Public auction 43 / Philately / Asia / South Asia / Ceylon

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150065 - 1857-1859 SG.8, 9P lilac brown, imperforated, wmk star, heav
1857-1859 SG.8, 9P lilac brown, imperforated, wmk star, heavier pmk; exceedingly wide margins !, rather rare stamp £900
Starting price: CZK
165216 - 1863-1866 SG.49, 50 (2x), Victoria 1P and 2P, 2x on cut-squa
1863-1866 SG.49, 50 (2x), Victoria 1P and 2P, 2x on cut-square with black lined cancel; perfect quality, already two-colour franking are quite rare
Starting price: CZK
163688 - 1867-1870 SG.66, Victoria 5P yellow-olive, block of four; se
1867-1870 SG.66, Victoria 5P yellow-olive, block of four; severalstains on original gum, otherwise perfect quality, cat. as single £600, strips and blocks are very rare
Starting price: CZK
163689 - 1867-1870 SG.69b, 9P black-brown, block of four; perfect qua
1867-1870 SG.69b, 9P black-brown, block of four; perfect quality, strips and blocks are very rare
Starting price: CZK
162190 - 1883-98 SG.152, Queen Victoria 24C brown / purpur, inissued
1883-98 SG.152, Queen Victoria 24C brown / purpur, inissued !, ready to be used, but withdrawn, very nice piece, cat. £1.600, this stamp missing in most collections!
Starting price: CZK
162683 - 1899-1900 SG.256-264, Victoria, complete set of 9, 2c - 2.25
1899-1900 SG.256-264, Victoria, complete set of 9, 2c - 2.25R, only value 6c with oblique fold, cat. £95
Starting price: CZK
162684 - 1903 SG.265-276, Edward VII., complete set of 12 values with
1903 SG.265-276, Edward VII., complete set of 12 values with wmk Crown CA, cat. £180
Starting price: CZK
164961 - 1877 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.131, Victoria 64C, trial
1877 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.131, Victoria 64C, trial printing gravure on glaze carton paper in souvenir sheet form 92x60mm, with cancels "BEFORE HARDENING" and "Apr. 13 1877"; perfect quality and rare offer, with cancel "before hardening" exists always only one TCP from each value!
Starting price: CZK
164962 - 1878 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.141, Victoria 64C, trial
1878 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.141, Victoria 64C, trial printing gravure on glaze carton paper in souvenir sheet form 92x60mm, with cancels "BEFORE HARDENING" and "Nov 27 1878"; signs of age, still good quality without folds, rare offer, with cancel "before hardening" exists always only one TCP from each value!
Starting price: CZK
151973 - 1866 2x heavier letter to Scotland (Linlithgow), double 10 P
1866 2x heavier letter to Scotland (Linlithgow), double 10 Penny franking, sent through Marseilles, with 2x SG.58, pair 10P bricky red, black linear cancel, CDS COLOMBO PAID, arrival LINLITHGOW; very nice quality, rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
151967 - 1866 letter to England (Kent), 10 penny franking through/ove
1866 letter to England (Kent), 10 penny franking through/over Marseilles, franked. 2x SG.22, 5P yellow-brown, light linear pmk, CDS HAMBANTOTTE PAID, arrival LONDON and MAIDSTONE; extraordinary quality perf stmp, very nice letter, rarer snížený rate valid only in/at krátkém period!
Starting price: CZK
151968 - 1868 letter to England (Warwickshire), 13 penny franking thr
1868 letter to England (Warwickshire), 13 penny franking through/over Marseilles, mixed franking 2 issues!, SG.35, 49, 1Sh violet wmk "star" and 1P blue perf 12½;, wmk CC, pmk "B", ceylonská CDS KANDY PAID, GALLE PAID, arrival LEAMINGTON; very nice and attractive letter
Starting price: CZK
151971 - 1871 letter to England (Slough), 9 penny franking via Southa
1871 letter to England (Slough), 9 penny franking via Southampton, with SG.69b, 9P black-brown, pmk "A", CDS COLOMBO, arrival SLOUGH; very nice letter with original content
Starting price: CZK
165437 - 1865-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of mainly used stamps in stoc
1865-1970 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of mainly used stamps in stockbook A4, contains mainly classic stamps, issues Victoria, Edward VII., George V., George VI.; various quality
Starting price: CZK