Public auction 43 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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163400 -  Pof.140, 125h blue, types I + II + Pof.140a, 125h ultramari
Pof.140, 125h blue, types I + II + Pof.140a, 125h ultramarine, types I + II..; lightly hinged, Pof.140a type II exp. by Mrnak
Starting price: CZK
163403 -  Pof.141, 142, value 500h 2x significant shade + value 1000h
Pof.141, 142, value 500h 2x significant shade + value 1000h 3x various shade, only 1 pcs of light hinged
Starting price: CZK
163401 -  Pof.140N, value 125h without perf, 2 pcs of, blue and ultra
Pof.140N, value 125h without perf, 2 pcs of, blue and ultramarine color, lightly hinged, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
163402 -  Pof.141N, value 500h without perf, wide margins, exp. by Mr
Pof.141N, value 500h without perf, wide margins, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 900CZK
Starting price: CZK
163397 -  Pof.141N, value 500h, corner piece without perf, incomplete
Pof.141N, value 500h, corner piece without perf, incomplete-printing barevného background print in margin; decorative
Starting price: CZK
163399 -  Pof.142N, value 1000h, vertical pair with lower margin, wid
Pof.142N, value 1000h, vertical pair with lower margin, wide margins, small hint on margin, ex. Karásek
Starting price: CZK
163405 -  Pof.140 plate variety, value 125h, short the bottom bar 2,
Pof.140 plate variety, value 125h, short the bottom bar "2", pos. 80, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
163413 -  Pof.141 RT + 142 plate variety, value 500h with retouch on
Pof.141 RT + 142 plate variety, value 500h with retouch on pos. 42, plate 1 - improved/repaired shading and oblique line + value 1000h with plate variety "rose in hair", pos. 81, plate 1; light hints of unstuck labels
Starting price: CZK
163404 -  Pof.142 plate variety, value 1000h, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. w
Pof.142 plate variety, value 1000h, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. with plate variety "rose in hair", various pos., 3x mint never hinged, c.v.. 2.650Kč
Starting price: CZK
163411 -  Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h with double vertic
Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h with double vertical perf, combination types, small hint
Starting price: CZK
163414 -  Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, L the bottom corn
Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, L the bottom corner blk-of-8 with double oblique horiz. perf between stamp. + 3x types combination, superb, ex Karásek, see. Monograph 2, page. 160, rare and decorative block!
Starting price: CZK
163415 -  Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, LR corner blk-of-
Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, LR corner blk-of-8 with double oblique horiz. perf between stamp. and double vertical perf in R margin + 4x types combination, superb, ex Karásek, see. Monograph 2, page. 160, rare and decorative block!
Starting price: CZK
163416 -  Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, UR corner blk-of-
Pof.140 ST + production flaw, value 125h, UR corner blk-of-10 with significant double paper crease in paper + 3x types combination; povolená perf between upper pair stamp.
Starting price: CZK
163398 -  Pof.140 production flaw, 2 pcs of with partial machine offs
Pof.140 production flaw, 2 pcs of with partial machine offsets + 1x str-of-3 with joined types and with partial green offset
Starting price: CZK
163410 -  Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, pair with once stamp.
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, pair with once stamp. with significant oblique paper crease
Starting price: CZK
163084 -  Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, block of 6 with slepou
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, block of 6 with slepou horiz. perf; only two upper stamp. light hinged
Starting price: CZK
163412 -  Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, marginal block-of-4 wi
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, marginal block-of-4 with omitted perf at top and between stamp., unstuck hinge by/on/at upper stamps in margin., ex Karásek, see. Monograph 2, page. 159
Starting price: CZK
163409 -  Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, marginal piece with ob
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h, marginal piece with oblique significant paper crease
Starting price: CZK
163406 -  Pof.140-142, 3 used stamp., value 125h with significant pap
Pof.140-142, 3 used stamp., value 125h with significant paper crease, value 500h with retouch shading oval, 1000h with plate variety "rose in hair", c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
163088 -  Pof.141 production flaw, value 500h with R margin and doubl
Pof.141 production flaw, value 500h with R margin and double vertical perf through/over picture stamp.
