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1958 Mi.Bl.6, souvenir sheet 700th Anniversary of Kuan Han-Ching work; cat. 150€ U:A5
1961 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet World Championship in table tennis, red special postmark; cat. 1.400€ U:A5
1962 Mi.648A-655A, Theatre art, complete perforated set; cat. 450€ U:A5
1962 Mi.648B-655B, Theatre art, complete imperforated set, original gum; MNH, sought issue, cat. 10.000€ U:A5
1963 Mi.736A-738A + 736B-738B, Giant Panda, complete perforated and imperforated sets; cat. 170€ U:A5
1963 Mi.744-759, Lanscapes of Huangshan, complete set, cat. 340€ U:A5
1967 Mi.977-981, Cultural revolution - Mao´s theses, cat. 200€ U:A5
1967 Mi.990-992, Teacher Mao, complete set; cat. 400€ U:A5
1967 Mi.995-1008, Cultural revolution, complete set of 14 stamps, sought issue; cat. 1.400€ U:A5
1980 stamp-booklet Mi.MH2, Water delphine, complete stamp booklets; cat. 180€ U:A5
1981 stamp-booklet Mi.MH3, Year of Cock, complete stamp booklets; cat. 550€ U:A5
1981 stamp-booklet Mi.MH4, MH5, Chinese fables + Stamps in Japan; 2 complete stamp booklets; cat. 85€ U:A5
1982 stamp-booklet Mi.MH6, MH, Sable + Year of dog, 2 complete stamp booklets; cat. 110€ U:A5
1901 French Post - CANTON Mi.1-16; Yv.1-16, Opt - red, without No. 4 (stamp 5C always missing); on stamp 30C missing corner, otherwise nice quality, the most expensive stamps 75C and 5Fr exp. Thier, cat. Yvert 560€ U:A5
1902 French Post - KOUANG-TCHÉOU Mi.1-16; Yv.35-48, Opt CHINE; complete set, values 75C and 1Fr short tooth, otherwise very nice, cat. Yvert 500€ U:A5
1903 French Post - PACKHOI Mi.17-32IV; Yv.1-16; complete set, the most expensive value 50C exp. Calves, very nice quality, rare set missing in most collections, cat. Yvert 860€ U:A5
1903 French Post - TCHONGKING Mi.17-32V; Yv.32-47; complete set, at value 40C, 70C short tooth (various defects of perf are on issues Allegory common), overall nice and rare set, cat. Yvert 715€ U:A5
1906 French Post - CANTON Mi.33-49; Yv.33-49, Opt black; complete set, very nice quality, cat. 370€, very small printing, in catalogues undevalued! U:A5
1906 French Post - MONG-TSEU Mi.33-49IV; Yv.17-33, Opt red and black; complete set, very nice quality, cat. Yvert 475€ U:A5
1954-57 2 Ppc from 1954-55 addressed to Hungary, franked with postage stamps, Chinese censorship + letter to Macaa with Mi.319 (2x) at the back, CDS SWATOW 11.12.57, arrival MACAU 17.XII.57; usual quality U:A5
1955 envelope with additional-printing of Chinese field post without franking, sent by official post of Chinese delegation in Korea; rare at our place U:A5
1958-70 comp. of 7 entires sent to Czechoslovakia, interesting frankings, issues Fish, Butterflies, Theatre, FDC with stamps Mi.383-385, supplemented with 2 Ppc from North Korea and 2 from Vietnam with multicolor franking U:A5
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Near and Far East with strong China, contains many better complete sets, i.a. Mi.534-545, 559-563, Chrysanthemums Mi.570-575, 577-582 and 583-588, 689-698 etc., also several stamps of Cultural revolution, cat. min. 3.500€ + other countries, i.a. Ceylon, Indochina etc., interesting offer U:Z
1898 SG.52a, Victoria 96C grey-black with Opt "1 DOLLAR"; without Chinese marks, very nice piece of this rare stamps, cat. £2.750 U:DR
1854 SG.54, Victoria 30C grey-green with local Opt "10 CENTS" (Noronha and Sons HK); very nice quality, cat. £600 U:A5
1905 SG.90, Edward VII. $10; wmk Multiple CA, highest value, rare stamp, very fine, cat. £1900 U:DR
1938-52 SG.140-162, George VI. 1c-£10; complete set + 13 stamps with various shades and values; cat. min. £1100, interesting offer U:A5
1954-62 SG.178-191, Elizabeth II. 5c-$10; complete set, cat. £200 U:A5
1962-73 SG.196-210, Elizabeth II. - portraits 5c-$20; complete set, cat. £160 U:A5
1863-1912 compilation of 40 stamps, it contains e.g. SG.11, 41 with perfin "H&S/ B.C", 42, 48, 65, 85, 97 and fiscal stamp SG.F2 with line perforation 15½ and perfin "H.S.B."; good quality, cat. £380 U:A5
1862-1965 [COLLECTIONS] collection on/for old pages, incl. first issues, i.a. SG.1, 4, 19 (*), 19a, 37, 38 (*), 39a, 49 *, 50, 131, nice selection of with cenovým potenciálem, unworked on/for positions of watermarks, perf and plate variety, cat. min. £2.250 U:O5
1915 BUSHIRE - British occupation, SG.1-5, 7-11, 13, Persian stamps Ahmed Mirza 1Ch-5Kr with Opt "BUSHIRE Under British Occupation"; perfect, all with CDS BUSHIRE, 2x cut square, 2Kr exp. Kossack, cat. £1.650, rare offer U:DR
1939 complete newspaper sent to USA, with Pahlavi 15D, Mi.728, CDS TEHRAN 22.IV.39, violet PASSED FREE OF DUTY BUFFALO; interesting U:A4
