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1841 SG.14e, Victoria 2P blue, letters P-B with MODRÝM RAZÍTKEM MALTÉZSKÝ KŘÍŽ; very nice piece of this rare stamps, wide margins, c.v.. £5.000 U:DR
1841 SG.14h, Victoria 2P blue, letters A-J, with ČERVENÝM RAZÍTKEM TYPU 1844; very fine, certificate Brandon, c.v.. £28.000, exclusive Brit. rarity! U:DR
1858 SG.47, Victoria 2P dark blue, letters R-D, plate 15; nice piece, exp. Pröschold, cat. £525 U:A5
1865 SG.101, 1Sh green, marginal block of 4, plate 4, wmk "Emblems", round cancel "S"; very nice quality, blocks 1Sh with this wmk are rare, cat. £1.250 U:A5
1867-1880 SG.104, Victoria 6P "lilac", wmk "flower", plate 6; very nice piece with large part of original gum, cat. £1.800 U:A5
1867 SG.112, Victoria 10P brown; new gum, cat. for * £3500 U:A5
1867-1883 SG.127, Victoria 5Sh light rose, wmk Maltese cross; very fine piece with original gum, extraordinary quality perf, certificate BPA, signed i.a. legendary Robson Lowe, c.v.. £11.000, very rare stamp! U:DR
1878 SG.129, Queen Victoria £1 brownlila, extremely significant dark original color, perfect perforation; at top thin place, still decorative and interesting piece with thimble CDS LONDON, cat. £7.875 (4500£ +75%) U:DR
1882 SG.132, Queen Victoria 1£; brownlila, blued paper with wmk "Big anchor", CDS LOMBARD STREET; very nice, with perfin, perfect perf, cat. £10.000, rare stamp! U:DR
1867-1883 SG.134, Victoria 5Sh pink, wmk anchor, white paper, plate 4; very nice piece with light CDS, cat. £4.200 U:A5
1883 SG.L20, GOVT/ PARCELS., official 9P green, heavier pmk; otherwise very nice piece and genuine overprint (!), cat. £1.000 U:A5
1893 Registered p. stat. envelope 2P blue to Berlin, uprated by postally fiscal stamp SG.F14, Victoria 6P light violet, wmk "anchor" 16mm, CDS STOKE NEWINGTON; rare entire, on letter cat. £550, rare as additional franking on stationery U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black , plate 10(!), black, letters QA, on letter from 4. Apr. 1841, black Maltese cross, CDS NUTSFORD, arrival postmark PRESTON, rare plate, cat. £3500 U:A5
1855 letter with SG.62, 4P carmine, wmk "small band", CDS WARRINGTON and arrival WHITEHAVEN; cat. £750, miniature envelope 55x65mm, very attractive entire! U:A5
1862 letter to Frankfurt, franked with SG.84, Victoria 6P violet, small size, decorative margins, CDS LONDON, cat. £200 U:A5
1866 letter to Paris franked with pair 2P SG.45, plate 9, CDS LONDON; small size, nice quality, cat. £100 U:A5
1901 decorative small-sized letter to KEIGHLEY in Yorkshire with SG.172, 1P purple-red, CDS PRESTON, envelope with coloured pen painting "lady inviting to the ball", perfect condition, attractive entire U:A5
1856 folded cover of letter from London to Birmingham with Mi.10-11; SG.29, 34, 1P + 2P, plate 5, numeral cancel "1" and arrival postmark; less frequent 3P franking in good condition U:A5
1857-70 folded letter addressed to USA (New Orleans), with SG.43, 45 plate 12 (!), CDS LIVERPOOL Fe.11.70, good condition, cat. £500+ U:A5
1862 SG.66, 2x - once marginal piece and SG.40 3x, on letter of very small format sent on to Brit. embassy in Athens (!), CDS LONDON, interesting mixed franking, good destination and perfect condition, two stamps SG.40 placed over margin of the envelope, cat. Gibbons min. 320£ U:A5
1858-1879 [COLLECTIONS] SG.44, Victoria 1P brown-red, COMPLETE PLATE RECONSTRUCTION - plate 191 according to letters AA-TL, 240 stamps; various, but mostly good quality, cat. £2.160, extraordinary offer U:Z
1858-1879 [COLLECTIONS] SG.44, Victoria 1P brown-red, almost completely plate reconstruction, plate 143 according to characters AA-TL, 238 stamps, missing only 2 stamps; various, but mostly good quality, cat. £4.045 U:Z
1858-1879 [COLLECTIONS] SG.44, Victoria 1P brown-red, almost complete plate reconstruction, plate 144 according to characters AA-TL, 211 stamps; various, but mostly good quality, cat. £5.275 U:Z
1858-1879 [COLLECTIONS] SG.44, Victoria 1P brown-red, almost complete reconstruction of plate 189 - according to characters AA-TL, 213 pcs; various, but mostly good quality, cat. £1.810 U:Z