Starting price: CZK
163080 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, letterprint joined printing 10 st
PLATE PROOF values 125h, letterprint joined printing 10 stamp. on paper with gum in red color; on gum hints after sticking
Starting price: CZK
163392 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, Pofis. 140, 3 pcs of, letterprint
PLATE PROOF values 125h, Pofis. 140, 3 pcs of, letterprint in black color on chalky paper, I. + type II + mirror picture
Starting price: CZK
163391 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, Pofis. 140, 4 pcs of, letterprint
PLATE PROOF values 125h, Pofis. 140, 4 pcs of, letterprint on/for white chalky paper, in/at blue, 2x utramarínové and in red color
Starting price: CZK
163390 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, Pof.140, 3 pcs of, letterprint on
PLATE PROOF values 125h, Pof.140, 3 pcs of, letterprint on stamp paper with gum, in/at green, olive and violet color
Starting price: CZK
163395 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, Pof.140, block of four in black c
PLATE PROOF values 125h, Pof.140, block of four in black color on chalky paper, 1x types combination
Starting price: CZK
163396 -  PLATE PROOF  values 125h, Pof.140, corner blk-of-4 in light
PLATE PROOF values 125h, Pof.140, corner blk-of-4 in light blue color on stamp paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
163386 -  trial print 125h, Pof.140, letterprint print blk-of-25 with
trial print 125h, Pof.140, letterprint print blk-of-25 without inscription engraver E. Carl, in black color on chalky paper, unfinished margins, print complete auxiliary folder to production 100 pcs of sheet, contains 6 pcs of ST; several tearing in margin, 2x abrupt corner, exp. by Karasek., ex Karásek; very rare occurrence (!), similar piece from exhibit Hanacek sold in Public auction 38 for 68.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
163393 -  PLATE PROOF  values 500h, Pof.141, total 4 pcs of from that
PLATE PROOF values 500h, Pof.141, total 4 pcs of from that 3 pcs of on chalky paper, 1x in gray color, 2x in black color from that 1x double impression, 1x print on/for greyish paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
163394 -  PLATE PROOF  values 1000h, Pof.142, 2 pcs of on chalky pape
PLATE PROOF values 1000h, Pof.142, 2 pcs of on chalky paper, 1x in brown color with browny background print, 1x in black color
Starting price: CZK
163385 - 142 PLATE PROOF  values 1000h, Pof.142, recess printing as b
142 PLATE PROOF values 1000h, Pof.142, recess printing as blk-of-4 - MS arrangement, in/at green color on stamp paper with gum, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
163087 -  PLATE PROOF  values 1000h, block of four with wide margin,
PLATE PROOF values 1000h, block of four with wide margin, recess printing in dark blue color on stamp paper with gum, superb, expert Benes
Starting price: CZK
163384 -  PLATE PROOF  value 1000h, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - rec
PLATE PROOF value 1000h, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - recess printing, in/at orange, violet and black color on stamp paper with gum, 1 pcs of **
Starting price: CZK
163086 -  TCP unissued value 50h, small format, small numeral value,
TCP unissued value 50h, small format, small numeral value, recess printing, corner blk-of-4 in green color with control-numbers on stamp paper with gum, from prepared sheets of 100 stamps
Starting price: CZK
163346 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h normal format, gravure pri
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h normal format, gravure printing maculature joined printing black, blue, yellow and red color on common paper without gum + maculature print values 1000h and 500h on common paper
Starting price: CZK
163085 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h, big numerals, str-of-4 kn
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, str-of-4 knihtiskového imprint printing block small format 19x26,5mm, in dark blue color on stamp paper with gum; lightly hinged in/at upper corners
Starting price: CZK
163345 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h in big format 50x70mm, in
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h in big format 50x70mm, in black color, die proof with signature M. Švabinský on/for greyish paper size 120x184 mm, hinged + horiz. fold
Starting price: CZK
163371 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h, letterprint print unfinis
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, letterprint print unfinished printing block format 22x30mm, in red color on stamp paper with gum format 66x120mm; superb, ex. Karásek, see Monograph 2, str.171
Starting price: CZK
163347 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h, big numerals, letterprint
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, letterprint print unfinished printing block small format 19x26,5mm, in/at green color on chalky paper format 83x88mm, 2x lightly hinged, without folds, ex. Karásek, see Monograph 2, str.172
Starting price: CZK
163374 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 50h, big numerals, comp. 5 pcs
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, comp. 5 pcs of typography PLATE PROOF on white paper with gum in various colors; superb, ex. Karásek
Starting price: CZK
163373 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 1200h, blk-of-12, dohotovený
PLATE PROOF unissued values 1200h, blk-of-12, dohotovený cliché in blue color on chalky paper, superb condition (!), photo-certificate Karasek, ex. Karásek, see. Monograph 2, str.168, quite exceptional block missing also in/at greatest collections!
Starting price: CZK
163372 -  TCP unissued values 1200h, unfinidhed cliché, whole printi
TCP unissued values 1200h, unfinidhed cliché, whole printing sheet with joined printing 18 stamps in blue color on stamp paper with gum; very good condition without folds, only lightly hinged in corners sheet, ex. Karásek, 18-známkový joined printing belongs to very rare!; similar piece at sale of exhibit Hanacek sold in Public auction 38 for 39.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
163379 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, blk-of-10 with zrcadlov
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, blk-of-10 with zrcadlovým (!) picture, basis for print ofsetem, in black color on chalky paper (imprinted on reverse), unfinidhed cliché, size 171x113mm, photo-certificate Karasek, ex Karásek, see. Monograph 2, page. 167, Rarities page. 139; quite rare PLATE PROOF with zrcadlovým picture missing also in big collections!
