Pof.172 DV+ ST, value 125h + 25h in/at marginal block of four with plate variety short bar numeral(s) "2" pos. 80, plate 1 + combination types; lightly hinged in upper pair outside plate variety and ST, only very light bend
Pof.172 production flaw + ST, value 125h + 25h, block of four with incomplete offset basic stamp. and two joined types; very lightly hinged in upper pair
Pof.SO24N, SO25N, T. G. Masaryk 500 and 1000h in/at imperforate pairs, hints + value 500h fold over both stamp. - viewing of quality recommended, exp. by Mrnak., Šula, c.v.. 28.000CZK, rare occurrence!
Pof.SO24 RT, T. G. Masaryk 500h with retouch shading and oblique line, pos. 42, plate 1, photo-certificate Karasek, c.v.. 30.000CZK, very rare piece, printing only 50 sheets!
Pof.SO25 plate variety, T. G. Masaryk 1000h with plate flaw "rose in hair", pos. 81, plate 1, small hint, exp. and marked Gilbert, c.v.. 40.000CZK, very rare piece, printing only 50 sheets!
PLATE PROOF T. G. Masaryk values 500h and 1000h in original colors on brownish paper without gum, exp. by Sula., viewing of quality recommended - very light yellowy stains, c.v.. 2.000CZK
PLATE PROOF T. G. Masaryk values 500h and 1000h in original colors on/for lightly greeny paper without gum, exp. by Sula., viewing of quality recommended - very light yellowy stains, c.v.. 2.000CZK
PLATE PROOF T. G. Masaryk 1000h, pair plate proofs in black color on white paper, with trial printing overprint SO1920 (overprint) in black color, 1x in/at the bottom and 1x in/at upper position; very interesting, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, rare occurrence!
1923 Pof.178N, Jubilee, unissued value 200h blue without perf, wide margins, mounted on carton paper - originates from ministerial gift album/-s, exp. by Karasek
1925PLATE PROOF Gravure, so-called. "Americký plate proof", master die without value with odlišnou printings, in brown color, white paper without watermark, size 102x114 mm; photo-certificate Karasek, nepochybně belongs to between rarest plate proofs by/on/at Czechosl. stamps!
1923 PLATE PROOF Jubilee, value 200h violet, print original gravure with small year on white paper with gum without watermark, MS arrangement, size 49x53 mm, exp. by Karasek
1923 PLATE PROOF Jubilee, value 200h brown, print original gravure with small year on white paper without gum with wmk P6, MS arrangement, size 59x73 mm, exp. by Gilbert
1923PLATE PROOF Jubilee, value 200h without year in/at green color, MS arrangement, size 49x52mm, line perforation 11½;, white paper without gum and wmk; sought by specialists!, exp. by Karasek
1925 PLATE PROOF Gravure, master die only picture T. G. Masaryk without frame, in dark violet color on stamp paper with gum, without watermark, size 55x55 mm; interesting!, folds in margins, exp. by Kvasnicka., Karasek
1923 Jubilee, forgeries to defraud the collectors, Pof.176-179, complete set forgeries, gum with napodobeným monogram lighter color, different rougher printing; interesting, rare occurrence
1925Pof.180-182, Olympic Congress, wmk P5-P8, complete set of all 4 wmk in/at unikátních blocks of 6, to on 3 blocks all with L margin; mint never hinged, exp. and marked Karasek, cat. only stamp. in all průsvitkách66.000Kč, quite rare offer quality and kompletnosti!
1926Pof.183-186, VIII. festival, wmk P5-P8, complete set of all wmk in/at unikátních blocks of 6, all with sheet margin, 2x corner pieces; mint never hinged, only value 100h P7 minor gum fault on/for marginal stamp; exp. and marked Karasek, only stamp. in all průsvitkách c.v.. 58.200Kč, rare offer quality and kompletnosti!
1925Pof.187B P8, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, with exceedingly rare horiz. wmk P8 (!), very fine piece, clear CDS; sought stamp, still is known only 7 used exemplářů!!, exp. by Mrnak., Be, c.v.. 70.000CZK
1925 Pof.187A production flaw, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, vertical pair with omitted perf in lower margin, wmk P4, lower stamp. mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
1925 Pof.188N, Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h green, imperforated pair with offset green color on/for complete back area, with zvýrazněnou wmk wmk P3; interesting, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
1925 PLATE PROOF Neotypie (gravure-print), values 40, 50 and 60h in blocks of four, in original colors, recess printing on yellowy paper without gum, with L or R margin, value 50h with rozměřovacím cross in margin
1925 Pof.190A I P2, Gravure 1CZK red, type I., vertical wmk P2, 6-blok(!) with R margin, hinged only on/for upper middle stamp., small production gum skips; exp. Hefer, Karasek, c.v.. 16.700CZK, rare multiblock with vertical wmk!
1925 Pof.190A I P4, Gravure 1CZK red, type I., vertical wmk P4, UR block of four with print upevňovacího screw; exp. Hefer, Karasek, c.v.. 12.000CZK, decorative block!
1925 Pof.191A I P2, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I., vertical wmk P2, LR corner piece with plate number "6", production flaw - oblique wrinkle in paper; interesting, photo-certificate Karásek, c.v.. 11.000CZK
1925 Pof.191A I P3, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I with vertical wmk P3, corner blk-of-4 with plate number "4", povolená part vertical perf only in upper margin; photo-certificate Karásek, c.v.. 28.000CZK, rare and rare block of four with plate number
1925 Pof.191A I P4, Gravure 2CZK blue, type I with vertical wmk P4, corner blk-of-4 with plate number "5"; sought by specialists, exp. by Hirsch., c.v.. 24.000CZK
1925Pof.192AN, Gravure 3CZK brown, type I with vertical wmk P2, unissued perf line perforation 12¼; (!), ministry or proof perf; exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 40.000CZK, very rare stamp - quite rare occurrence!
1925 Pof.195 II P1, Gravure 2CZK with rare vertical wmk P1 (!); reprováno tearing, after all interesting piece, we advice viewings, photo-certificate Karasek, c.v.. 25.000CZK
1925Pof.195 II P4, Gravure 2CZK, pair with rare vertical wmk P4 (!); very fine piece, ex Karásek, see picture Rarities page. 89, photo-certificate Karasek, c.v.. 100.000CZK, it is one from most precious pieces, still is known only this sole pair!!
1925 Pof.196 II, 199 IV, Gravure 3CZK brown, corner blk-of-10, type II., P6 with production flaw - omitted perf. holes in vertical lines + 1CZK red, IV. type, P8 with omitted perforation hole in R margin, c.v.. 2.500CZK