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1858 Mi.3a, 3b, Coat of arms 15C blue on cut square and 15C dark blue, decorative cancel and pmk. TANGA; 1x exp. Sismondo, the highest value of the 1. issue is often missing in perfect quality U:A5
1939 Mi.Bl.2, Bl.3, Exhibition Buenos Aires, 2 PB; luxury, cat. doesn't report U:A4
1858-1860 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1-3, I, II., specialised compilation of the 1. issue, i.a. block of 10 Mi.1a, block of four 3a; 2x 3b 15C dark blue; marginal str-of-9 3a; pair 4b 5C dark red; block of 16 4a; 3x unissued Mi.II 15C blue; all in very nice quality, on 2 sheets from exhibit, cat. only as singles 1.460€, larger blocks and especially pair Mi.Mi4b are rare! U:Z
1858-1920 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 album sheets, contains classic issues, various sets; mainly used U:Z
1867-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets in album Schaubek, contains part of classic period, various sets and its parts, mainly common sets etc. U:Z
1894 Mi.38-44, Coat of arms 1C-100C, large blocks, 40-46 stamps, perf 14; cat. ca. 2700€ U:A4
1854 Mi.21, 22, Numerals 280R and 430R so-called. "Coloridos", perfect quality, perfect color and original gum, in this state rare classic stamps (!), cat. 500€ U:A5
1845-1900 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 11 album sheets, contains classic issues, various sets, some better pieces; mainly used U:Z
1852 SG.9, Plachetnice"Tall ships" 1C purple, ordinary faint color, at top horiz. fold, repaired in upper margin, thin place; cat. £4250, rare stamp, interesting starting price U:A5
1852 SG.10, Sailing Ship "Tall ships" 4C blue, CDS DEMERARA, ordinary faint color, horiz. fold, repaired in upper margin; cat. £9.000, rare stamp, interesting starting price U:A5
1862 SG.120c, provisional issue from Royal Gazette Georgetown, 2C yellow, at top ornament of different type, in addition on this value printing error "GU1ANA" instead GUIANA not recorded in catalogue (only for SG.121), rarely with datestamp instead usual line cancel; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. ca. £1600 U:DR
1938 SG.308-319, George VI.; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. £100 U:A5
1889 Reg-letter via London to Italy franked with 20x SG.192, 2C/2C Inland Revenue, CDS GEORGETOWN, at the back cut out seal, extraordinary multiple franking of stamps intended originally to prepayment for newspapers and printed-matters sent in Georgetown, very attractive letter! U:A5
1872 Mi.5-7, specialized compilation of issue "Coat of arms", the third issue, 40x ½R, 13x 1R, 17x 1P and two pairs and block of four, 21 pcs unused, types ½R, red and blue cancels, 10x French office "3154", from that 2x red cancel. etc., various quality, favourite classic stamps U:A5
1856 Mi.1IIf, 2IId, Columbus 5C pink-red and 10C blue; without gum, copperplate, Chilean print, perfect pieces with certificate Maier, favourite classic stmp U:A5
1855 Mi.3, Columbus 5C red-brown lithography, Chilean local print, complete black round postmark, at top close but complete margins, very nice piece exp. Engel, cat. 350€ U:A5
1861 Mi.4, Columbus 1C dull greenyellow, pair and 3 single stamps, copperplate, London print; very fine, o. g. U:A5
1861 Mi.6a, Columbus 20C green, copperplate, London print; without gum, perfect quality U:A5
1855-1920 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 8 album sheets, contains various classic issues, i.a. issue Columbus etc.; mainly used U:Z
1863 Mi.18, Sc.24, Coat of arms 5C yellow; perfect piece exp. Holcombe U:A5
1877 TCP Mi.37-42, Numbers 1C-1 Peso, imperforated, trial printing, in original colors (printed by American Bank Note Co.); on presented paper with statement of date of the preparation of printing - October 1876, complete issue! U:A5
1866-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 album sheets, contains classic issues, part Officials; mainly used, various issue U:Z
1860-1930 [COLLECTIONS] collection of South America in 2 small stockbooks A5, various states, mainly classic period, supplemented with stamps of Canada and Cuba in 1 stockbook A5; various quality U:Z