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1857-1859 SG.8, 9P lilac brown, imperforated, wmk star, heavier pmk; exceedingly wide margins !, rather rare stamp £900 U:A5
1863-1866 SG.49, 50 (2x), Victoria 1P and 2P, 2x on cut-square with black lined cancel; perfect quality, already two-colour franking are quite rare U:A5
1867-1870 SG.66, Victoria 5P yellow-olive, block of four; severalstains on original gum, otherwise perfect quality, cat. as single £600, strips and blocks are very rare U:A5
1867-1870 SG.69b, 9P black-brown, block of four; perfect quality, strips and blocks are very rare U:A5
1883-98 SG.152, Queen Victoria 24C brown / purpur, inissued !, ready to be used, but withdrawn, very nice piece, cat. £1.600, this stamp missing in most collections! U:A5
1899-1900 SG.256-264, Victoria, complete set of 9, 2c - 2.25R, only value 6c with oblique fold, cat. £95 U:A5
1903 SG.265-276, Edward VII., complete set of 12 values with wmk Crown CA, cat. £180 U:A5
1877 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.131, Victoria 64C, trial printing gravure on glaze carton paper in souvenir sheet form 92x60mm, with cancels "BEFORE HARDENING" and "Apr. 13 1877"; perfect quality and rare offer, with cancel "before hardening" exists always only one TCP from each value! U:DR
1878 TCP printery De La Rue for SG.141, Victoria 64C, trial printing gravure on glaze carton paper in souvenir sheet form 92x60mm, with cancels "BEFORE HARDENING" and "Nov 27 1878"; signs of age, still good quality without folds, rare offer, with cancel "before hardening" exists always only one TCP from each value! U:A5
1866 2x heavier letter to Scotland (Linlithgow), double 10 Penny franking, sent through Marseilles, with 2x SG.58, pair 10P bricky red, black linear cancel, CDS COLOMBO PAID, arrival LINLITHGOW; very nice quality, rare franking! U:DR
1866 letter to England (Kent), 10 penny franking through/over Marseilles, franked. 2x SG.22, 5P yellow-brown, light linear pmk, CDS HAMBANTOTTE PAID, arrival LONDON and MAIDSTONE; extraordinary quality perf stmp, very nice letter, rarer snížený rate valid only in/at krátkém period! U:DR
1868 letter to England (Warwickshire), 13 penny franking through/over Marseilles, mixed franking 2 issues!, SG.35, 49, 1Sh violet wmk "star" and 1P blue perf 12½;, wmk CC, pmk "B", ceylonská CDS KANDY PAID, GALLE PAID, arrival LEAMINGTON; very nice and attractive letter U:DR
1871 letter to England (Slough), 9 penny franking via Southampton, with SG.69b, 9P black-brown, pmk "A", CDS COLOMBO, arrival SLOUGH; very nice letter with original content
1865-1970 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of mainly used stamps in stockbook A4, contains mainly classic stamps, issues Victoria, Edward VII., George V., George VI.; various quality U:Z