Public auction 43 / Historical Documents, Maps

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162093 - 1762 FRANTIŠEK VÁCLAV TRAUTTMANSDORFF (1718-?), Czech nobl
1762 FRANTIŠEK VÁCLAV TRAUTTMANSDORFF (1718-?), Czech nobleman, fine testamentární document with calligraphied gold decorated intitulací, with signature other noblemen, i.a. Wenceslas Albrecht count from Šternberku etc.., with revenue 15 Kreuzer issue 1762, nice seal; overall very decorative, size 51x40cm, crosswise folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
164682 - 1945 Prague May revolt - comp. 2 pcs of confirmation for par
1945 Prague May revolt - comp. 2 pcs of confirmation for participant fights in Prague, postmark Regiment revolutionary guard No.1 with signature Col. Emil Boříka + 3 special revolutionary copies/imprints newspapers with declaration Pěst from 10.5.45, All Čechům and Slovákům! from 11.5.45 and Hostimil with portrait president E.Beneše, all good condition, interesting contemporary documents
Starting price: CZK
165015 - 1959 Federation protifašistických bojovníků in Prague -
1959 Federation protifašistických bojovníků in Prague - důvěrný document with request for gaining svědectví against members SS from concentration camp Osvětim; sent to former prisoner Otto Krause
Starting price: CZK
165167 - 1758 MAPA MARKRABSTVÍ MORAVSKÉHO, color, author German eng
1758 MAPA MARKRABSTVÍ MORAVSKÉHO, color, author German engraver Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717-1777); size 52x50cm, marked single district and details Brno and Olomouc; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
165292 - 1645-49 KOMENSKÉHO MAPA MORAVY  map March of Moravia John A
1645-49 KOMENSKÉHO MAPA MORAVY map March of Moravia John Amose Comenius according to his original gravure, author Willem Janszoon Blaeu (also Caesius, 1571-1638), colored gravure 59x50cm, on the reverse side German text; quite exceedingly well dochovaný piece, jewel of every collection, exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
165294 - 1650 CHEB  map town Cheb (Eger), copperplate, with German le
1650 CHEB map town Cheb (Eger), copperplate, with German legendou, author M. Merian, size 36x32cm; very good condition good condition
Starting price: CZK
165293 - 1700-1707 BRNO  map obléhání town Brno Švédy in 1645 af
1700-1707 BRNO map obléhání town Brno Švédy in 1645 after/behind Třicetileté war, copperplate with German text and legendou, details trenches and fort Špilberk; author M. Merian, in passe-partout, size 41x31cm, only small tearing in margin, otherwise perfect condition, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
165778 - 1904-10 [COLLECTIONS]  MORAVY A SLEZSKA  part so-called. And
1904-10 [COLLECTIONS] MORAVY A SLEZSKA part so-called. Andrees neuer algemeiner and österr.-ungar. Handatlas, scale 1:750.000, size 58x44cm, folded, only small fold, otherwise very good condition + Map March of Moravia and Vévodství slezského for cestující, tourists, cyclist etc.., issued A. Hynek - folded, tearing, underglued; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
165296 - 1580-90 Cosmographia Sebastiana Münstera: John Huss and Jer
1580-90 Cosmographia Sebastiana Münstera: John Huss and Jeroným Prague, side from slavné book/-s heidlberského učence, the first German written kosmografie describing world; extraordinary offer, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
165765 - 1849 HOLOMOUCKÉ NEWSPAPERS  part year 1849, number 4-39, (w
1849 HOLOMOUCKÉ NEWSPAPERS part year 1849, number 4-39, (without 31 and 32, 38), bounded in book, interesting information in/at hictorical kontextu porevoluční situation in/at monarchii; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
165017 - 1921 Přihláška to přesídlení vystěhovaleckým by trai
1921 Přihláška to přesídlení vystěhovaleckým by train from Wien (Vienna) to Znojmo, issued Podpůrným oddělením CZECHOSL. embassy in Vienna, fold
Starting price: CZK
162296 - 1861 VÁCLAV HANKA (1791-1861), writer, jazykovědec, transl
1861 VÁCLAV HANKA (1791-1861), writer, jazykovědec, translator, knihovník, known as padělatel Rukopisů (královédvorský, zelenohorský and other), obituary notice Muzea of Kingdom of Bohemia; very interesting, small tearing in margins, else preserved
Starting price: CZK

Public auction 43 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.