Starting price: CZK
163382 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, die-stamping  - vystupu
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, die-stamping - vystupující relief color, 2 pcs of, in red and brown color on stamp paper with gum, lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
163383 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, die-stamping  - vystupu
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, die-stamping - vystupující relief color, 2 pcs of, in/at brown and black color on paper without gum, 1x cardboard paper, 1x exp. by Mrnak
Starting price: CZK
163381 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, die-stamping  - vystupu
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, die-stamping - vystupující relief color, in black color on/for greeny stamp. paper with gum, lightly hinged
Starting price: CZK
163380 -  PLATE PROOF  unissued values 2000h, die-stamping , wide num
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, die-stamping , wide numeral value, in red color on/for stronger paper without gum, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
163387 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof in/at grey-blue color, else/yet wi
PLATE PROOF plate proof in/at grey-blue color, else/yet without numeral value, pair on brownish paper without gum
Starting price: CZK
163388 -  PLATE PROOF  without value, 2 pcs of in black color, 1x on
PLATE PROOF without value, 2 pcs of in black color, 1x on carton paper, 1x on chalky paper
Starting price: CZK
163389 -  PLATE PROOF  without value, 3 pcs of on stamp paper with gu
PLATE PROOF without value, 3 pcs of on stamp paper with gum, in blue color, utramarín and grey color on greeny paper, light hint, exp. 1x Gilbert, 1x Karasek
Starting price: CZK
163089 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing 14 pcs of designes 4 various i
PLATE PROOF joined printing 14 pcs of designes 4 various issues, so-called. II. competition, in violet color, complete printing sheet with size 256x122 mm, on stamp paper with gum, major-part extant printing sheet is cut; mint never hinged, only light folds in horiz. margins, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
163375 -  PLATE PROOF  gravure printing joined printing values 1000h
PLATE PROOF gravure printing joined printing values 1000h as blk-of-4 in violet color + block of four designes on/for Legionaire stamp. + part stamp. issue Chainbreaker 25h with year, stamp paper with gum, so-called. II. competition, superb, exp. by Karasek., ex. Karásek
Starting price: CZK
163377 -  PLATE PROOF  joined printing 10 copy-print designes in viol
PLATE PROOF joined printing 10 copy-print designes in violet color, so-called. II. competition, from that 2x T. G. Masaryk value 1000h and str-of-3 values 50h small format + 1x issue Chainbreaker 25h with year, all unfinished margins, on chalky paper; nice nezastřižený piece, only several hints of labels, ex. Karásek, sought by specialists!
Starting price: CZK
163420 - 1920-21 6 cuts of parcel cards with mixed frankings of stamp
1920-21 6 cuts of parcel cards with mixed frankings of stamps T. G. Masaryk 500h and 1000h, Pof.141, 142, from that 3x pair 500h and 2x single stamps 1000h; good condition, various CDS
Starting price: CZK
163418 - 1921 letter addressed to to Austria, with 125h, Pof.140 plat
1921 letter addressed to to Austria, with 125h, Pof.140 plate variety with shorter the bottom bar numeral(s) "2", pos. 80, plate 2, MC PRAGUE 13.IX.21; missing back flap, exp. by Karasek., rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
163079 - 1921 Pof.140ST, parcel dispatch card segment franked with. f
1921 Pof.140ST, parcel dispatch card segment franked with. from both sides 8-tuple franking stamp. 125h from that 3x ST in horiz. pairs, CDS ŽATEC 7.V.21; good condition
Starting price: CZK
163422 - 1921 Reg letter to Austria, franked with. pair stamp. 125h,
1921 Reg letter to Austria, franked with. pair stamp. 125h, Pof.140 ST, combination types + production defect - vertical crease over one stamp., CDS BÍLOVEC 3.VIII.21; good condition, definitely interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
163417 - 1921 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. i.a. pair st
1921 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 125h, Pof.140 plate variety + ST, with shorter the bottom bar numeral(s) "2", pos. 80, plate 2, as well combination types, on reverse other pair values 125h + pair issue Chainbreaker 50h red, CDS BRUNTÁL 1/ 9.V.21, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
163421 - 1920-21 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts parcel cards with 500h a
1920-21 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts parcel cards with 500h and 1x simple franking with stamp. 1000h, supplemented with commercial letter adresovaným to Germany, with 125h type II., exp. by Karasek.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
163427 -  Pof.172 plate variety, value 125h + 25h with plate variety
Pof.172 plate variety, value 125h + 25h with plate variety short bar numeral(s) "2", type II., pos. 80, plate 1; c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
163429 -  Pof.172 production flaw, value 125h + 25h with significant
Pof.172 production flaw, value 125h + 25h with significant oblique paper crease
Starting price: CZK