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1891 SG.31b, Victoria 2½P Opt on 4P grey, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £3.500, very rare stamp U:DR
1852-1860 SG.13, Britannia 1P blue, so-called. I. lithographic issue; R close but complete margins, very nice piece with light cancel "1", cat. £1.700, very small edition U:DR
1859 SG.58/ Mi.14Da, sitting Britannia, 1Sh indigo, very nice color, white paper, worse apparent needle perf 16:14½; cat. SG: £250, cat. Mi.: 340€ U:A5
1860 SG.46a, Britannia 1P dark pink-red, horizontal pair, perf 14-16½, horizontal OMITTED, with upper margin and here with also omitted horiz. perf (SG. shows only omission of vertical perf); nice quality, part original gum, certificate BPA (i.a. Holcombe), cat. £1100 ++, rare pair U:DR
1862-1863 SG.63b, Britannia 6P dark green, perf 11½; : 12 and 11, left small tearing from perf (usual in this provisory perf ); overall very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £6.500, after Lady McLeod this is the most expensive and rarest stamp ofTrinidad, probably unrepeatable offer! U:A5
1913-23 SG.149-156, Sitting Britannia ½P-£1; complete set, cat. £300 U:A5
1922-28 SG.216-229, George V. 4P-£1; complete set, cat. £180 U:A5
1905-6 SG.S10-D17, Postage due stamps 1P-1Sh; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. 260 U:A5
1923 SG.D23-D25, Postage due stamps 6P-1Sh "SPECIMEN"; cat. ca. £80 U:A5
1883 Reg letter to San Fernando (Trinidad) with SG.98 (2x), 104, 106, 107a, CDS TRINIDAD (Port of Spain); back side damaged by cutting the seal, exact franking 3 pence, rare MIXED FRANKING type Perkins Bacon + De La Rue, only bisected 1P on letter cat. £950! U:A5
1900 SG.101-109, Coat of arms ½P-3Sh; complete set, cat. £130 U:A5
1909 SG.115-126, Coat of arms and Edward VII. ¼P-3Sh; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1938 SG.194-205, George VI. - Motives; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1957 SG.237-250, 253, Elizabeth II. - Motives; complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1896 Reg letter to Plymouth with SG.56, 61, 68, additionally franked SG.1 (excluded from sum), cancel "T I" and Reg-Turks Iceland; exact franking 6P, only overprint SG.68 1/2P on 4P on letter cat. £900, rare franking and destination! U:A5
po r. 1860 compilation of 18 colonial stamps - classic period, i.a. Bahamy SG.21, Bermuda SG.1, Grenada SG.11, Trinidad SG.25, Turks and Caicos SG.4b and other colonies as Vancouver SG.13, Canada SG.44, India SG.38, Tasmania SG.28 and oths.; 3 stamps with thin places, otherwise very nice, cat. min. £2.750 U:A5