat. 185€ U:A5
1905-19 11 entires with postal agency cancels TISMICE, KAŇK, LIBNIČ, ZAKŘANY, HŘEDLE, WALLSTEIN, SUDĚJOV, MORAVSKÉ BRÁNICE, MACOCHA 2x, PUSTEVNĚ RADHOŠŤ; nice print, interesting Ppc (8 pcs) U:A5
1916 Maxa K78, 3 invoices with 50h revenue, issue 1910 with perfin "K.W." company Koppe & Wetjen from Vienna; only folds U:A4
1907 Maxa P33, commercial PC with 5h, Mi.122 with perfin "P. W." f. Premier Werke with CDS EGER 17.VII.07, factory for bicycles; good condition U:A5
1854 cover of military letter without postage, addressed to fort in Germany, CDS UNTERKRALOWITZ 10.2.(54) + auxiliary cancel. "M.B." (= Militär-Brief, catalogue of Votoček no. 4140); recipient: Prince Albert von Sachsen (!); interesting entire, good condition U:A5
1914 S.M.S. SCHIFF VESTA violet round cancel on unpaid Ppc to Prague, CDS ŠIBENIK 10.12.14; luxury print, good condition U:A5
1914-17 comp. of 8 entires with ship cancels, i.a. violet round S.M.S. CHAMÄLEON (2x), red round S.M.S. BABENBERG, S.M. BOOT 50E, S.M. SHIP MARS (2x), S.M.S. WIEN, S.M.B. 12 etc.; interesting compilation U:A5
1916 SEESPITALSCHIFF II red round pmk of hospital ships WIEN, supplemented with FP-postmark 321/ 31.V.16, luxury prints, cat. Pithart. 3.500CZK U:A5
1917? K.u.K.. WEICHSELTRANSPORT LINIENKOMMANDO/ FLOTILLENWERFT IN NADBRZEZIE, violet 2-lines cancel - luxury print, FP card addressed to Semily, frame cancel VON DER ARMEE..., sought fleet on Visla, rare occurrence, well preserved U:A5
1916-18 ALBANIA comp. of 3 Ppc with FP cancels, violet round GENDARMARIEKOMANDO FÜR ALBANIA IN SCHKODRA, line K.u.K.. FELDSPITAL No. 216 U:A5
1918 ALBANIA field post letter-card sent as Registered, uprated wit stamp FP Charles 40H, CDS Etappenpostamt PUKA 15.VIII.18, at the back arrival CDS ČERVENÁ ŘEČICE 24.VIII.18; good condition U:A5
1918 ITALY 2 pcs of Reg letters sent to Moravia, 1x with FP Mi.4, 12, 1x addressed to Brno, with Mi.9, 10, both letters with mailing CDS Etappenpostamt TOLMEZZO 16. and 24.IX.18, supplemented with uniquely designed postmarks, 1x passed through censorship in UDINE; good condition U:A5
1918 ITALY comp. of 4 FP cards with multicolor franking of stamps with overprint Feldpost Charles, various frankings, pmk FP 288/ 31.VII.18, arrival postmark ZNOJMO 5.VIII.18, good condition U:A5
1915 POLAND comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent to Brno with multicolor franking stamp. Feldpost (Field-Post) Franz Joseph, values 1, 2, 3 and 5h, CDS Etappenpostamt LUBLIN 20.XI.15; good condition U:A5
1917 POLAND comp. of 3 Registered letters addressed to Brno, with stamps of FP issue 1915, Mi.22-26, 28, 29, each franking different, CDS Etappenpostamt RADOM, all passed through censorship; good condition U:A5
1917-18 POLAND 6 entires with FP stamps, various issues, from that 4x as Registered with CDS Etappenpostamt KIELCE (redirected with mounted sheetlet and cancel Etappenpostamt TOLMEZZO), LUBLIN, DABROWA, RADOM; mainly well preserved U:A5
1918 POLAND comp. of 3 Registered letters sent to Moravia, with stamps FP Charles, Mi.53, 55, 57, 61-63, EPA CDS Etappenpostamt RADOM, passed through censorship, decorative small size envelopes; good condition U:A5
1915-16 FP card to Serbia to prisoner of war, CDS TÝN N. V., passed through censorship, sent back - purple frame RETOUR WEGEN KRIEGSLAGE BEFÖRDERUNG AUSGESCHLOSSEN; good condition U:A5
1915-16 comp. of 7 entires with FP cancels: contains letter, FP cards and Ppc, 3x various DIVISION BÄCKEREI + 1x ETAPPENBÄCKEREI + 2x various PFERDESPITAL + 1x PFERDEDEPOT U:A5
1915-18 K.u.K Feldariostation I, K.u.K Arme - Telegraphen - Abteilung No.5, K.u.K Pionierbatalion No.5 (birch bark card), comp. of 3 pcs of cards and 1 Reg letter with cancel Etappenpostamt BELGRADE; all nice prints, good condition U:A5
1916-18 [COLLECTIONS] POLAND, ITALY compilation of 21 entires with FP frankings, various issues, from that 4x as Registered, CDS Etappenpostamt TOLMEZZO and RADOM, censorship; mainly good quality U:O5
1916-18 [COLLECTIONS] compilation of 80 cards and Ppc of FP, various units Etappenpostamt, SCHKODRA, censorship and others.; placed in luxury stockbook Lidner + supplemented with ca. 100 entires from Austria and Germany U:K
1927-28 special card of first flight Vienna - Marseille 1927 (at the back picture of a plane), franked with airmail stamp Mi.477, CDS WIEN 1/ 30.IV.27, all attributes + airmail letter franked with airmail stamp Mi.470, 476, CDS WIEN 1/ 5d and WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST (airmail)/ 1.VI.28, 1. flight Rome - Venezia - Vienna - Berlin, confirmation frame red cancel BERLIN C2 in front and CDS BERLIN C2/ 1.6.28 at the back, small size; good quality U:A5
1915-16 censored letter without franking (removed by censorship?) addressed to USA, MC LINZ 23.3.16, violet three-line censorship mark "Überprüft / K.u.K. Territorialzenzurkommision/ GRAZ" + censor stick-on label, transit pmk NEW YORK 16. APR. with marked postage-due 10c and arrival postmarkl BOSTON 18.APR.1916, small size + censored card from Serbian imprisonment from August 1915 with promotional added print; well preserved U:A5