1939-40 comp. of 2 Reg letters to Bohemia-Moravia a) franked with complete set Mi.741-745 in front and Mi.741 (2x), 742 and 743 at the back, CDS MECHED 10.VII.39, nice quality; b) with M i.726, 729, 733-735, CDS TEHRAN 14.XI.40 and red cancel of German censorship, signs of usage, envelope right little cut; nice 5-coloured franking, in addition Printed matter from 1934 addressed to Vienna with Mi.625-627, CDS TEHRAN 5.X.34, stamps Mi.625 brown stains U:A5
1919-30 Mi.120 II, Tazawa 1Yen green/ brown, granite paper, wmk P1, size 18½ x 22½mm + Mi.138 and 139, Tazawa 30Sen orange/ green and 50Sen brown/ blue, both granite paper, P1, comb perforation 13 : 13½;; all with heavy hinges on reverse, 30Sen corner piece, on reverse usual fold in gum, cat. 390€ U:A5
1929 Mi.195-198, complete set of airmail stamps (value 9½Sen issued in 1934); well centered, cat. 240€ U:A5
1874-1911 comp. of 8 various PC, all postally Used, usual quality U:A5
1923-69 7 letters and 1 Ppc, all addressed to abroad, from that 2 pcs to USA and other to Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Bahamas, England, Belgium and France, mostly usual frankings, 1 pcs as Registered from Czechosl. consulate in Osaka; usual quality U:A5
1952 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.445, 549 (7x), CDS MORIOKA/ 17.6.52, provisional registry label, customs label, stick-on label and 3 various customs cancels, redirected; interesting, good condition U:A5
1957-59 2 FDCs sent to USA, from that 1x as Registered: a) 50. Anniversary of scouting, with Mi.238 (2x), 239 (2x) and postage stamp 15H, special postmark for this event; b) 60. Anniversary of Korean railways, with Mi.291 2x in front and 5x at the back + postage stamp 5h , violet CDS SEOUL/ KOREA/ 19.SEP.1959, arrival BROOKLYN, N.Y./ 21.SEP.1959 at the back; nice quality U:A5
1955 registered airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with 3 stamps, Korean cancel with date 17.2.55 worse readable, framed pmk PAR AVION; sender: captain. Ch., member of Czechoslovak delegation in DKNS KESONG; nice quality U:A5
1956 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with 5 special and postage stamps, Korean cancel with date 14.3.56 worse readable, framed pmk PAR AVION, at the back transit pmk COREA/ PHYONG-YANG/ 17.3.56; sender: Dr. V.J., hospital Czechosl. Red Cross (!), Čondžin; interesting decorative entire, light wrinkled envelope with slight tearings in margins, after all nice U:A5
1957 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, in front multicolor franking of 7 special and postage stamps + other stamps at the back, only Korean cancel with date 26.7.57; interesting entire, on vertical sides lightly cut envelope U:A5
1958 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, in front rubber Reg cancel JAN PENG, at the back multicolor franking of 8 special stamps, transit pmk COREE/ PHYONG-YANG/ 8.3.58 and arrival postmark OSTRAVA 16.III.58; nice quality U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between two units on the occasion of 5th anniversary of Korean people´s army (8.2.1953), CDS of field post with date 22.3.53, in upper part printed promotional text about fight against USA!; interesting contemporary document, at our place rare, at the back browny stains U:A5
1953 FIELD POST letter without franking sent between two units on the occasion occasion of 5th anniversary of Korean people´s army (8.2.1953), in upper part printed promotional text about fight against USA! - different look than previous lot; at the back hand-made date 10.3.1953; interesting contemporary document, at our place rare U:A5
1953 FIELD POST FP card of DPRK army, format 12,9x9cm, used; rare offer, sound condition U:A5
1954? FIELD POST FP card of DPRK army, used; rare offer, sound condition U:A5
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] good collection in 3 stockbooks A4, almost complete period 1953-80, contains complete sets + separately in album some souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.1 etc. + supplemented with stamps of South Korea, Libanon etc.; high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1913 Mi.163-170, complete overprint ½A-24A, Opt REPUBLICA; cat. 170€ U:A5
1936 JAPANESE OCCUPATION - 13 postage stamps issued 1936 with special cancels "3 years of postal union", from various towns: CHANGTU, KAIPING, CHILIN, LAOYANG, KUNGCHULING, SUCHIATUN, FENGTIEN, CHINHSIEN, HAICHENG, on 9 cards paper, rare offer U:A5
1946-53 comp. of 10 chosen stamps, contains Mi.72, 73, 77-78, 82-83, 86 + 88, 89 and 99!; Mi.72 and 88 small flaws - excluded from sum, cat. min. 110€ for * U:A5